Assignment 1 for Semester 1, 2023
Due date: 3:00 pm (Canberra time) on Friday, 31 March 2023
This assignment is worth 15% of your overall marks for this course.
You must complete this assignment by yourself. If you copy someone else’s work or
allow your work to be copied, you will receive a mark of zero for the assignment and
risk very severe academic consequences.
Your report should be submitted to Turnitin on Wattle as a single pdf document (less
than 25MB), including the following:
1. The assignment cover sheet (available to download from Wattle).
2. Your assignment (a maximum of 10 pages).
3. An appendix including the R codes you used. Failure to upload the R code will
result in a penalty.
When submitting your assignments, please ensure that they are typed. You may
include some edited R output, such as graphs and tables, showing the results of your
data analysis and a discussion of these results. Additionally, you may include carefully
selected code to support your analysis. It is important to be selective about what you
present and only include as many pages and as much R output as necessary to justify
your solution. Please label each part of your report with the corresponding question
number to make it easier for the reader to follow your work.
Unless otherwise advised, use a significance level of 5%. Round numeric answers to 4
decimal places (e.g., 0.0012).
To ensure that your report is concise and meets the expectations of the assignment,
please follow the instructions carefully. Note that marks may be deducted if the
instructions are not strictly followed. Specifically, the report should be no longer than
10 pages, including graphs and tables. However, you may include an appendix in
addition to the 10-page limit. Please note that the appendix will not be assessed but
will be checked only if there is a question about what you have actually done.
Name your report “Course code-Uid”, e.g., “STAT2008-u1234567”.
To avoid any unexpected issues, such as internet connectivity problems, please aim to
submit your assignment at least 15 minutes before the deadline.
Please note that late submissions will NOT be accepted. If you require an extension, it
will be granted on medical or compassionate grounds, provided that appropriate
evidence is produced. However, obtaining the lecturer’s permission for an extension
at least 24 hours before the deadline is essential.
Analysing Used Car Prices with Simple Linear Regression
You have been provided with a dataset containing information on 818 used Toyota cars. The data
includes the year of manufacture (Year), model name (Model), odometer reading in kilometres
(Odometer), transmission type (Transmission), power type (Power), and the asking price in $AUD for
each car (AskPrice). Your goal is to use simple linear regression to analyze the data and answer the
following questions:
1. Is a seller asking a reasonable price for the car?
2. Is the seller asking a lower price than the market price for the car?
3. Is the seller asking a higher price than the market price for the car?
Therefore, we will be using the asking price of a vehicle as the response variable and the odometer
reading and the year it was manufactured as the predictor variables in this assignment.
To complete the assignment, you need to perform the following tasks:
(a) [5 marks] Exploring the predictor variable, Odometer, through appropriate graphic diagnostics
and descriptive statistics can assist in identifying any outliers in the variable and provide
insight into the range of validity for the regression analysis based on the concentration and
range of the variable levels. Explore the predictor variables, Odometer and Year, one at a time,
using appropriate graphical diagnostics and descriptive statistics. Based on your analysis, what
conclusions can you draw about these variables?
(b) [5 marks] Diagnostic plots for the response variable are usually not very informative in
regression analysis because the values of the response variable are influenced by the predictor
variable, making it challenging to evaluate the goodness of fit of the regression model by
examining the response variable directly on itself. Nonetheless, exploring the response
variable can still yield useful insights, particularly in identifying outliers or anomalies. Explore
the response variable, AskPrice, using appropriate graphic diagnostics and descriptive
statistics. Based on your analysis, what conclusions can you draw?
(c) [5 marks] Perform an exploratory data analysis to assess the correlation between the two
variables, AskPrice and Odometer. Based on your prior knowledge or assumptions, what was
your expectation regarding the relationship between the two variables? Does the observed
relationship match your expectation?
(d) [10 marks] Fit a simple linear regression (SLR) model to the data, with AskPrice as the response
variable and Odometer as the predictor variable. Then, create several plots to assess the
model’s assumptions and identify any unusual data points. These plots should include a plot
of the residuals against the fitted values, a normal Q-Q plot of the residuals, a bar plot of the
leverages for each observation, and a bar plot of Cook’s distances for each observation. Use
these plots, along with any other relevant means, to comment on the model assumptions and
identify any potential outliers or influential observations.
(e) [5 marks] Produce the ANOVA table for the fitted model in part (d) and conduct the F-test
based on the output. Please provide your interpretation of the ANOVA results and the F-test.
What is the coefficient of determination (R-squared) for this model, and how should it be
interpreted as a summary measure?
(f) [10 marks] What are the estimated coefficients and their standard errors for the fitted model
in part (d)? Provide an interpretation of these coefficient values and perform t-tests to
determine if they differ significantly from zero. Based on the results of these tests, what
conclusions can you draw?
(g) [5 marks] Perform an exploratory data analysis to assess the correlation between the two
variables, AskPrice and Year. Based on your prior knowledge or assumptions, what was your
expectation regarding the relationship between the two variables? Does the observed
relationship match your expectation?
(h) [10 marks] Fit a simple linear regression (SLR) model to the data, with AskPrice as the response
variable and Year as the predictor variable. Then, create several plots to assess the model’s
assumptions and identify any unusual data points. These plots should include a plot of the
residuals against the fitted values, a normal Q-Q plot of the residuals, a bar plot of the
leverages for each observation, and a bar plot of Cook’s distances for each observation. Use
these plots, along with any other relevant means, to comment on the model assumptions and
identify any potential outliers or influential observations.
(i) [5 marks] Produce the ANOVA table for the fitted model in part (h) and conduct the F-test
based on the output. Please provide your interpretation of the ANOVA results and the F-test.
What is the coefficient of determination (R-squared) for this model, and how should it be
interpreted as a summary measure?
(j) [10 marks] What are the estimated coefficients and their standard errors for the fitted model
in part (h)? Provide an interpretation of these coefficient values and perform t-tests to
determine if they differ significantly from zero. Based on the results of these tests, what
conclusions can you draw?
(k) [10 marks] Do you think that the simple linear regression models fitted in parts (d) and (h) are
suitable? If not, what variable transformations could you apply to enhance the models? Please
provide an explanation for your choice of transformation. Using the transformation of your
choice, refit the model(s) and select the best one for interpretation and prediction. Please
provide reasoning for your selection and interpret its coefficients.
(l) [10 marks] After analysing the data, select the best model from parts (d), (h), and (k) and
explain your reasoning for choosing that model. Based on your analysis of the data,
recommend a car for your friend to purchase and explain why you chose that particular car.
Additionally, suggest a car that you would advise your friend not to buy and provide reasons
for your decision.
(m) [10 marks] Your friend is selling a Toyota Corolla with a 2015 year of manufacture and an
odometer reading of 100,000 km. Using the model of your choice, construct a 95% confidence
interval for the expected selling price and a 95% prediction interval for the potential selling
price of the car. Explain how these intervals can assist in determining an appropriate asking
price for the car. Based on your analysis, what would be your recommended asking price for