
R语言经常用于统计, 金融, 经济, 机器学习等课程的Lab, assignment和project.

Multiple Testing

Problem 2 The Multiple Testing dataset (multiple.txt) is a simulated dataset which contains 50 variables and 100 observations per variable. Suppose we know that the first 10 variables have mean equal to 2 and the rest of them have mean equal to 0. Analyze the dataset according to the following steps: 1. Perform multiple testing

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FM321 Risk Management and Modelling

London School of Economics and Political Science FM321 – Risk Management and Modelling Department of Finance Course Project 1. General Instructions: Materials Provided: The following materials are provided via the course page on Moodle:  This document with guidelines and instructions; Submission Instructions: All project materials will be submitted through the appropriate links in Moodle.

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