(* ****** ****** *)
is a class library
built for CS320, Fall, 2023
(* ****** ****** *)
exception False;;
(* ****** ****** *)
exception Subscript;;
(* ****** ****** *)
(** Return the character with the given ASCII code. **)
let chr = Char.chr;;
(** return the ASCII code of the argument **)
let ord = Char.code;;
(** make n c is a string of length n with each index holding the character c **)
let str(c0) = String.make 1 c0;;
(** checks if a character is lowercase **)
let char_islower(ch: char) = (ch >= ‘a’ && ch <= 'z');;
(** checks if a character is uppercase **)
let char_isupper(ch: char) = (ch >= ‘A’ && ch <= 'Z');;
(** checks if a character is a digit **)
let char_isdigit(ch: char) = (ch >= ‘0’ && ch <= '9');;
(** checks if a character is a alphabetical letter **)
let char_isletter(ch: char) =
(ch >= ‘a’ && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= ‘A’ && ch <= 'Z');;
(** checks if a character is a alphabetical or numerical letter **)
let char_isalphanum(ch: char) =
char_islower(ch) || char_isupper(ch) || char_isdigit(ch);;
(** checks if a character is a whitespace character **)
let char_iswhitespace(ch: char) =
(ch = ' ' || ch = '\n' || ch = '\r' || ch = '\t');;
(** converts a character to lowercase if applicable **)
let char_tolower(ch: char) =
if char_isupper(ch) then chr(ord(ch) - ord('A') + ord('a')) else ch
(** converts a character to uppercase if applicable **)
let char_toupper(ch: char) =
if char_islower(ch) then chr(ord(ch) - ord('a') + ord('A')) else ch
(** converts int digit to a character **)
let char_of_digit (d0: int): char =
let () = assert(d0 >= 0) in
let () = assert(d0 <= 9) in
chr(ord('0') + d0)
;;(* end of [char_of_digit] *)
(** converts character to a digit**)
let digit_of_char(ch: char): int =
let () = assert(ch >= ‘0’) in
let () = assert(ch <= '9') in
ord(ch) - ord('0')
;;(* end of [digit_of_char] *)
(* ****** TYPE ANNOTATIONS ****** *)
(** takes a collection 'xs and a predicate function ('x0 -> bool), and it returns a boolean value if all satisfy or not **)
type (‘xs, ‘x0) forall = ‘xs -> (‘x0 -> bool) -> bool
(** takes a generic collection ‘xs and applies a function (‘x0 -> unit) which may produce a side effect **)
type (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach = ‘xs -> (‘x0 -> unit) -> unit
(** takes a generic collection ‘xs and applies a function (‘x0 -> unit) which may produce a side effect in reverse order **)
type (‘xs, ‘x0) rforeach = ‘xs -> (‘x0 -> unit) -> unit
(** takes a generic type ‘xs and returns a list of values of type ‘x0 **)
type (‘xs, ‘x0) listize = ‘xs -> ‘x0 list
(** takes a generic type ‘xs and returns an array of values of type ‘x0 **)
type (‘xs, ‘x0) arrnize = ‘xs -> ‘x0 array
(** takes a generic type ‘xs and returns a list of values of type ‘x0 in reverse order **)
type (‘xs, ‘x0) rlistize = ‘xs -> ‘x0 list
(** takes a generic type ‘xs and returns an array of values of type ‘x0 in reverse order **)
type (‘xs, ‘x0) rarrnize = ‘xs -> ‘x0 array
(** takes a collection ‘xs and a function (‘x0 -> ‘y0) for transforming elements of type ‘x0 into elements of type ‘y0,
and it returns a list of the transformed elements. **)
type (‘xs, ‘x0, ‘y0) map_list = ‘xs -> (‘x0 -> ‘y0) -> ‘y0 list
(** takes a collection ‘xs and a function (‘x0 -> ‘y0) for transforming elements of type ‘x0 into elements of type ‘y0,
