SQL Injection Web Lab

SQL Injection Web Lab Introduction
EvanAuth is a brand new startup out of UC Berkeley offering an authentication system. Unfortunately, their new intern has made a mistake and created a SQL injection vulnerability which will allow any user to change another user’s password! Your goal is to change the admin account’s password to a known value so you can log into it.
Setup + Running
1. Create a virtualenv: python3 -m venv .161venv 2. Activatethevirtualenv:
1. On Mac: source .161venv/bin/activate
2. On Windows: .\161venv\Scripts\activate
3. Update pip with python3 -m pip install –upgrade pip .
4. Install the Python requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt 5. Run the server with ./server.sh
1. Followtheinstructionsabovetosetupandruntheserverlocally.
2. Navigatetohttp://
the server it resets the database to its original state!
3. FigureouttheSQLInjectionvulnerability!Yourgoalistologintotheaccountwiththeusername “admin”. As you complete the SQL injection, note down the various inputs you fed into the website so you can use them for step 4. (Hint: since the source code is open to you it will be helpful to look into it. Check out main.py which has the relevant functions marked with a comment, as well as schema.sql for the DB table setup). It may also be helpful to read up on query parameterization in sqlite3 .
4. Placeyourinputsinorderintheinput.infilefollowingtheexampleinexample_input.in.Thefirst item on every line should be either Create_Account , Login , Initiate_Reset , or Reset and determines what call to make to the server based on the 4 types of inputs in the website
( Initiate_Reset corresponds to the form on the homepage and Reset corresponds to the actual reset password form). Arguments come after and are separated with the | character. Do not include the | character in any of your arguments (it’s not necessary to use it anywhere). To see what arguments each option takes look at example_input.in .
5. To test your solution: rerun the server via ./server.sh to reset its database, then leave it running and open a second terminal window to run python3 grader.py
It may be difficult to visualize the results of your injected query. To do this we would recommend adding in a print statement after the relevant conn.execute statement in main.py to print its output. Make sure to rerun the server when you do this so your changes will be reflected.

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You can also test SQL queries on the database directly as follows:
1. Open a new terminal window and activate the venv by following step 2 in Setup + Running. 2. Run python3
3. Intheinterpreterthatopensrunsomethingsimilartothefollowingtoexecuteaquery:
>>> import sqlite3
>>> conn = sqlite3.connect(‘database.db’)
>>> conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
>>> res = conn.execute(“SELECT username from users”).fetchall()
>>> res[0][‘username’]
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