VC Generation
In this assignment, you will implement a verifier based on the weakest- precondition/VCGen methodology as discussed in class. We will work with programs that are written in a JavaScript like syntax (EcmaScript) and translate them into our imperative language Nano.
Install Z3
This assignment will use Z3 to solve logical formulas. In order to use Z3 from code, you will need to install the developer version of Z3 (not just the executable). Since we’re using Haskell’s Z3 bindings, we need to use a specific version of Z3, namely 4.8.x . Any other version will give you compilation errors.
Package Manager (Linux)
Use your package manager to install the z3 developer version. Here’s an example for Ubuntu.
1 $sudoaptinstalllibz3-dev Make sure that you install the correct version!
Go to the Z3 releases page and pick the release for your OS and architecture. Binary
From this release, copy the z3 binary into your path.
/usr/local/bin , for Linux, MacOS. \Windows\System32\bin , for Windows.
Make sure you can now run the binary from any other directory. You may need to open a new terminal for this to work. If this gives you a version number, then proceed!
1 $z3–version Headers
Move the include files (directory include ) into a directory for include files. For example /usr/local/include , for Linux and MacOS. You can pick any directory for Windows. Then, modify the stack.yaml file in this directory and add the path to extra-include-dirs . For example:
1 extra-include-dirs:[/usr/local/include]

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Copy the library files (all remaining files in the bin directory) and copy them to your library path. For example /usr/local/lib for Linux, MacOS, or any directory for Windows. Again, you need to update your
stack.yaml to add the library path:
1 extra-lib-dirs:[/usr/local/lib]
Running and testing
This code again features a test bench, which you may run in the same fashion with stack . The tests again aim to direct you through to code base of this assignment and we strongly suggest you follow this!
This assignment also features an executable which may be ran with the following command.
1 $stackrun—f This will run the verifier on a single file. Again, you are allowed to make modification to Main if you wish to
get more debug information.
The assignment consists of two main parts. First you will write a weakest- precondition verifier. After this, you will use this verifier to prove properties about a set of small programs.
To get a grasp of what Nano DSL looks like, you can look at any of the programs in the programs folder. One of the main things to note is that we interpret some function calls as Nano statements.
Statement assume(F) encodes an assumption that formula F holds. Statement assert(F) encodes an obligation to show that formula F holds. In particular a Hoare triple {P} s {Q} can be translated into the following expression.
1 assume(P);s;assert(Q)
Statements invariant(P) places the given invariant P as (part of) the invariant of the closest scoping
Statements requires(P) and ensures(P) respecitvely set a pre or post condition on the function signature.
Statements modifies(x) says that the inner variable will be modified by the function call.
Expressions forall(x, P) and exists(x, P) quantify x over P and may be used wherever logic is involved (i.e. all of these prior mentioned calls).

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Aside: Embedding a new language (Nano) into an existing language (Haskell) is a common and important technique in programming language research. The embedded language is often called a Domain Specific Language (DSL). We’re using an approached called deep embedding .
To get a working verifier, you will have to implement roughly the following steps.
1. Substitionoflogicalformulas
2. ConversionofECMAScriptintoNano
3. GenerationofVerificationConditionsfromaNanoprogram
Regarding the ECMAScript conversion, you may find the documentation of the parser here. Make sure to check out the nano programs to form a better understanding of what the embedding looks like.
For your verifier, it is just as important that your code rejects bad programs as it is to proof good programs. As such, we feature a bunch of programs to achieve both goals. Programs in the programs/pos directory should pass verification, while programs in the programs/neg directory should fail verification.
You will have to verify all the tests in programs/verify . As you are probably already aware of at this point, we need to provide invariants to prove properties when loops are involved.
You may add invariants to the files in this folder in order to verify them. We do check that you do not modify the code in any other way.
Tip Instead of writing
1 invariant(P&&Q&&R)
you can write
Your final grade corresponds directly to the one awarded to you by the test infrastructure. Do make sure your submission correctly executes on our online environment.
If there are issues with the submission system, don’t panic! We will handle this on a case-by-case basis. If your uploaded submission somehow fail tests that work locally, ping us and we will have a look!
If the online environment suddenly fails to work moments before the deadline, don’t hesitate to send us your submission through different means (e.g. email).

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We have a strict zero tolerance policy against plagiarism. Sadly, we find cases every year… This is not fun for you, nor us. Please, refrain from copying and/or sharing your code with other groups.
Since this is a group assignment, we expect that most of you will work together via Git. Do make sure to make your repository private! Sharing your code in this manner is sadly still plagiarism, even if unintentional.