SER222 HW2

Arizona State University SER222: Data Structures & Algorithms
Lecturer Acuña Revised 12/27/2023

Implementing an Immutable Data Type

Summary: Using immutability, we will construct a reliable class for handling matrices. We will also
discuss a basic suite of tests for this new class.

1 Background

No generative AI tools may be used on this or any course assignment.

Our goal will be to implement an �immutable matrix ADT�. Although some of that terminology should be
familiar, some may not be. There is an optional appendix later in this document, that discusses mutability
in a bit more detail than the textbook. The class we will construct will support computing basic matrix
operations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

At �rst, a class for handling matrices might seem a little boring. However, matrices are an extremely
valuable mathematical tool. Many algorithms in mathematics and scienti�c computing are built in terms
of matrix operations. Matrices serve as a common language in which many mathematical problems may
be expressed. The idea being if we have many problems that can be solved in the same way (i.e., a bunch
of matrix operations), then we need only devise a single program (one that processes matrices) to solve all
problems that are stated in that way… This is nice because we can optimize the piece of software that
works with matrices and see speedups for every problem that is expressed as matrices. Anyway, matrices
are very common – computing matrix operations is pretty much all supercomputers do. Thus, implementing
a matrix is useful – in fact, libraries that provide linear algebra operations (e.g., LINPACK) are among the
most widely used in scienti�c and engineering research. Finding the fastest algorithms to compute matrix
operations is a very active area of research. People have built entire careers out of designing fast matrix
processing algorithms!

This document is separated into four sections: Background, Requirements, Testing, and Submission.
You have almost �nished reading the Background section already. In Requirements, we will discuss what is
expected of you in this homework. In Testing, we give some sample testing code for the matrix class, discuss
how it works, and give some general pointers on how tests should be designed. Lastly, Submission discusses
how your source code should be submitted on Canvas/Gradescope. At the very end of the document, there
is an Appendix with optional reading on mutability. If you are already con�dent with mutability, you may

2 Requirements

For this assignment, you will implement the provided matrix interface (see This interface �le
de�nes not only which methods you must implement but gives documentation that describes how they should
work. Already provided for you is a base �le to modify ( Despite the name, it’s not
complete yet! Once you’ve completed it, will be what you upload for grading. If you
look inside, you will see several TODOs relating to the interface. Using that speci�c �lename is required for
grading your submission. The base �le provides a skeletal implementation of the Matrix interface as well as
some simple testing code. Feel free to change anything in main(), it is not used during grading. For it to be
a reliable data type, we will implement it as an immutable type. Creating this ADT will involve creating 9

� CompletedMatrix(int[][] matrix) – a constructor. Throws IllegalArgumentException to indicate a null
input. [4 points]

� public int getElement(int y, int x) – see interface. [2 points]

� public int getRows() – see interface. [1 points]

� public int getColumns() – see interface. [1 points]

� public CompletedMatrix scale(int scalar) – see interface. [3 points]

� public CompletedMatrix plus(Matrix other) – see interface. [3 points]

� public CompletedMatrix minus(Matrix other) – see interface. [3 points]

� public CompletedMatrix multiply(Matrix other) – see interface. [5 points]

� boolean equals(Object other) – see interface. [5 points] (Hint: see Point2D from lecture.)

� String toString() – see interface. [5 points].

� There are no required contents for main(), and it will not be used during grading.

Be aware that some of the methods throw exceptions – they must be implemented.

2.1 Packages

No packages may be imported.

Whenever you build a piece of software, you want to have some level of certitude that that piece of software
does what you expect. This means testing! For this initial homework, you are provided with a set of
simple tests to check if your program is functioning correctly. (Note that these tests are separate from those
performed by Gradescope for grading.) In the future, you may need to create your tests. The following code
is included in base �le:

i n t [ ] [ ] data1 = new in t [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ;
i n t [ ] [ ] data2 = {{1 , 2 , 3} , {4 , 5 , 6} , {7 , 8 , 9}} ;
i n t [ ] [ ] data3 = {{1 , 4 , 7} , {2 , 5 , 8} , {3 , 6 , 9}} ;
i n t [ ] [ ] data4 = {{1 , 4 , 7} , {2 , 5 , 8} , {3 , 6 , 9}} ;
i n t [ ] [ ] data5 = {{1 , 4 , 7} , {2 , 5 , 8}} ;

Matrix m1 = new ser222_01_02_hw02_base ( data1 ) ;
Matrix m2 = new ser222_01_02_hw02_base ( data2 ) ;
Matrix m3 = new ser222_01_02_hw02_base ( data3 ) ;
Matrix m4 = new ser222_01_02_hw02_base ( data4 ) ;
Matrix m5 = new ser222_01_02_hw02_base ( data5 ) ;

