Assignment 1 Due Monday, April 24th, 11:59PM
In this assignment, you will get some practice writing simple functions in OCaml that manipulate lists (Part 1) and trees (Part 2).
Important Notes:
Before starting this homework, make sure you have installed opam and OCaml following the
instructions here.
Next install the dependencies by doing
opam install utop dune alcotest ppx_deriving ocamlformat
If you don’t want to install things globally (it should be easier for our purposes, because you only need to do this once, but for a real project, it’s bad practice), see: ocaml_project_dune.html
You are not allowed to use any built-in OCaml functions, except for , for any of the problems. To clarify, the @ function for concatenating lists is not allowed. If you do, you will not be awarded any points. Note that datatype constructors (e.g., [] , :: , None , and Some ) and patterns (e.g., | hd::tl -> … in a pattern-match) are not considered as functions, so you may freely use them.
The ocaml function application operators, |> and @@ are allowed.
Because you are learning a new programming language and using features that may be unfamiliar to
you, we recommend that you start early on this homework.
The problems were designed so that you’ll only need to write 5-15 lines of code for each one.
The and contains the type definitions and function signatures for this assignment. The only file you need to modify is . We have marked places where you need to write your own code with todo () . Simply replace them with your own code.
For each problem, the provided template always starts with the let keyword. However, if you think the problem can’t be solved without recursion, you may change let into let rec . You may define helper functions if you find them helpful.
Make sure the types of your functions exactly match the signatures defined in . The OCaml interpreter will automatically verify this by checking that your Listy (resp. Treey ) module satisfies our LISTY (resp. TREEY ) signature, and will throw an error if there is a mismatch.
You can test your code by running dune utop . — to compile your code and load it into a REPL. Note that you have to manually import the modules by doing
open Hw1;;
open Listy;;
open Treey;;
after which you can manually enter some test cases. If you are willing to put in some additional work, you could define unit tests in the test file we provided, which contains the examples used in this write- up. You can add your own test cases there, and do dune test to run all unit tests.
For some of the problems, you will find yourself having to write nested pattern matching. In those scenarios, it is always a good practice to enclose the inner match with parentheses:
match … with
match … with
If you don’t do this, the OCaml parser can’t know for sure whether
You can run dune fmt to have your code automatically beautified.
If you are struggling, please ask questions on Slack or come to office hours. In particular, let us know if
you need additional practice with recursion.
Note on testing. When you copy the homework, make sure you copy the dune files and dune-project as well! This is very important because your code won’t build. You might want to try downloading a zip using this download github directory tool, if you don’t want to clone the CS160 repo. After that:
VS Code also has a utop integration. See: vs-code ocaml commands. For running the tests, do: dune runtest
in hw1 folder/directory (the directory this readme is located) to run the public tests. if you do that command somewhere else, it won’t work. If you have questions on running tests, please ask one of the TA on slack (#hw1 channel) or come to our office hours.
Part 1: Listy (17 pts)
1. (2 pts) val prepend : ‘a -> ‘a list -> ‘a list takes an element and a list, and prepends that element to the list. For example, prepend 1 [2; 3] evaluates to [1; 2; 3] .
2. (3 pts) val append : ‘a -> ‘a list -> ‘a list takes an element and a list, and appends that element to the end of the list. For example, append 1 [2; 3] evaluates to [2; 3; 1] .
3. (3 pts) val cat : ‘a list -> ‘a list -> ‘a list concatenates two lists. For example, cat [1; 2] [3; 4] evaluates to [1; 2; 3; 4] .
4. (4 pts) val zip : ‘a list -> ‘b list -> (‘a * ‘b) list option takes two lists and “zips” them up in a pairwise fashion. In case the lists have different lengths, zip returns None . For example, zip
utop> open Hw1.Listy;;
utop> open Hw1.Treey;;
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[1; 2] [“a”; “b”] evaluates to Some ([(1, “a”); (2, “b”)]) , while zip [1] [“a”; “b”]
evaluates to None .