and it returns a list of the transformed elements in reverse order. **)
type (‘xs, ‘x0, ‘y0) map_rlist = ‘xs -> (‘x0 -> ‘y0) -> ‘y0 list
type (‘xs, ‘x0, ‘r0) foldleft = ‘xs -> ‘r0 -> (‘r0 -> ‘x0 -> ‘r0) -> ‘r0
type (‘xs, ‘x0, ‘r0) foldright = ‘xs -> ‘r0 -> (‘x0 -> ‘r0 -> ‘r0) -> ‘r0
(* ****** ****** *)
(** run a work() fxn n0 times starting from 0 and ending at n0 **)
let int1_foreach (n0:int) (work: int -> unit): unit =
for i0 = 0 to n0-1 do work(i0) done
(** run a work() fxn n0 times starting from n0 and ending at 0 **)
let int1_rforeach (n0:int) (work: int -> unit): unit =
for i0 = 0 to n0-1 do work(n0-1-i0) done
(** init n f is a string of length n with index i holding the character f i (called in increasing index order). **)
let string_init = String.init;;
(** length s is the length (number of bytes/characters) of s **)
let string_length = String.length;;
(** read the contents of file into a string **)
let string_of_file(path: string) =
let fp = open_in path in
let rec loop () =
match input_line fp with
| s -> s ^ “\n” ^ (loop ())
| exception End_of_file -> “”
let res = loop () in
let () = close_in fp in
(** get_at s i is the character at index i in s. This is the same as writing s.[i] **)
let string_get_at(cs:string)(i0:int): char = String.get cs i0;;
(* ****** ****** *)
(** get the first char *)
let string_head(cs:string):char = string_get_at(cs)(0)
(** get the rest of chars *)
let string_tail(cs) =
string_init(string_length(cs)-1)(fun i -> string_get_at(cs)(i+1))
(* ****** ****** *)
(** create a string c0+cs **)
let string_cons(c0: char)(cs: string): string =
string_init(string_length(cs) + 1)(
fun i -> if i <= 0 then c0 else string_get_at cs (i-1)
(** create a string cs+c0 **)
let string_snoc(cs: string)(c0: char): string =
let len = string_length(cs) in
string_init(len + 1)(
fun i -> if i < len then string_get_at (cs) (i) else c0
(** turn cs into an uppercase string **)
let string_toupper(cs: string): string =
fun i0 -> char_toupper(string_get_at(cs)(i0))
(** turn cs into a lowercase string **)
let string_tolower(cs: string): string =
fun i0 -> char_tolower(string_get_at(cs)(i0))
(** for each character of string cs from 0 to length cs, apply the work function **)
let string_foreach(cs: string)(work: char -> unit) =
fun i0 -> work(string_get_at(cs)(i0))
(** for each character of string cs from length cs to 0, apply the work function **)
let string_rforeach(cs: string)(work: char -> unit) =
fun i0 -> work(string_get_at(cs)(i0))
(** init n f is a string of length n with index i holding the character f i (called in increasing index order) **)
let string_tabulate = String.init;;
(** returns a fresh array containing the elements of xs which is a list of generic a **)
let list_arrnize(xs: ‘a list): ‘a array = Array.of_list(xs)
(** adds the reverse of generic list xs to generic list ys: xs=[1;2;3] ys=[4;5;6] = [3;2;1;4;5;6] **)
let rec list_revapp(xs: ‘a list)(ys: ‘a list): ‘a list =
match xs with
| [] -> ys
| x1 :: xs -> list_revapp(xs)(x1 :: ys)
(** reverses a generic list **)
let list_reverse(xs: ‘a list): ‘a list = list_revapp(xs)([]);;
(** iterate through all elements in generic list xs and run the test function on each element. If all pass then return true **)
let rec list_forall(xs: ‘a list)(test: ‘a -> bool): bool =
match xs with
| [] -> true
| x1 :: xs -> (
