School of Computing
Module Title and Code
Discrete Mathematics and Functional Programming (M21274)
Dr. Matthew Poole
Assessment Item number
Assessment Title
Functional Programming Coursework
Date Issued
Schedule and Deliverables
Deadline / Date
Late deadline ECF deadline
75% of item
A zip file containing a single Haskell (.hs) file and a cities.txt file.
2023-04-28 11pm
2023-05-15 11pm
25% of item
Sign-offs for worksheets
In practical classes through the teaching block
Notes and Advice
● The Extenuating Circumstances procedure is there to support you if you have had any circumstances (problems) that have been serious or significant enough to prevent you from attending, completing or submitting an assessment on time. If you complete an Extenuating Circumstances Form (ECF) for this assessment, it is important that you use the correct module code, item number and deadline (not the late deadline) given above.
● ASDAC are available to any students who disclose a disability or require additional support for their academic studies with a good set of resources on the ASDAC moodle site
● The University takes any form of academic misconduct (such as plagiarism or cheating) seriously, so please make sure your work is your own. Please ensure you adhere to our Student Conduct Policy and watch the video on Plagiarism.
● Any material included in your coursework should be fully cited and referenced in APA 7 format. Detailed advice on referencing is available from the library, also see TECFAC 08 Plagiarism.
● Any material submitted that does not meet format or submission guidelines, or falls outside of the submission deadline could be subject to a cap on your overall result or disqualification entirely.
● If you need additional assistance, you can ask your personal tutor, student engagement officer academic tutor or your lecturers.
● If you are concerned about your mental well-being, please contact our Well-being service
Computer Science Tutoring
M21274 – MATHFUN
Discrete Mathematics and Functional Programming
Functional Programming Assignment 2022/23 Introduction
This assignment aims to give you practice in using the constructs and techniques covered in the functional programming lectures and practicals by developing a complete Haskell program. This work will be marked out of 75 and carries 30% of the module’s marks (it is 75% of Item 1; the remaining 25% is allocated to the in-class worksheet signoffs).
You need to submit your program via the module’s Moodle site by the deadline of 11pm, Friday 28th April 2023 and are required to demonstrate your program in a practical class between 2nd and 12th May. You will need to sign up for a demonstration time on a Google spreadsheet, the link for which will be distributed via email. All marks will be allocated in the demonstrations, so you must attend. If you miss your demonstration, it is your respon- sibility to arrange an alternative demonstration with me; all late demonstrations must have been completed by Friday 19th May. Feedback and the mark for this assignment will be returned to you via email immediately after your demonstration.
Your task is to write a program in Haskell for querying and updating population figures for a list of major European cities. Each city has a name, a location expressed in degrees north and degrees east, and a list of metropolitan area population figures expressed in thousands of inhabitants: the first value in the list is the current population, the second is the population a year ago, the third is the population two years ago, etc. The list of cities is kept in alphabetical order. You can assume that the population lists all have the same length and the length is at least two.
Core functionality [42 marks]
The program should include pure functional (i.e. non-I/O) code that performs the following items of functionality:
i. Return a list of the names of all the cities
ii. Given a city name and a number, return the population of the city that number of
years ago (or “no data” if no such record exists); the returned value should be a string representing the population in millions to 3 decimal places with an ‘m’ suffix (e.g. “5.123m”)
iii. Return all the data as a single string which, when output using putStr, will display the data formatted neatly into five columns giving the name, location (degrees N & E), this year’s population and last year’s population. (The populations should be formatted as for (ii).)
iv. Update the data with a list of new (i.e. this year’s) population figures (one value for each city); this should increase the length of each city’s population list so that what was the current figure now becomes last year’s figure, and so on.
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v. Add a new city (with a name and coordinates, and a population list of length equal to those of the other cities) to the list, preserving its alphabetical ordering.
vi. For a given city name, return a list of annual population growth figures (in thousands) for that city (i.e., the result list should begin with the increase from last year’s figure to this year’s; the second value should give the increase from two years ago to last year, etc.). (The list will include negative values for shrinking populations.)
vii. Given a location and a number, return the name of the closest city with a population bigger than the number, or “no city” if there are no such cities; use Pythagoras’ theorem to calculate the distance between locations (i.e. assume the world is flat!)
Each item is worth 6 marks. You should begin by developing purely functional code to cover this core functionality, and then add to this the functions/actions that will output a population map and which comprise the program’s user interface (see below).
I recommend that you attempt the above items in order – the first few should be easier than those at the end. If you can’t complete all seven items of functionality, try to ensure that those parts that you have attempted are correct and as well-written as possible.
