CUS4020 Data Presentation and XML

CUS4020 Digital Humanities
Week 3: Data Presentation and XML
Chaak-ming LAU
Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies 19 Sep 2023

Week 3 – Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
By the end of this class, students will be able to:
1. Understand the distinction between data and presentation
2. Encode humanities data in basic XML
3. Use a XSLT transformation sheet to display hierarchical data


Migration sheet
CUS4020.2c Migration
● Pay attention to ○ Consistency
○ Blank rows/columns
● Possible Classification
● Controlled Vocabulary

1. Create separate sheets for data/metadata and metadata specification
2. Set up a controlled vocabulary
3. Configure validation rules to reject or highlight incorrect values

Data Collection
● Now, add your own rows CUS4020.2c Migration

Presentation 1
● Simple Charts

Proportion: Pictogram

Proportion: Stacked Bar Chart

Presentation 2
● Download he annotated sheet as CSV
● Upload the file to RawGraphs
● Generate an alluvial diagram

Data ←→ Presentation
● Same set of data can be processed, interpreted, presented in different ways.
● They should be kept as two separate layers.

“Asia Ex-HK” may be difficult to understand. How should we fix it?
1. Go to the data table, and use a different label for this, e.g. Asia, excluding Hong Kong
2. Add a footnote to the charts

Tabular data vs Hierarchical Data

Limitation of tabular data
● Information about a particular item can be presented in a tabular format
○ Each column represents one element
■ Field name header (first row)
■ Values subsequent rows
● But what if we need to …
○ add more than one creator?
○ specify the surname and given name of each creator?

● XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a markup language for encoding documents in a way that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
● It is used to represent hierarchical data.
“The term markup language comes from the publishing term to mark up, meaning to annotate sections of a text for proper typesetting.”

L** K** T***
● The same record can
be represented in different structures
● Tabular data is neat but does not work well for text-encoding tasks
L** K** T***
Tuen Mun
Chinese 800

● Hierarchical representation
● User-defined tags
● Well-defined syntax
● Excellent software support
Let’s look at more examples.
Romeo and Juliet in XML
● Pay attention to the structure of this file.

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A song catalogue in XML
and <artist> are tags.<br /> <cd> is a tag.<br /> Example from W3Schools<br /> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <catalog><br /> <title>Ave Maria Franz Schubert 1825

