CSC324 A1 eve test DrRacket

#lang racket ; CSC324 — 2023W — Assignment 1 — Eve Implementation

; Task: implement eve according to A1.eve-test.rkt.

(contract-out (eve (any/c . -> . (list/c any/c (hash/c symbol? list?)))))
; Add any helper functions you tested in A1.eva-test.rkt.
; Whether you add contracts to them is optional.

; · Support: indexer

; A constructor for a zero-arity function that when called successively
; produces symbols of the form prefix0 prefix1 prefix2 etc.

(provide (contract-out (indexer (any/c . -> . (-> symbol?)))))

(define (indexer prefix)
(define last-index -1)
(local-require (only-in racket/syntax format-symbol))
(set! last-index (add1 last-index))
(format-symbol “~a~a” prefix last-index)))

; Produce a two-element list with the value and the environment-closure table
; from evaluating an LCE term.
(define (eve term)

; A mutable table of environments and closures.
; Task: Look up hash-ref and hash-set! in the racket documentation.
(define environments-closures (make-hash))

; Iterators to produce indices for environments and closures.
(define En (indexer ‘E))
(define λn (indexer ‘λ))

; Task: complete rec.
(define (rec t E) t)

(list (rec term (En))
(make-immutable-hash (hash->list environments-closures))))