
R语言经常用于统计, 金融, 经济, 机器学习等课程的Lab, assignment和project.

ECON6087 Assignment 1

ECON6087 2023 Spring Assignment1 For assignment 1, we will use a new corpus, “A Million News Headlines” Corpus, cov- ering all the news headlines published on the Australian news source ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, http://www.abc.net.au) over a period of 19 years. The data can be accessed from the following Kaggle page https ://www.kaggle.com/datasets/therohk/ million-headlines. You […]

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UY 2214 Project 1 E20 Assembler

CS-UY 2214 Project 1 E20 Assembler 1 Introduction This project represents a substantive programming exercise. Like all work for this class, it is to be completed individually: any form of collaboration is prohibited, as detailed in the syllabus. This project is considered a take-home exam. Before even reading this assignment, please read the E20 manual

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COMP1521 Assignment 1 Battleship in MIPS

COMP1521 Assignment 1: Battleship in MIPS to give you experience writing MIPS assembly code to give you experience translating C to MIPS to give you experience with data and control structures in MIPS Getting Started Create a new directory for this assignment called battlesmips, change to this directory, and fetch the provided code by running

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Module 6 Lab

Project set up 1. Create a new project for this lab. Module 6 Lab 2. Create a new .Rmd report. You can copy the text from this file into your .Rmd file and add your own notes and code as you see fit. 3. Download the Month-XX.csv files from the class Canvas module page to

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G5029 Limits of Computation Exam 18

THE UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX BSc and MComp FINAL YEAR EXAMINATION May/June 2018 (A2) Limits of Computation Assessment Period: May/June 2018 (A2) DO NOT TURN OVER UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO BY THE LEAD INVIGILATOR Candidates should answer TWO questions out of THREE. If all three questions are attempted only the first two answers will be marked. The

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G5029 Limits of Computation assignment 23

University of Sussex Informatics Spring 2023 Limits of Computation Assignment 1 (Deadline 2.03.2023, 4pm) You need to submit this coursework electronically at the correct E- submission point. You must submit a zipped directory that contains two files with the exact names as described below: 1. a pdf file questions.pdf containing the answers to Ques- tions

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