ECE 30 Quick Sort

Introduction to Computer Engineering

Programming Project: Spring 2023
Quick Sort with Lomuto Partitioning

May 2, 2023
Project TA: And Kaan Yilmaz

1 Project Description

Write a program to implement the quicksort algorithm on a list of integers using Lomuto
partitioning scheme. The program will read an unsorted array and sort (or partially sort,
possibly) it using a Quicksort algorithm. Quicksort uses a recursive partition function.

2 Quicksort Algorithm

Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm for sorting a list by recursively sorting sub-lists.
The steps in quicksort are:

1. Pick an element, called pivot, from the list

2. Partition the list such that after partitioning

• All the elements that are less than the pivot come before the pivot (left partition)

• All the elements that are greater than the pivot come after the pivot element (right

• The pivot element is in its correct position after sorting

There are various methods for partitioning. In this project we will use Lomuto partitioning
scheme as described below.

3. Recursively, apply steps 1– 2 separately on the left and right partitions

In this project, we will read a list, which is denoted as ’a’ in the template, consisting of long
integers. The memory address of the first element of the list will be in X0 register. The
addresses of the following values will be X0+8, X0+16,X0+24,… Our program will also take
low and high index values, which specify the boundaries for our algorithm to implement sorting.

Example: Let
arr = [4, 3, 5, 2, 100, 10, 8, 7]

If low = 0 and high = 7, then the sorted array would be

arr = [2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 100]

As low and high values coincide with the first and the the last indices, respectively, our program
will sort the whole array.

However, in our project, our algorithm is also expected sort only a part of an array, in which
the left-most and the right-most boundaries are given by low and high values, and keep the
other parts unsorted. As another example,

arr = [4, 3, 5, 2, 100, 10, 8, 7]

This time, suppose low = 2 and high = 5, which indicates that we only need to sort the
values coming from the set of indices {2,3,4,5}. Note that the values attained by low and high
are also included in this set. Hence, the (partially) sorted would be

arr = [4, 3, 2, 5, 10, 100, 8, 7]

Base case: If the values of low and high are equal to each other, then the algorithm is not
supposed to change anything in the given array.

Pivot Selection: There are various methods for choosing the pivot element, such as: (1)
choosing the first element, (2) choosing a random element, and (3) choosing the middle
element. For this project, we will choose the pivot as the last element of our array (or

Lomuto Partitioning: As the pivot is chosen as the last element, we can apply the parti-
tion algorithm. For this project, we will implement one of the first partitioning algo-
rithms invented for Quicksort, namely Lomuto partitioning. We will initialize a tempo-
rary pivot index (TPI), say i, which would count the number of elements less than or equal
to the pivot. As you can easily infer, the correct index for the pivot value in the sorted
array is (TPI + 1) after we apply the partition function. Secondly, we will have another
index,say j, to trace the values in the actual array. Let the name be current index which
is abbreviated as CI. Different from other partitioning schemes, in Lomuto partitioning,
the pivot element is kept in the last index until the end of each iteration and it is placed
in its correct index at the end.

To understand Lomuto partitioning, or the essence of partitioning in general, one could
check the useful Wikipedia page on Quicksort (in the pseudocode for Lomuto partitioning
on that page, the index i and the index j coincide with our assignment in the previous
paragraph) and watch this video illustration of Lomuto partitioning on Youtube.

As opposed to the Lomuto partitoning pseudocode presented on the Wiki page, we will
implement our partition function recursively instead of using a for loop.

3 Implementation

In this project, you have to write the following functions, namely swap, partition and quick-
sort to implement the quicksort algorithm in LEGv8 assembly language. Some details to note

• Use the procedures prototype as mentioned below and given to you in the template. Don’t
change the registers or the arguments passed to the procedures or the values returned.

• Follow the “Procedure Call Convention” for calling procedures, passing registers and man-
aging the stack. The procedures should not make any assumptions about the implemen-
tation of other procedures.