System . out . p r i n t l n (“m1 ==> Rows : ” + m1. getRows ( ) + ” Cols : ” + m1. getColumns ( ) ) ;
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m2 ==> Rows : ” + m2. getRows ( ) + ” Cols : ” + m2. getColumns ( ) ) ;
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m3 ==> Rows : ” + m3. getRows ( ) + ” Cols : ” + m3. getColumns ( ) ) ;

// check f o r r e f e r e n c e i s s u e s
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m2 ==>\n” + m2) ;
data2 [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = 101 ;
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m2 ==>\n” + m2) ;

// t e s t equa l s
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m2==nu l l : ” + m2. equa l s ( nu l l ) ) ; // f a l s e
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m3==\”MATRIX\” : ” + m2. equa l s (“MATRIX” ) ) ; // f a l s e
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m2==m1: ” + m2. equa l s (m1) ) ; // f a l s e

System . out . p r i n t l n (“m2==m2: ” + m2. equa l s (m2) ) ; // t rue
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m2==m3: ” + m2. equa l s (m3) ) ; // f a l s e
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m3==m4: ” + m3. equa l s (m4) ) ; // t rue

// t e s t ope ra t i on s ( va l i d )
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m1 + m1:\ n” + m1. p lus (m1) ) ;
System . out . p r i n t l n (“2 * m2:\ n” + m2. s c a l e ( 2 ) ) ;
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m2 + m3:\ n” + m2. p lus (m3) ) ;
System . out . p r i n t l n (“m2 = m3:\ n” + m2. minus (m3) ) ;
System . out . p r i n t l n (“3 * m5:\ n” + m5. s c a l e ( 3 ) ) ;

// not t e s t ed . . . mul t ip ly ( ) . you know what to do .

// t e s t ope ra t i on s ( i n v a l i d )
//System . out . p r i n t l n (“m1 + m2” + m1. p lus (m2) ) ;
//System . out . p r i n t l n (“m1 + m5” + m1. p lus (m5) ) ;
//System . out . p r i n t l n (“m1 = m2″ + m1. minus (m2) ) ;

The results from running this code should be:

m1 ==> Rows : 0 Cols : 0
m2 ==> Rows : 3 Cols : 3
m3 ==> Rows : 3 Cols : 3

m2==nu l l : f a l s e
m3==”MATRIX” : f a l s e
m2==m1: f a l s e
m2==m2: t rue
m2==m3: f a l s e
m3==m4: t rue

Let’s consider this code and its output. The �rst few lines of the code just create matrix data using 2D
arrays. These are just setting up for our new class, we aren’t using it yet. The next step sees us creating a
Matrix object for each array (m1, m2, m3). Next, we get to the actual testing. First, we display the size
(rows and columns) for each matrix. The values we get should match the dimension of the 2D arrays that
were created (0x0, 3×3, 3×3).

The next check is to see if we have correctly implemented our matrix as an immutable class. We display
the contents of m2, make a change in data2 (that was used to create m2), and then display the contents of
m2 again. Recall that an immutable object should not change state – good thing that’s what we see in the
output. The middle value does not change from 5 to 101. If it was not an immutable object, then changing
the value inside of data2 would have the (potentially unintended) side e�ect of changing what is stored in
m2. (Remember that arrays, like data2, are passed as references.)

Next, we check if the equals method has been implemented properly. Based on what’s being compared,
equals should return true or false. If we compare a matrix to a null variable, a string, or a matrix containing
di�erent values, then it should return false. If we compare it to itself, or a matrix containing the same data,
then it should return true.

Having veri�ed that the class is immutable and supports comparison, we check if it supports the operations
that should be implemented. For this homework, you are being given the output of these operations, and
so can check your result versus ours. In the future, this might not be the case. You may have to run an
algorithm by hand to determine what output should be expected. Note that the process of running it by
hand will help you to understand the data structure (or algorithm) and may make it easier to implement.
In addition to testing matrix operations that should work, we should also test operations that do not work.
In this class, that would be when trying to add or subtract matrices with di�erent sizes. For now, this code
is commented, since running it should throw an exception.

Some basic principles: 1) test every method that is implemented. This gives us a basic level of code
coverage (the amount of code used by tests) over a signi�cant fraction of the code base. It would be even
better if we had test cases that used each possible line of code in our program but that can become very
di�cult. 2) Test “edge cases”. That is, potentially special values that may invoke uncommon parts of the
code base. For example, one of the �rst tests is to create a 0x0 matrix. While this matrix might not be
practical, its parameters are unique and may cause issues. Typically, one aims to test where an input changes
signi�cantly. For example, if the input was an integer, we might test some large position number, 1, 0, -1,
and some large negative number. Note that we don’t need to test several large numbers. Chances are, if
one works, then the others will as well. We want to minimize our testing work by looking at inputs as their
character changes (e.g., goes from positive to negative in this example).

