ECON60111 Exam

THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER MACROECONOMIC THEORY Semester 1 2022/23 Release Date: 18 January 2023, 2:00 pm Submission Deadline: 20 January 2023, 2:00 pm INSTRUCTIONS SPECIFIC TO THIS EXAM: • Answer ONE question from Section A and TWO questions from Section B. Each section is worth 50 points. • You must submit typed responses. Hand-written responses […]

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MGMTMSA 403 Assignment 3 Predicting Airbnb Prices

MGMTMSA 403: Optimization Assignment 3: Predicting Airbnb Prices Background The file AirbnbTrain.csv contains data on 1700 Airbnb listings in Hollywood, CA. The dataset contains features such as the location (by latitude and longitude), number of guests accomodated, number of beds, and other variables. The dataset also contains the price per night of each Airbnb listing.

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代写 MGMTMSA 403 Optimization Assignment 1 Operating Room Scheduling

MGMTMSA 403: Optimization Assignment 1: Operating Room Scheduling Due on CCLE by 11:59pm on November 21st. Background A hospital has six departments which require access to surgical facilities: General Surgery, Emer- gency, Neuro-surgery, Opthamology, Oral Surgery, and Otolaryngology. Each department currently shares a set of three operating rooms, and is currently allocated the following amount

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FM321 Risk Management and Modelling

London School of Economics and Political Science FM321 – Risk Management and Modelling Department of Finance Course Project 1. General Instructions: Materials Provided: The following materials are provided via the course page on Moodle:  This document with guidelines and instructions; Submission Instructions: All project materials will be submitted through the appropriate links in Moodle.

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CMT112 CW2

Module Code: CMT112 Module Title: Web Application Development Assessment Title: Interactive Website Development Assessment Number: 2 Cardiff School of Computer Science and Informatics Coursework Assessment Pro-forma This assignment is worth 70% of the total marks available for this module. The penalty for late or non-submission is an award of zero marks. Your submission must include

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SEC204 Coursework IA32 Assembly

SEC204 Coursework Computer Architecture and Low Level Programming Aims: To create, interpret and manipulate IA32 assembly code via hardware debugging techniques. To apply reverse engineering techniques to identify main software flaws. To identify relevant countermeasures for main software flaws. Task 1: Create a vulnerable IA32 Assembly program that receives a student name as input and

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代写 SEC204 Coursework Assignment

Module Code: SEC204 Module Title: Computer Architecture and Low Level Programming School: Computing, Electronics and Mathematics Overview This is individual coursework consisting of two tasks: 1. Hack/Unlock the ‘Tower of Hanoi’ game provided. To this end, you must reverse engineer the binary code provided, analyse what it does and extract the appropriate information [70%]. 2.

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