test(x1) && list_forall(xs)(test)
(** iterate through all elements in generic list xs and run the test fxn on eahc element. If one passes then return true **)
let rec list_exists(xs: ‘a list)(test: ‘a -> bool): bool =
match xs with
| [] -> false
| x1 :: xs -> (
test(x1) || list_exists(xs)(test)
(** iterate through each element of generic list and apply the work function to that element **)
let rec list_foreach(xs: ‘a list) (work: ‘a -> unit): unit =
match xs with
| [] -> ()
| x1 :: xs -> (
work(x1); list_foreach(xs)(work)
(** iterate through each element of generic list and apply the work function to that element in reverse order **)
let rec list_rforeach(xs: ‘a list) (work: ‘a -> unit): unit =
(** the forall_to_foreach function takes a forall function and converts it into a foreach function that applies a
given action to each element in the collection while ensuring that all elements are processed **)
let forall_to_foreach(forall: (‘xs, ‘x0) forall): (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach =
fun(xs)(work) -> let _ = forall(xs)(fun(x0) -> (work(x0); true)) in ()
let foreach_to_forall(foreach: (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach): (‘xs, ‘x0) forall =
fun(xs)(test) ->
let() = foreach(xs)(fun(x0) -> if test(x0) then () else raise False)
in( true ) with False(*void*) -> (false)
;;(* end of [foreach_to_forall]: let *)
let foreach_to_foldleft(foreach: (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach): ‘xs -> ‘r0 -> (‘r0 -> ‘x0 -> ‘r0) -> ‘r0 =
fun(xs)(r0)(fopr) ->
let res = ref(r0) in
foreach(xs)(fun(x0) -> res := fopr(!res)(x0));
;;(* end of [foreach_to_foldleft]: let *)
foreach_to_map_list(foreach: (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach): (‘xs, ‘x0, ‘y0) map_list =
fun(xs)(fopr) ->
foreach_to_map_rlist(foreach: (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach): (‘xs, ‘x0, ‘y0) map_rlist =
fun(xs)(fopr) ->
let res = ref([]) in
foreach(xs)(fun(x0) -> res := fopr(x0) :: !res); !res
;;(* end of [foreach_to_map_rlist]: let *)
let rec foreach_to_listize(foreach: (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach) : (‘xs, ‘x0) listize =
fun(xs) -> foreach_to_map_list(foreach)(xs)(fun x -> x)
let rec foreach_to_rlistize(foreach: (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach) : (‘xs, ‘x0) rlistize =
fun(xs) -> foreach_to_map_rlist(foreach)(xs)(fun x -> x)
let rec foreach_to_arrnize(foreach: (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach) : (‘xs, ‘x0) arrnize =
fun xs -> list_arrnize(foreach_to_listize(foreach)(xs))
let rec foreach_to_rarrnize(foreach: (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach) : (‘xs, ‘x0) rarrnize =
fun xs -> list_arrnize(foreach_to_rlistize(foreach)(xs))
let rec foreach_to_length(foreach: (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach): ‘xs -> int =
foldleft_to_length(foldleft: (‘xs,’x0,’r0) foldleft): ‘xs -> int =
fun(xs) -> foldleft(xs)(0)(fun(r0)(x0) -> r0+1)
let rforeach_to_foldright(rforeach: (‘xs, ‘x0) rforeach): (‘xs, ‘x0, ‘r0) foldright =
fun(xs)(r0)(fopr) ->
let res = ref(r0) in
rforeach(xs) (fun(x0) -> res := fopr(x0)(!res));
;;(* end of [rforeach_to_foldright]: let *)
let int1_forall(n0) =
let string_forall(cs) =
let int1_listize(n0) =
let int1_rlistize(n0) =
let string_listize(cs) =
let string_rlistize(cs) =
let int1_foldleft(n0) =