4 Submission

The submission for this programming assignment has only one part: source code submission.
Writeup: For this assignment, no write-up is required.
Source Code: The source �le must be named as “”, and then added to a ZIP �le

(which can be called anything). Be sure that you are directly ZIPPing the �le, rather than ZIPPing a folder
that contains it. The class must be in the �edu.ser222.m01_02� package, as already done in the provided
base �le (do not change it!). You will submit the ZIP on Gradescope.

Required Files Optional Files (none)

Table 1: Submission ZIP �le contents.

4.1 Gradescope

This assignment will be graded using the Gradescope platform. Gradescope enables cloud-based assessment of
your programming assignments. Our implementation of Gradescope works by downloading your assignment
to a virtual machine in the cloud, running a suite of test cases, and then computing a tentative grade for
your assignment. A few key points:

� Grades computed after uploading a submission to Gradescope are not �nal. We have �nal
say over the grade and may adjust it upwards or downwards. (That said, for this assignment, we don’t
expect to make many changes.)

� Additional information on the test cases used for grading is not available, all the infor-
mation you need (plus some commonsense and attention to detail) is provided in the
assignment speci�cation. Note that each test case will show a small hint in its title about what it
is testing that can help you to target what needs to be investigated.

If you have a hard time passing a test case in Gradescope, you should consider if you have made any
additional assumptions during development that were not listed in the assignment, and then try to make
your submission more general to remove those assumptions.

Protip: the Gradescope tests should be seen as a way to get immediate feedback on your program. This
helps you both to make sure you are meeting the assignment’s requirements, and to check that you are
applying your knowledge correctly. Food for thought: if you start on the assignment early, check against our
suite often, and use its feedback, there’s no reason why you can’t both get full credit and know that you’ll
get full credit even before the deadline.

4.1.1 Common Issues

In previous semesters, we have seen several common issues that students have went submitting to Gradescope
for the �rst time. If you submit to Gradescope and receive a zero score, please see below. Be aware that
your �le must compile for it to be evaluated by Gradescope.

� “Could not �nd expected �le.” This is pretty much as the autograder says, but to give a speci�c
example: if someone submits a ZIP containing something like “” instead of “Com-”, this issue will trigger. We need to be able to �nd your �le to run and test it. This
can also happen if you are zipping a folder containing a �le rather than the �le itself.

� “COMPILATION ERROR”. This means that we can’t compile your program, which we need to run
and test it. There are two common reasons for this:

� Missing package. Per the base �le, you need to have the �rst line of your program as “package
edu.ser222.m01_02;”. The speci�c package depends on the assignment, that’s the one for the �rst
assignment. You can tell this type of issue is occurring when the autograder complains about not
being able to use/�nd something that sounds familiar (not a typo). Like the following, where
CompletedMatrix can’t �nd the Matrix interface:

[ERROR] /autograder/source/src/main/java/edu/ser222/m01_02/[61,16]
cannot �nd symbol symbol: class Matrix location: class CompletedMatrix

� Normal compilation error. The issue looks a little like the previous one but rather than looking
innocent, there’s something kind of o�. Like the following, where it seems we made a typo “roow”
instead of “row” in the submission which stops it from compiling:

[ERROR] /autograder/source/src/main/java/edu/ser222/m01_02/[20,28]
cannot �nd symbol symbol: variable roow location: class edu.ser222.m01_02.CompletedMatrix

� “Your submission timed out. It took longer than 600 seconds to run.” This message indicates that your
program contains an in�nite loop. The actual test cases take less than a second to run. It’s unlikely
you will see this error on this assignment. It is more common for linked list assignments where adding
or removing nodes can result in a circular linked list. This causes a problem since when we display its
contents, we never get to the end.