Starting point
Begin by copying and renaming the template.hs file from Moodle; your code should be developed within this file. Your first task will be to decide on a data representation City for individual cities and their location and population data. The list of city data will then be of type [City]. Now, for example, the functions to perform items (iii) and (iv) above might have the types:
citiesToString :: [City] -> String
updatePopulations :: [City] -> [Int] -> [City]
wherecitiesToString citiesgivesawellformattedstringversionofthecitiesdata,and updatePopulations cities newPopulations gives a modified version of the cities data which includes the newPopulations data. You may find it useful to define a few additional “helper” functions to aid in the writing of the program. You may also find functions in the Data.List and Text.Printf modules useful.
City data. There is a file data.txt containing the data on Moodle. Your program is not required to process this file directly. Instead, you should copy and edit the data so that it is a valid value of type [City] given your particular City type definition. Include it in your program file as follows:
testData :: [City]
testData = [ … the 10 city values … ]
to allow for easy testing as you develop the program’s functionality. It is this data that we will use to test your program, so it is important that you include it fully and accurately. We will use a demo function (the structure of which is supplied in the template.hs program). You should replace all the text in this function by corresponding Haskell expressions (this has essentially been done for you for demo 3). We will execute demo 1, demo 2 etc. to assess your program’s functionality. Running demo 8 should show your city map. Make sure that the demo function can be used to illustrate all implemented functionality, or you will lose marks.
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City map [8 marks]
Your program should also allow the user to plot a map of all the cities with their current population figures. Your code should assume that the terminal (shell) window is 80 char- acters wide and 50 lines long, and should plot, as neatly as possible, the location of each city with a ‘+’ together with its name and current population figure (formatted as for (ii) above) so that the map makes good use of the space available. You should use the functions provided in the template.hs file to help draw the map (see below). (You can assume that any newly added city will be in Europe, and you do not need to worry that new cities might clash with existing ones.)
User Interface and File I/O [15 marks]
Your program should provide a textual menu-based user interface to the above functionality, using the I/O facilities provided by Haskell. The user interface should be as robust as pos- sible (it should behave appropriately given invalid input) and for those functions that give results, the display of these results should be well formatted.
Your program should include a main function (of type IO ()) that provides a single starting point for its execution. When the program begins, the list should be loaded from a cities.txt file, and all the cities’ names should be displayed (i.e. operation (i) performed). Your program should then present the menu for the first time giving 9 options (for items (i)-(vii), to draw the map, and to exit the program).
Only when the user chooses to exit the program should the list be written back to the cities.txt file (at no other times should files be used). Saving and loading can be imple- mented in a straightforward manner using the writeFile and readFile functions together with show and read (which convert data to and from strings). It is important that your cities.txt file is in the same folder as your Haskell program and your program refers to the file by its name only (not its full path). This will ensure that your program will work when we run your program on a different account/machine. If your program fails to open your cities.txt file you will lose marks.
Code quality [10 marks]
We will award marks based on your code’s completeness, readability and use of functional constructs. Good use of powerful functional programming concepts (e.g. higher-order func- tions and/or list comprehensions) to achieve concise readable code will be rewarded. (Note that the code for the user interface and file I/O will not be assessed for quality.)
Moodle submission
You should submit a zip file containing your Haskell program and cities.txt file via the mod- ule’s Moodle site (Item 1 – Functional Programming Assignment Dropbox in the Assessments tab) by the deadline specified above. Make sure that your program file is named using your student number, and that it has a .hs suffix; for example, 123456.hs. If you have not at- tempted loading/saving you can just upload your Haskell program without zipping it.
Make sure that your testData value and your submitted cities.txt file include an exact copy of the supplied data to allow us to test the program’s correctness. If your program gives
unexpected results due to incorrect data you will lose marks.
We will begin the demonstration by executing your demo function for each item of function- ality, although we may edit the function first in order to change some of the tested values. Make sure that your testData value includes an exact copy of the supplied data, and your demo function uses the test values given in template.hs, to allow us to test the program’s correctness. If your program gives unexpected results due to incorrect data you will lose marks. We will then run your main function to test your user interface’s functionality, qual- ity and robustness and to check that saving and loading of data works. Make sure that your cities.txt file includes an exact copy of the supplied data allow us to test this.
You must ensure, therefore, that the functionality of your program can be fully demon- strated by the marker entering the following at the ghci prompt:
and then interacting with the user interface. If the demo function gives an error for one of the items, you will not receive marks for that item, and if running main gives an error you will not receive marks for the user interface.
We may ask you technical questions about your code. You will receive your mark and written feedback via email immediately after your demo. It is your responsibility to notify us if this email is not received.
You can get help with the coursework during practical classes. If you have any questions about the coursework outside class time, please first consult the Functional Programming Assignment FAQ on Moodle before emailing me.
This is individual coursework, and so the work you submit for assessment must be your own. Submitted programs will be automatically and extensively checked for possible plagiarism. Any attempt to pass off somebody else’s work as your own, or unfair collabora- tion, is plagiarism, which is a serious academic offence. Any suspected cases of plagiarism will be dealt with in accordance with University regulations.
Matthew Poole March 2023