# definition of class CnfFormula
# for csc427 semester 232 (jan 2023-may 2023)
# last-update:
# 20 April 2023 -bjr: copied from proj8
# copyright (c) 2020-2023 burton rosenberg All rights reserved.
# A cnf is represented as a list of clauses;
# each clause a list of literals;
# each literal a pair of a string and a boolean:
# the string is the variable name,
# the boolean is True for plain variables and False or negated variables.
# A truth assignment is a dictionary from the variable name to a boolean value
class Booleans:
def __init__(self,n):
assert n>0, ‘n must be a postitive integer’
self.n = n
self.seq = [True for i in range(n)]
def enum(self):
for i in range(2**self.n):
for j in range(self.n):
self.seq[j] = (i & k)==0
yield self.seq
class CnfFormula:
def __init__(self,cnf,verbose=False):
self.cnf = cnf
self.var = []
for clause in self.cnf:
for variable in clause:
if variable[0] not in self.var:
self.verbose = verbose
# respond to a print with a string representation of the formula
def __repr__(self):
def p_aux(c,s):
for v in c:
if f: s += ‘ OR ‘
if v[1]: s += f'{v[0]}’
else: s += f’~{v[0]}’
s, f = ”, False
for clause in self.cnf:
if f: s += ‘ AND ‘
f, s = True, p_aux(clause,s)
def make_assignment(self,bools):
d, i = {}, 0
for l in self.var:
d[l] = bools[i]
if self.verbose: print(f’assignment: {d}’)
## write code here
def is_3cnf(self):
for clause in self.cnf:
if len(clause)!=3:
return False
return True
# write code here
def evaluate(self, assignment):
def evaluate_aux(disjunct,assignment):
for v in disjunct:
assert v[0] in assignment, “missing variable in assignment”
if assignment[v[0]] == v[1]:
return True
return False
for disjunct in self.cnf:
if not evaluate_aux(disjunct,assignment):
return False
return True
def is_sat(self):
bools = Booleans(len(self.var))
for trial in bools.enum():
a = self.make_assignment(trial)
if self.evaluate(a): True
return False
def count_sat(self):
bools = Booleans(len(self.var))
for trial in bools.enum():
a = self.make_assignment(trial)
if self.evaluate(a): a_l.append(a.copy())
return a_l
class CYK:
# https://github.com/lagmoellertim/pyCYK.git
# MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Tim-Luca Lagmöller
startstate = “S”
grammar = {
word = “abacba”
cyk = CYK(grammar, startstate)
cyk.checkWord(word) #Returns True or False
def __init__(self, grammar, startstate):
self.grammar = grammar
self.startstate = startstate
def __getValidCombinations(self, left_collection_set, right_collection_set):
valid_combinations = []
for num_collection, left_collection in enumerate(left_collection_set):
right_collection = right_collection_set[num_collection]
for left_item in left_collection:
for right_item in right_collection:
combination = left_item + right_item
for key, value in self.grammar.items():
if combination in value:
if not key in valid_combinations:
return valid_combinations
def __getCollectionSets(self, full_table, x_position, x_offset):
table_segment = []
y_position = 0
while x_offset >= 2:
item_set = full_table[y_position][x_position:x_position+x_offset]
if x_offset > len(item_set):
return None
x_offset -= 1
y_position += 1
vertical_combinations = []
horizontal_combinations = []
for item in table_segment:
return vertical_combinations[::-1], horizontal_combinations
def __generateTable(self, word):
table = [[]]
for letter in word:
valid_states = []
for key, value in self.grammar.items():
if letter in value:
for x_offset in range(2,len(word)+1):
for x_position in range(len(word)):
collection_sets = self.__getCollectionSets(table, x_position, x_offset)
if collection_sets:
return table
def checkWord(self, word):
return self.startstate in self.__generateTable(word)[-1][-1]