let list_foldleft(xs) =
let string_foldleft(cs) =
let int1_foldright(n0) =
let list_foldright(xs) =
let string_foldright(cs) =
(* ****** ****** *)
let foreach_to_foldright(foreach: (‘xs, ‘x0) foreach): ‘xs -> ‘r0 -> (‘x0 -> ‘r0 -> ‘r0) -> ‘r0 =
fun xs r0 fopr ->
let xs = foreach_to_rlistize(foreach)(xs) in
list_foldleft(xs)(r0)(fun r0 x0 -> fopr x0 r0)
(* ****** ****** *)
(** transforms the work done by fwork into a list. **)
let list_make_fwork(fwork: (‘x0 -> unit) -> unit): ‘x0 list =
let res = ref([]) in
let work(x0) = (res := (x0 :: !res))
in(*let*)(fwork(work); list_reverse(!res) )
let list_make_filter(test: ‘x0 -> bool)(fwork: (‘x0 -> unit) -> unit): ‘x0 list =
let res = ref([]) in
let work(x0) =
if test(x0) then (res := (x0 :: !res))
in(*let*) (fwork(work); list_reverse(!res))
(* ****** ****** *)
(** transforms the work done by fwork into a list in reverse order. **)
let list_rmake_fwork(fwork: (‘x0 -> unit) -> unit): ‘x0 list =
let res = ref([]) in
let work(x0) = (res := (x0 :: !res)) in (fwork(work); !res)
let list_rmake_filter(test: ‘x0 -> bool)(fwork: (‘x0 -> unit) -> unit): ‘x0 list =
let res = ref([]) in
let work(x0) = if test(x0) then (res := (x0 :: !res)) in (fwork(work); !res)
(* ****** ****** *)
(** The result of the entire expression is a string that represents the characters processed by the fwork function **)
let string_make_fwork(fwork: (char -> unit) -> unit): string =
in String.init (Array.length(xs)) (fun i -> xs.(i))
let string_rmake_fwork(fwork: (char -> unit) -> unit): string =
in String.init (Array.length(xs)) (fun i -> xs.(i))
(* ****** ****** *)
(** appends two lists together: [1;2;3] [4;5;6] = [1;2;3;4;5;6]**)
let list_append(xs: ‘a list)(ys: ‘a list): ‘a list =
fun work -> (list_foreach xs work; list_foreach ys work)
(** takes in a list of lists and returns one list with all the lists concatenated: [[1;2] ; [3;4]] = [1;2;3;4] **)
let list_concat(xss: ‘a list list): ‘a list =
fun work -> list_foreach xss (fun xs -> list_foreach xs work)
(* ****** ****** *)
let string_filter
(cs: string)(test: char -> bool) =
(fun work -> string_foreach(cs)(fun c -> if test(c) then work(c)))
(* ****** ****** *)
let string_append(xs: string)(ys: string): string =
fun work -> (string_foreach xs work; string_foreach ys work)
(** takes a list of strings and gives a string with the strings concatenated **)
let string_concat_list(css: string list): string =
fun work -> list_foreach css (fun cs -> string_foreach cs work)
(* ****** ****** *)
type ‘a strcon =
| StrCons of
‘a * (unit -> ‘a strcon)
(* ****** ****** *)
type ‘a stream =
unit -> ‘a strcon (* thunk *)
(* ****** ****** *)
(fxs: ‘a stream)
(fopr: ‘a -> ‘b): ‘b stream =
match fxs() with
StrNil -> StrNil
StrCons(x1, fxs) ->
(fopr(x1), stream_map(fxs)(fopr))
(* ****** ****** *)
(fxs: ‘a stream)
(work: ‘a -> unit): unit =
match fxs() with
| StrNil -> ()
| StrCons(x1, fxs) ->
(work(x1); stream_foreach(fxs)(work))
(* ****** ****** *)
(fopr: int -> ‘a): ‘a stream =
helper(i: int) =
if i >= n0
then StrNil(*void*)
else StrCons(fopr(i), helper(i+1)) in helper(0)
(* ****** ****** *)
(fxs: ‘a stream)
(fys: ‘a stream): ‘a stream = fun() ->
match fxs() with
| StrNil -> fys()
| StrCons(x1, fxs) ->
StrCons(x1, stream_append(fxs)(fys))
(* ****** ****** *)
(fxss: ‘a stream list): ‘a stream = fun() ->
match fxss with
