graph based segmentation

graph based segmentation

As the final component of this assignment, we will write code to
perform graph-based segmentation.
We will construct the graph in the following way. For pixels p and q
with coordinates (i, j) and (k, 1) respectively and colors cp and cg
respectively, set Wpq to:
if i== k and j== l
if li – k < 20 and li - I < 20 Then solve the optimization problem: min, y Ay s.t |lyl| with A as defined above. Write code to solve the above optimization problem. Since the eigenvector with the smallest eigenvalue is problematic, return the eigenvector with the second-smallest (absolute) eigenvalue (reshaped into the same size as the image). Your function should have the following signature: graph based segmentation where you can assume that img is a h x w × 3 numpy array with floating point values. Name your file