Assembly 汇编代写

代写MIPS, ARM, RISC-V, X86, LC-3, LC-4, MARIE等各种汇编语言.

SEC204 Coursework IA32 Assembly

SEC204 Coursework Computer Architecture and Low Level Programming Aims: To create, interpret and manipulate IA32 assembly code via hardware debugging techniques. To apply reverse engineering techniques to identify main software flaws. To identify relevant countermeasures for main software flaws. Task 1: Create a vulnerable IA32 Assembly program that receives a student name as input and […]

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代写 SEC204 Coursework Assignment

Module Code: SEC204 Module Title: Computer Architecture and Low Level Programming School: Computing, Electronics and Mathematics Overview This is individual coursework consisting of two tasks: 1. Hack/Unlock the ‘Tower of Hanoi’ game provided. To this end, you must reverse engineer the binary code provided, analyse what it does and extract the appropriate information [70%]. 2.

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