5 Appendix: Reference Types and Mutability

In this appendix, we review the idea of reference types in Java, and how mutability is impacted by it. Recall
the Point2D example from our discussion of abstract data types. Consider what would happen if we ran the
following code that used Point2D:

public class PointTester {
public stat ic void doSomething ( Point2D p) { //a ‘ user ‘ o f the po in t

p . s c a l e ( 5 ) ;
public stat ic void main ( St r ing [ ] a rgs ) { // the ‘ owner ‘ o f the po in t

Point2D point = new Point2D (10 , 1 0 ) ;

System . out . p r i n t l n ( po int . t oS t r i ng ( ) ) ;
doSomething ( po int ) ;
System . out . p r i n t l n ( po int . t oS t r i ng ( ) ) ;

If we were to run this, we would get:

X: 10 Y: 10
X: 50 Y: 50

As you probably suspected, even though the call to scale happens inside of the doSomething() method
instead of in the main, when main prints out the contents of the point for the second time, the x and y
values have changed. This happens because classes are what is called a reference type. For primitive types,
such as int or double, when variables are passed around as parameters, their value is copied. Changing am
int parameter in a method won’t change its value in the original caller. However, objects are not copied.
Instead, Java passes a copy of the address where the object is stored in system memory. Since an address
is passed, the method will know where to go and access the information (the state) that de�nes the class.
In our example, when doSomething() is called, it is passed (via a parameter) the address of the Point2D
that the main created. When the call to scale() is made on p inside of doSomething(), it changes the x and
y values inside of the Point2D object that main created. Thus, when doSomething() completes and main
displays the x/y values, it shows them as being �ve times larger. (Note that in addition to objects, arrays
are also treated as reference types.) Thus we can see that the Point2D class is mutable, i.e. its contents
can change. The opposite of this is an immutable class. At �rst, having a mutable class seems completely
reasonable – how else would implement something like scaling the point? Why would you even want to?

Let’s start with the second question: Say we’re using the Point2D class in a game, and doSomething()
is a method that displays a zoomed in version of the screen. If we’re implementing zoom, so everything
appears larger, it makes sense it would scale the point to be larger. What happens if we run doSomething()
to zoom in, but doSomething() lacks the code (e.g., p.scale(1/5)) to undo the zoom operation? In that case
doSomething() would �nish without any issue, but then over in main, we would be left with the enlarged
point. Not good! This happened because main allowed doSomething() to �mess around� with the information
inside the point. Consider another potential issue, this time in a scienti�c calculation. If you have a massive
matrix storing the simulation data for the analysis of a cancerous protein, you don’t want to accidentally
change the data while analyzing it – that would ruin the results! Our goal should be to design reliable a data
type (class) that does not allow that to occur… an immutable one.

The basic idea of an immutable class isn’t that complicated: a class without any mutators, or shared
references. But then how do we implement scale? Instead of having methods like void scale(double factor)
that change the contents of the object, we will have methods like Point2D scale(double factor) that return
a new copy of the point. Now, it is true that using immutable types can make your code much safer (less
error-prone), but we should remember that it will typically be slower than mutable implementation. (FYI, if
you go on to study programming languages, you will encounter a programming language called LISP where
all data is immutable.) It can be relatively straightforward to write an immutable type, the following needs
to happen:

� Mutators: These must be removed – there should be no way for someone to change the values inside
of the class after it has been created. (When you go to complete the homework, you will �nd this has
already been set up for you in the interface �le.)

� Constructors: We must make sure that no �reference types� (e.g., another object, or an array) leak
into the object via the constructor. If this happens, our class will contain as instance data, some other
object which is not immutable AND which may be accessible by another part of the program. Then,
our object as a whole won’t be immutable either. The solution is to manually make a copy of any
objects or arrays that are passed into the class we are building. The copy will then be unique to us
and will be e�ectively immutable (assuming we also make sure to leave it alone).

Consider the task of making Point2D immutable. There are three methods we would need to change: setX,
setY, and scale. These are the only methods that can change the state of the point. Previously setX(int X)
would change the value of the x member variable. When refactoring this object to immutable, we rewrite
setX() so it returns a Point2D (instead of void), where the new point is built from the new x value being set
and the existing y value. The same thing happens for setY(). scale() is a little di�erent. There, we must
change it to return a new point, but both x and y will change since they are both scaled. Below is shown
the immutable Point2D class:

public class Point2DImmutable {
int x , y ; //can even make ” f i n a l ”

public Point2D ( int x , int y ) { setX (x ) ; setY (y ) ; }
Point2D setX ( int newX) { return new Point2D (newX, getY ( ) ) }
int getX ( ) {return x ; }
Point2D setY ( int newY) { return new Point2D ( getX ( ) , newY) }
int getY ( ) {return y ; }
Point2D s c a l e (double f a c ) {return new Point2D ( getX ( ) * fac , getY ( ) * f a c ) ; }
S t r ing toS t r i ng ( ) { return “X: ” + getX ( ) + ” , Y: ” + getY ; }
// note : e qua l s i s omit ted because i t doesn ‘ t change .

Compare this with our previous implementation and notice how the methods have changed.