PHAS2441 Session 7 Second order Runge Kutta method

PHAS2441 Session 7:
Second-order Runge Kutta method.
February 2, 2015
We’re starting from Euler’s method for solving differential equations of the form
dx = f(x,t) (1)
to obtain x(t).
Given starting condition for some t, Euler’s method uses a Taylor expansion to solve the
equation at a later time t + h:
x(t + h) = x(t) + hdx + 1h2 d2x + . . . (2)
= x(t) + hf (x, t) + O(h2 ). (3)
In second-order Runge Kutta, we do a Taylor expansion around t + 12 h to obtain an expression for x(t + h):
1 1 􏰀dx􏰁 1 2􏰀d2x􏰁 3 x(t+h)=x(t+ h)+ h + h 2 +O(h) (4)
2 2 dt t+12h 8 dt t+12h
We can also calculate x(t) using a Taylor expansion around t + 12 h, which gives us
1 1 􏰀dx􏰁 1􏰀 1􏰁2 􏰀d2x􏰁
x(t) = x(t + h) − h + − h2 + O(h3) (5)
2 2 dt 1 2 2 dt2 1 t+2h t+2h
(note the sign change in the second term). Subtracting equation 4 from equation 5 and doing some minor rearrangement then gives us
+O(h ). (6) Conveniently, by doing this we’ve eliminated the troublesome terms involving d2x. Even
dt2 better, we’ve now reduced our errors from O(h2) in Euler’s method to O(h3) here.
However, we’re now left with the need to calculate
􏰀dx􏰁 􏰀 1 1􏰁
=f x(t+ h),t+ h . (7) dtt+12h 22
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k1 =hf(x,t), (9) 1 1 􏰀􏰂 1 􏰃 1􏰁
k2 =hf(x+2k1,t+2h)=hf x(t)+2hf(x,t) ,t+2h (10) x(t + h) = x(t) + k2. (11)
The fourth-order Runge-Kutta method (i.e. the one that is accurate to h4 and has errors of order O(h5)) follows a similar procedure of taking Taylor expansions around differ- ent points and then eliminating unknowns by using different linear combinations, but is considerably more complicated.
The problem with this is that we don’t know x(t + 21 h). We can approximate it though, by using equation 3, to give
x(t + 12 h) = x(t) + 12 hf (x, t). (8) Substituting this result into equation 6 then gives us the set of equations which are known
as the second-order Runge Kutta method:
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