SIT216 Assignment 1
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SIT216 Assessment 1 — 2022 Usability Guidelines Report
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2023/3/8 下午4:45 SIT216 Assignment 1
Investigate and understand current usability practices and guidelines for designing interfaces. You must reference at least three (3) credible and academic resources – journal articles, websites, or a combination of both.
Assignment Overview
Due date: Fri 31 Mar at 8pm
Weighting: 15%
Mode: Individual
Requirements: As a written report, you will present and succinctly capture in your own words current usability guidelines, thinking and good practice for interfaces and interactions in software/applications based upon your readings/research conducted.
Related ULOs & GLOs: ULO 1, ULO 2 & GLO 1, GLO 4
Assignment Summary
The purpose of this assessment is for students to analyse and familiarise themselves with current usability guidelines. You will help demonstrate your understanding in forming your own set of usability guidelines by reading through multiple sources and appropriately paraphrasing and citing your sources. Your research can focus on one specific type of UI, such as websites/web apps, mobile apps, VR/AR apps, or present a general set applicable to all digital systems/interfaces. You can make a choice based on an area of interest/area in which you hope to be working in.
This task will start having students focus on usability and more broadly, HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) and User eXperience (UX). The outcomes from this research should be presented as a written report. Your usability guidelines in this assessment task will be used to structure an evaluation of an interface in the second assessment task – Usability Evaluation Report.
Report Content Requirements
This report will contain a number of sections including, but not restricted to:
an introduction that presents the need for usability guidelines and principles.
the presentation of your relevant usability guidelines and principles based upon your research that are intended to improve the usability of digital systems.
a justification on the value of these interface guidelines/principles and demonstration of improved usability a conclusion providing a summation of the primary key benefits and advantages for designers who follow your usability guidelines in interface and interaction design.
a list of 3 or more references in Harvard style with citations (with at least two from 2021-2022)
Submission Requirements
Your submission must be in the form of a report. The length of the report should be 1500 words (excluding references). You must acknowledge all statements and information taken from other sources and adhere to the guidelines published regarding plagiarism. All ideas and material taken from references must be cited within the report itself and a full reference list and bibliography (if appropriate) must be provided at the end of the report. Diagrams and/or tables may be used if you think this will strengthen your arguments. Remember that diagrams and tables adapted from other sources must be cited as well. If you have used GenerativeAI such as ChatGPT for research purposes, you are expected to acknowledge by properly referencing, providing a justification and context of use in 2-3 lines. Without appropriate acknowledgment, such tools risk a breach of student academic integrity. Advice on referencing (Harvard style) and report writing is available on the Study Support site.
The assessment task is to be submitted online through the assignment folder in the unit site as either a Word document or PDF.
Marking Criteria
This task is worth 15% of your total mark. You must demonstrate that you:
1. Are able to examine and evaluate multiple sources on UCD and HCI literature with details regarding usability guidelines.
2. Can use the appropriate number of quality references.
3. That the usability guidelines cover multiple aspects related to the design of the interface (what the user sees
and interacts with).
Criterion Marks
Usability guidelines/principles presented based upon multiple references. 40
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2023/3/8 下午4:45 SIT216 Assignment 1
Justification of the benefits of adopting these usability guidelines. 30
Details presented throughout your usability guidelines align with the current state of the type of UIs you have chosen, and current usability and UX expectations by using credible, relevant and recent sources.
References – correct number, cited and referenced correctly. 10 Professional standards in organisation and writing. 10 Total (will be scaled back to a mark out of 15) 100
The marking rubric used to assess your assessment task is also available in the assignment submission folder here in the unit site. I strongly encourage you to review it while working on your assignment to ensure your work aligns with the rubric itself. Please post in the Assessment 1 Questions discussion topic with any queries regarding these instructions, the marking criteria/rubric, or if you are unsure/unable to find the rubric or submission folder in the unit site.
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