• We expect your code to be well-commented. Each instruction should be commented with
a meaningful description of the operation. For example, this comment is bad as it tells
you nothing:

// x1 gets x2 – 1

sub x1, x2, #1

A good comment should explain the meaning behind the instruction. A better example

// Initialize loop counter x1 to n-1

sub x1, x2, #1

3.1 Function 1: swap(a, b)

Swaps two values pointed by a and b. It is a very generic swapping operation that you may
have encountered in C language.

3.1.1 Parameters

• X0: the address of the first value

• X1: the address of the second value

3.1.2 Return Value

• This function does not return anything.

3.1.3 Pseudo-code

Swapping two values in the addresses X0 and X1. (note that you will need a temporary register).

3.1.4 Examples

• X0=100 (and suppose the value stored in address 100 is a)

• X1=108 (and suppose the value stored in address 108 is b)

When exiting:

• The value stored in address X0=100 is b

• The value stored in address X1=108 is a

3.2 Function 2: partition(a, low, high, TPI, CI)

This function must separate the given (sub)list into two parts based on the pivot value, such
that all elements that are less than the pivot lie in the left partition and all the elements that
are greater than the pivot lie in the right partition. (Elements equal to the pivot are assigned
to either parts based on the parity of their indices.) You must return the final index of the pivot.

You must implement a recursive partition as follows: (1) start with the last element as pivot,
(2) collecting each element greater than (or equal, possibly) the pivot to the right-side and each
element less than (or equal, possibly) the pivot to the left-side of the array, this step is literally
how Lomuto partioning works (3) insert the pivot between the two partitions.

3.2.1 Parameters

• X0: Starting address of a (sub)list (corresponding to a.)

• X1: low index

• X2: high index

3.2.2 Return Value

• X0: The index of the pivot element

3.2.3 Pseudo-code

function partition(a, low, high, TPI, CI)
pivot ← a[high]
if j==high then

return i+1

if a[j]<= pivot then SWAP(a[i],a[j]) return PARTITION(a, low, high, i, j+1) end function 3.2.4 Examples • a: 4, 2, 7, 3, 1, 6, 9, 0, 8 • TPI: low − 1 = −1 • CI: low = 0 When exiting: • a: 4, 2, 7, 3, 1, 6, 0, 8, 9 • a: 100, -1, 5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 1, 4, 737 • TPI: low − 1 = 1 • CI: low = 2 When exiting: • a: 100, -1, 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 7, 5, 737 3.3 quicksort(a, low, high) This is the main function to recursively sort the given list. Unless there is at most one element in the sub-list, this function will call the partition function to partition the list, which will return the final position for the pivot element; then it will recursively call quicksort on the left and right partitions separately. 3.3.1 Parameters • X0: Starting address of a (sub)list • X1: low index • X2: high index 3.3.2 Return Value • This function does not return anything. 3.3.3 Pseudo-code function quicksort(a, low, high) if low < high then pivot position ← partition(a, low, high, low- 1, low) quicksort(a, low, pivot position-1) quicksort(address of a[pivot position + 1],pivot position+1, high) end function 3.3.4 Examples • a: 100, -1, 5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 1, 4, 737 • a: 100, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 737 4 Instructions • You are encouraged to test the example arrays given above with your program. Another test array is given as [8, -5, 8, 4, 6, 100, 756, -16]. You can have the related data file named as ’Test data.txt’ on Canvas > Files > Project S23. Make sure that your program
works properly with any suitable values of low and high, i.e. low ≤ high.

• You must submit your solution by emailing (to a completed file
ABC XYZ 2023 project.s, where ABC and XYZ are the of each student. For
example, if Sherlock Holmes and John Watson were working together on a submission,
the file name would be: sholmes jwatson 2023 project.s

• Fill the names and PID of each student in the file.

• Each project team contributes their own unique code – no copying, cheating, or hiring
help. We will check the programs against each other using automated tools. These tools
are VERY effective, and you WILL get caught.

• Similarly, using ChatGPT to come up with the code is also prohibited and will be con-
sidered as cheating.

• Please start this project early.

• Try to test the behavior of each function independently, rather than trying to code all of
them at once. It will make debugging far easier.

Project Description
Quicksort Algorithm
Function 1: swap(a, b)
Return Value

Function 2: partition(a, low, high, TPI, CI)
Return Value

quicksort(a, low, high)
Return Value
