MARK5828 A1

A1. Visual Advertising Strategy Evaluation – Individual Report [CLO1, CLO3, CLO4]
Week 4 Friday (March 10th) 5 PM / Weighting: 20% / Length: 700 words
This assessment provides the opportunity to critically evaluate and discuss a visual advertising strategy.
Companies or influencers change their visual advertising strategies over time. However, advertising content managers largely rely on their gut feeling rather than quantifying the changes using objective numeric measures. As a result, they often don’t know what they have changed and whether the changes are effective. Your job is to evaluate the changes in a visual advertising strategy using colour features. You are also required to present and discuss your findings.
Follow the below steps to complete your task:
1) Colour Usage: Divide the data into two periods. Use the cut-off date as 2019 January 1st (i.e., period 1: before the cut-off date, period 2: since the cut-off date). Measures colour features (Colorfulness, Saturation, Contrast, Clarity, Brightness, and Warm Hue) for each image using OpenCV, which you learned during the tutorial. Report summary statistics (count/frequency, mean, median, minimum, maximum) in a table for each color feature at each period. Also, do a visual comparison of each colour feature by choosing proper plots to see how each color feature has changed between the two periods.
2) Colour Effectiveness: Identity which color features increase viewer engagement significantly in each period. To do so, run a regression with Y = the log (like count + 1) for each period, respectively. X variables include the above colour features and control variables about posting time: Year, Month-of-Year (January, …, December), Day-of-Week (Monday, …, Sunday), Time-of-day (Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night). Interpret the regression result.
3) Colour Strategy Evaluation:
(a) Basedontheresultofperiod1,evaluatewhetherthechange(ornochange)ineachcolor feature was proper. Provide related advertising posts (screenshots of both image and text description part) from your current Instagram data to support your argument. For example, to demonstrate whether higher or lower values of color features are better, you could compare two posts in period 1 (e.g., below or above the median value of each color feature, respectively) that have different “like count”.
(b) Basedontheresultofperiods1&2,recommendeffectivecolorstrategiesforyourcompany. Also, provide related advertising posts to support your arguments.
In completing this task, apply appropriate data analytics and consider the concepts introduced in class. Make sure that your discussion component is logical, clearly structured, and professionally presented. Your report should not exceed 700 words, excluding the title page, relevant images, tables or charts.
Title page (1 page) includes (1) the Title of your report, (2) the Word count, (3) the Course name, tutorial session and group, tutor’s name, (4) Your first and last name & zID
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Submission instructions
Submaket your report to Turnitin via Moodle.
1) .doc contains your report. File name: Tutorial session_Group_ your first and last name & zID _A1.doc” (e.g., W12_1_Junbum Kwon_zXXXXX_A1.doc)
Submit other supporting files (data, image, paper and code) to Moodle submission folder.
2) .xlsx file contains the dataset on which you run a regression.
3) .ipynb contains all relevant code to get the results in your report. Make a zip file by combining all
colab files.
● For each missing file among the above (1) to (3), -1 mark
Marking Criteria
Your assignment will be marked based on the following marking criteria:
1. Analysis: Quality of advertising data image analytics
2. Interpretation & Recommendations: Quality of interpretation and argumentation
3. Written Presentation: Quality of written report
For further information, see the below marking rubric.
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Marking Rubric for Assessment 1: Visual Advertising Strategy Evaluation – Individual Report
Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Quality of advertising image data analytics
Analysis of advertising data analytics does not meet the required standard.
Sufficient analysis of the advertising data, which measures colour features. Attempts summary statistics and regression analysis.
Proper analysis of the advertising data, which mostly accurately measures and compares colour features for each image; presents summary statistics in an appropriate format. Attempts regression analysis.
Effective and proper analysis of the advertising data, which accurately measures and compares colour features for each image; accurately presents summary statistics in an appropriate format. Does regression analysis and interprets its results.
Highly effective and proper analysis of the advertising data, which accurately measures, and compares colour features for each image; clearly and accurately presents summary statistics in an appropriate format; Does regression analysis and interprets its result properly.
Interpretation & Recommendations Quality of interpretation and recommendations
Interpretation of data does not meet the required standard. Minimal recommendations are provided.
Sufficient interpretation of data with some conclusions drawn. Recommendations are provided, but not all are appropriate.
Data is mostly accurately interpreted, and some conclusions are drawn. Recommendations are appropriate.
Data is accurately interpreted to draw conclusions and determine actions. Recommendations are appropriate and justified with specific evidence from data and course concepts.
Data is accurately and meaningfully interpreted to draw conclusions, provide an opinion, and determine actions. Recommendations are highly appropriate, and justified with specific evidence from data and course concepts.
Written Presentation Quality of written report
Report lacks clear structure. Written English is below the required standard.
Report provides a mostly appropriate structure with distinguishable paragraphs. Written English is appropriate to the task but has spelling and/or grammatical errors.
Report is clearly structured with good transitions and paragraphs. Good use of written English, which is appropriate to the task and has few spelling and/or grammatical errors. Report mostly adhered to the prescribed word count and conventions.
Report is clearly structured with excellent transitions. Above standard use of written English language, which is professional and appropriate to the task with minimal spelling and/or grammatical errors. Report adheres to the prescribed word count and conventions.
Report is clearly and logically structured with excellent transitions and paragraphs. Excellent and above standard use of written English language, which is professional and appropriate to the task and has no spelling and/or grammatical errors. Report adheres to the prescribed word count and conventions.

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