| [] -> StrNil
| fxs1 :: fxss -> stream_append(fxs1)(stream_concat_list(fxss))()
(* ****** ****** *)
(** open the option and apply the work function to that element **)
let option_foreach(o0: ‘a option)(work: ‘a -> unit): unit =
match o0 with
| Some(a) -> work(a)
| None -> ()
(** open the option and run the test function on each element. If all pass then return true **)
let option_forall(o0) =
let option_foldleft(o: ‘a option)(acc: ‘r0)(fopr: ‘r0 -> ‘a -> ‘r0): ‘r0 =
let option_listize(xs: ‘xs): ‘x0 list =
let option_map(o: ‘a option)(fopr: ‘a -> ‘b): ‘b option =
match o with
| Some(a) -> Some(fopr(a))
| None -> None
let option_bind(o: ‘a option)(fopr: ‘a -> ‘b option): ‘b option =
option_foldleft(o)(None)(fun _ x -> fopr(x))
let option_cond(c0: bool)(v0: unit -> ‘a): ‘a option =
if c0 then Some(v0()) else None
(* ****** ****** *)
let = option_bind
(* ****** ****** *)
type ‘a parser = char list -> (‘a * char list) option
let string_parse(p: ‘a parser)(s: string): (‘a * char list) option =
let pure(a: ‘a) =
fun xs -> Some(a, xs)
let fail: ‘a parser =
fun _ -> None
let bind(p: ‘a parser)(q: ‘a -> ‘b parser) =
let@ (a, xs) = p(xs) in
let read: char parser =
match xs with
| x :: xs -> Some (x, xs)
| _ -> None
let satisfy(f: char -> bool) =
match xs with
| x :: xs -> option_cond(f(x))(fun () -> x, xs)
| _ -> None
let char(c: char) =
satisfy((=) c)
let seqright(p1: ‘a parser)(p2: ‘b parser) =
let@ (_, xs) = p1(xs) in
let seqleft(p1 : ‘a parser)(p2 : ‘b parser) =
let@ (x, xs) = p1(xs) in
let@ (_, xs) = p2(xs) in
Some (x, xs)
let disj(p1 : ‘a parser)(p2 : ‘a parser) =
option_foldleft(p1(xs))(fun () -> p2(xs))(fun _ x () -> Some x)()
let map(p : ‘a parser)(f : ‘a -> ‘b) =
option_map(p(xs))(fun (a, xs) -> f(a), xs)
let rec many(p : ‘a parser) =
match p(ls) with
| Some (x, ls) ->
(match many(p)(ls) with
| Some (xs, ls) -> Some (x :: xs, ls)
| None -> Some (x :: [], ls))
| None -> Some ([], ls)
let rec many1(p: ‘a parser) =
match p(ls) with
| Some (x, ls) ->
(match many(p)(ls) with
| Some (xs, ls) -> Some (x :: xs, ls)
| None -> Some (x :: [], ls))
| None -> None
let rec many'(p: unit -> ‘a parser) =
match p(())(ls) with
| Some (x, ls) ->
(match many'(p)(ls) with
| Some (xs, ls) -> Some (x :: xs, ls)
| None -> Some (x :: [], ls))
| None -> Some ([], ls)
let rec many1′(p : unit -> ‘a parser) =
match p(())(ls) with
| Some (x, ls) ->
(match many'(p)(ls) with
| Some (xs, ls) -> Some (x :: xs, ls)
| None -> Some (x :: [], ls))
| None -> None
let whitespace =
match xs with
| c :: xs ->
option_cond(char_iswhitespace(c))(fun () -> (), xs)
| _ -> None
let digit =
satisfy char_isdigit
let natural : int parser =
let@ (xs, ls) = many1 digit ls in
Some(list_foldleft(xs)(0) (fun acc n -> acc * 10 + digit_of_char(n)), ls)
let literal(s: string) =
let cs = string_listize s in
let rec loop cs ls =
match cs, ls with
| [], _ -> Some ((), ls)
| c :: cs, x :: xs ->
then loop cs xs
| _ -> None
in loop cs ls
(* ****** ****** *)
let (>>=) = bind
let (let*) = bind
let (>>) = seqright
let (<<) = seqleft
let (<|>) = disj
let (>|=) = map
let (>|) = fun p c -> map p (fun _ -> c)
(* ****** ****** *)
let whitespaces =
(many whitespace) >| ()
let whitespaces1 =
(many1 whitespace) >| ()
let keyword(s: string) =
(literal s) >> whitespaces >| ()
(* ****** ****** *)
(* end of [CS320-2023-Fall-classlib-MyOCaml.ml] *)