Piano Concerto No. 1 Pyotr Tchaikovsky 1874

Jazz Suite, Waltz No. 2</ title> <artist>Dmitri Shostakovich</artist> <year>1938</year><br /> </cd> </catalog></p> <p> Let’s return to our earlier dataset<br /> L** K** T***<br /> ● Consider expanding this table to include more information.<br /> ● What additional metadata can be added to this set of data to investigate our preference?</p> <p> Adding more columns to the table?<br /> ● We can add …<br /> ○ Location<br /> ■ Name of the restaurant<br /> ○ Food items<br /> ■ ← Multiple values<br /> ● There is no way to decide how many food items there will be when the system is designed.<br /> ○ Let’s go hierarchical! ← XML</p> <p> Opening XML files<br /> ● Most browsers can display XML files in a hierarchical fashion.<br /> ● You can use a text editor to edit XML files<br /> ■ is highly recommended for this purpose ■ OxygenXML (paid)</p> <p> ● Let’s have a closer look at how XML files are structured. ○ We should be able to handcraft some XML files<br /> Code Help, Add WeChat: cstutorcs<br /> XML structure Let’s look at an XML element<br /> <head>Introduction</head><br /> – <head> is the opening tag (or start tag) – </head> is the closing tag (or end tag)<br /> – head is the name of the tag<br /> The two tags and everything in between are the three components of an element.</p> <p>Tags must be nested properly.<br /> That means this is not allowed:<br /> <sentence>This is a <bold>sentence.</sentence><br /> <sentence>This is important.</bold></sentence> This is OK:<br /> <sentence>This is a <bold>sentence.</bold></sentence> <sentence><bold>This is important.</bold></sentence></p> <p> Self-closing tags for empty elements<br /> <head/> is equivalent to <head></head></p> <p> Declaration<br /> This line here is called the declaration, which is here for the processor.<br /> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?></p> <p> Attributes<br /> name is an attribute of meal, which can take the value breakfast. type is an attribute of item, and it can take the values food or drink.<br /> Example 2 <poem xml:id="P1" status="draft"> … </poem> <p> Note that …<br /> 1. XML is case sensitive.<br /> <food> and <FooD> are different!<br /> 2. All content should be placed within a tag. Feel free to add whitespace, tabs or newlines between different tags for clarity.<br /> <a href="">Programming Help</a><br /> You will be provided with an XML template: This is how it will be displayed:<br /> How would you modify the XML file to create your own content?</p> <p> tAKyRUwfeHNo8dJSDxCrvMjzOFQvB7d qJyk7cVTk/edit?usp=sharing<br /> Modify the your XML fragment with some additional fields and some additional constraints.<br /> 1. Your fragment should follow the XML format.<br /> 2. In addition to existing fields, we need to add at least one food or drink item.<br /> 3. A meal type can be named either breakfast, lunch or dinner.<br /> <meal type="dinner"><br /> <creator>L** K** T***</creator><br /> <date>20230120</date><br /> <location>Tuen Mun</location><br /> <cuisine>Chinese</cuisine><br /> <food>peking duck</food><br /> <drink>tea</drink> <price>800</price> <p> XML + XSLT<br /> ● XML files are not designed to be read directly.<br /> ○ XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) can be applied<br /> to an XML to transform an XML file into a desirable format. ○ Omeka does this for you, but with a general template.</p> <p> XML + XSLT<br /> ● XML contains the data<br /> ● XSLT describes the<br /> presentation of the data →<br /><br /> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br /> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:output method="html" doctype-public="XSLT-compat" omit-xml-declaration="yes" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" /><br /> <xsl:template match="/"><br /> <html><body></p> <h2>My Favorite Songs</h2> <table border="1"> <tr bgcolor="#3dd2ed"> <th style="text-align:left">Title</th> <th style="text-align:left">Artist</th> </tr> <p><xsl:for-each select="catalog/cd"> </p> <tr> <td><xsl:value-of select="title"/></td> <td><xsl:value-of select="artist"/></td> </tr> <p></xsl:for-each><br /> </table> <p> </body></html> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet></p> <p> Another example of XML transformation<br /> Edit Your XML fragments here.</p> <p> ← XML file (=Data)<br /> ← XSL Stylesheet<br /> ← Resulting HTML</p> <p> DH Exercise #3 (5%, take-home assignment)<br /> Create your own HTML content on methods of incorporating digital humanities into the field of your major studies.<br /> Step 1: Prepare XML file<br /> ➢ Recall the previous exercise – what should be modified?</p> <p> DH Exercise #3 (5%, take-home assignment)<br /> Step 2: Prepare XSL Stylesheet<br /> ➢ You will be provided with the XSL Stylesheet for exercise 1.<br /> ➢ In order to match your XML file for exercise 2, what should be modified?<br /> Try using to check if your XML and XSL files work!</p> <p> DH Exercise #3 (5%, take-home assignment)<br /> Step 3: Submission ➢ Submit your<br /> (1) XML file<br /> (2) XSL file<br /> (3) a screenshot of the HTML generated with your XML and XSL files<br /> to</p> </div><!-- .entry-content .clear --> </div> </article><!-- #post-## --> <nav class="navigation post-navigation" aria-label="Post navigation"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Post navigation</span> <div class="nav-links"><div class="nav-previous"><a title="GAME3700 GAME20866 Rapid Idea Prototyping Games Studio Syllabus" href="" rel="prev"><span class="ast-left-arrow">←</span> Previous Post</a></div><div class="nav-next"><a title="COMP712 Project" href="" rel="next">Next Post <span class="ast-right-arrow">→</span></a></div></div> </nav> </main><!-- #main --> </div><!-- #primary --> <div class="widget-area secondary" id="secondary" itemtype="" itemscope="itemscope"> <div class="sidebar-main" > <aside id="block-12" class="widget 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