CSC148, Winter 2019
Assignment 1
This code is provided solely for the personal and private use of
students taking the CSC148 course at the University of Toronto.
Copying for purposes other than this use is expressly prohibited.
All forms of distribution of this code, whether as given or with
any changes, are expressly prohibited.
All of the files in this directory and all subdirectories are:
Copyright (c) 2019 Bogdan Simion, Diane Horton, Jacqueline Smith
import datetime
import json
from typing import List, Dict
from visualizer import Visualizer
from customer import Customer
from phoneline import PhoneLine
def import_data() -> Dict[str, List[Dict]]:
“”” Open the file
a dictionary that stores this data in a format as described in the A1
Precondition: the dataset file must be in the json format.
with open(“dataset.json”) as o:
log = json.load(o)
return log
def create_customers(log: Dict[str, List[Dict]]) -> List[Customer]:
“”” Returns a list of Customer instances for each customer from the input
dataset from the dictionary
– The
matching the expected input format described in the handout.
customer_list = []
for cust in log[‘customers’]:
customer = Customer(cust[‘id’])
for line in cust[‘lines’]:
contract = None
# 1) Uncomment the piece of code below once you’ve implemented
# all types of contracts.
# 2) Make sure to import the necessary contract classes in this file
# 3) Remove this TODO list when you’re done.
if line[‘contract’] == ‘prepaid’:
# start with $100 credit on the account
contract = PrepaidContract(, 12, 25), 100)
elif line[‘contract’] == ‘mtm’:
contract = MTMContract(, 12, 25))
elif line[‘contract’] == ‘term’:
contract = TermContract(, 12, 25),, 6, 25))
print(“ERROR: unknown contract type”)
line = PhoneLine(line[‘number’], contract)
return customer_list
def find_customer_by_number(number: str, customer_list: List[Customer]) \
-> Customer:
“”” Return the Customer with the phone number
If the number does not belong to any customer, return None.
cust = None
for customer in customer_list:
if number in customer:
cust = customer
return cust
def new_month(customer_list: List[Customer], month: int, year: int) -> None:
“”” Advance all customers in
contract, as specified by the
for cust in customer_list:
cust.new_month(month, year)
def process_event_history(log: Dict[str, List[Dict]],
customer_list: List[Customer]) -> None:
“”” Process the calls from the
list contains all the customers that exist in the
Construct Call objects from
corresponding customer’s call history.
Hint: You must advance all customers to a new month using the new_month()
function, everytime a new month is detected for the current event you are
– All calls are ordered chronologically (based on the call’s date and time),
when retrieved from the dictionary
– The
activity for ALL customers, as specified in the handout.
– The
– The
# TODO: Implement this method. We are giving you the first few lines of code
billing_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(log[‘events’][0][‘time’],
“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”)
billing_month = billing_date.month
# start recording the bills from this date
# Note: uncomment the following lines when you’re ready to implement this
# new_month(customer_list, billing_date.month, billing_date.year)
# for event_data in log[‘events’]:
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
v = Visualizer()
print(“Toronto map coordinates:”)
print(” Lower-left corner: -79.697878, 43.576959″)
print(” Upper-right corner: -79.196382, 43.799568″)
input_dictionary = import_data()
customers = create_customers(input_dictionary)
process_event_history(input_dictionary, customers)
# ———————————————————————-
# NOTE: You do not need to understand any of the implementation below,
# to be able to solve this assignment. However, feel free to
# read it anyway, just to get a sense of how the application runs.
# ———————————————————————-
# Gather all calls to be drawn on screen for filtering, but we only want
# to plot each call only once, so only plot the outgoing calls to screen.
# (Each call is registered as both an incoming and outgoing)
all_calls = []
for c in customers:
hist = c.get_history()
print(“Total Calls in the dataset:”, len(all_calls))
# Main loop for the application.
# 1) Wait for user interaction with the system and processes everything
# appropriately
# 2) Take the calls from the results of the filtering and create the
# drawables and connection lines for those calls
# 3) Display the calls in the visualization window
events = all_calls
while not v.has_quit():
events = v.handle_window_events(customers, events)
connections = []
drawables = []
for event in events:
# Put the connections on top of the other sprites
import python_ta
‘allowed-import-modules’: [
‘python_ta’, ‘typing’, ‘json’, ‘datetime’,
‘visualizer’, ‘customer’, ‘call’, ‘contract’, ‘phoneline’
‘allowed-io’: [
‘create_customers’, ‘import_data’
‘generated-members’: ‘pygame.*’