5. (5 pts) permute : ‘a list -> ‘a list list takes a list representing a set, and returns all
permutations of the set. You may assume the input list contains distinct elements. The order of the permutations do not matter. For example, permute [1; 2; 3] evaluates to [ [1; 2; 3]; [1; 3; 2]; [2; 1; 3]; [2; 3; 1]; [3; 1; 2]; [3; 2; 1] ] .
Part 2: Treey (15 pts)
A binary tree is either a leaf, or a node that has some data, a left child, and a right child:
type ‘a tree = Leaf | Node of ‘a * ‘a tree * ‘a tree The following functions are provdied to help you construct trees:
(* Create a new leaf *)
let leaf = Leaf
(* Create a new node with data, left child, and right child *)
let node x l r = Node (x, l, r)
(* Create a terminal node with data and no child *)
let node’ x = node x leaf leaf
You will implement the following functions:
1. (2 pts) val skeleton : ‘a tree -> unit tree takes a tree, and returns its “skeleton” by replacing
all data with the unit value () . For example,
where X represents a leaf node.
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2. (3 pts) val selfie : ‘a tree -> ‘a tree tree takes a selfie of the input tree by replacing each piece of data with the original tree itself. For example:
3. (5 pts) val timestamp : ‘a tree -> (int * ‘a) tree takes a tree and numbers each node with an integer timestamp that corresponds to when the node is first visited by depth-first search. Timestamps start at 0 . For example,
(Leaf nodes are not drawn.)
4. (3 pts) A tree_nfa — defined as
type tree_nfa = unit tree
— represents a non-deterministic finite state automaton (NFA) whose transition relation forms a tree.
We interpret a tree_nfa as an NFA as follows: The alphabet is binary:
type alphabet = O | I
A word is a finite sequence of characters drawn from the alphabet:
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type word = alphabet list
Each node corresponds to an NFA state:
The root node represents the initial state. Leaf nodes represent rejecting state. Non-leaf nodes represent accepting state.
A left branch corresponds to an edge labeled with O , while a right branch corresponds to an edge labeled with I .
Here is an example of a tree_nfa :
This NFA accepts , but rejects everything else.
Here’s the NFA parsing “II” – a valid input. On this input, the NFA doesn’t reach the leaf node when traversing, so we accept:
Here’s the NFA parsing “oo” – an invalid input. On this input, we reject because it reaches the leaf, X:
Implement val accepts : word -> tree_nfa -> bool that determines whether a tree_nfa accepts the given word .
5. (2pts)Atrieislikeatree_nfa,exceptthateach”state”nowoptionallyholdssomedata: type ‘a trie = ‘a option tree
It is used as a dictionary to map keys of type word to values of type ‘a . Intuitively, the data associated with key k will be on the same node that accepts k in the corresponding tree_nfa .
For example, the following is an int trie :
where it maps
epsilon |-> Some 3
O |-> Some 5
II |-> Some 4
everything else |-> None
Tries are also called prefix trees, since for any node N whose parent is M:
if N is the left child then
M’s key appended with O
M’s key appended with I
Implement val lookup : word -> ‘a trie -> ‘a option that looks up the value associated with the given key. If the key is not found or there is no associated value, return None . Otherwise, return
Some v where v is the value.
6. (5 pts) Implement val insert : word -> ‘a -> ‘a trie -> ‘a trie that takes a key, a value, and
a trie, and inserts the value onto trie, replacing the old value if any. For example, if the input trie t is
then insert [O;O] 6 t returns the new trie:
Edge case: For the case where the key is longer than the tree(if you reach the leaf before you can insert), for example, insert [O; O; O; O; O;] , insert intermediate None Nodes into the tree to extend the tree to allow for those extra nodes, then insert your value. Let me know on slack if you want me to make a diagram for this
Turn in on Gradescope. You do not need to turn in any other file. Before the submission portal closes, the autograder will only display how many public test cases (i.e. those in the test directory) that your solutions pass. The autograder will run the full test suite once the submission portal has closed.