CS Assignment

Draft version September 14, 2016

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Rahul Kashyap, Advisor: Robert Fisher Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, MA, USA


Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are one of the most important tools in modern cosmology (1). The observables of these events have characteristic behaviors unique to SNe Ia. This allows us to calibrate SNe Ia to measure the distances and redshifts of their host galaxies. The empirical relation(2) used for this purpose has been verified for nearby SNe Ia using independent means. However, the fundamental reasons of their observables have not been understood fully in computational study thus far. Moreover, we don‘t know how many and what kinds of system produce them primarily. In case of multiple progenitors, their relative contributions top SNe Ia population are also unknown.

It has been known for a long time that SNe Ia form from exploding white dwarfs. But, an isolated white dwarf is a stable object so, binary interaction is a theoretical requirement if such a carbon-oxygen (C/O) white dwarf has to explode in a realistic situation.Two main channels have been promising in numerical modelling in the literature – Single degenerate and Double Degenerate systems, depending on whether system has one or two white dwarfs. Single degenerate systems presents a natural channel of detonation i.e. by reaching the white dwarf mass to its critical limit but, fails to explain many observational details of SNe Ia population. Double-degenerate systems explain the population statistics of SNe Ia quite well but, they are very hard to reach to the condition of detonation except some recent proposed mechanisms e.g. (3). The range of observed SNe Ia energies by including a thin helium layer in the merging white dwarfs. A thin He layer on a white dwarf is a natural outcome of the stellar evolution and it‘s easy to achieve detonation condition in He layer during final phase of mergers. The He-detonation, in turn, can cause carbon-detonation through the focussing and convergence of shock detonation wave in the degenerate material(4; 5; 6; 7). This hypothesis, although interesting, has not been shown to work in a numerical simulation thus far except in one dimensional models where the assumption of geometry of the problem can be attributed to the cause of detonation.

In this work, I will explore a different effect of He-assisted detonation (referred to as double-detonation in literature) through which carbon detonation can be achieved. I will investigate the modelling of nuclear reactions in the numerical simulation of a uniform medium using astrophysical simulation software, FLASH. I will compare the results nucle-osynthetic yield and nuclear energy yields against a general reaction network code, (TORCH). I will use the version of TORCH code edited by Dean Townsley. The code will be used to find out the feasibility of carbon detonation purely because of energy injection due to Helium burning. For this purpose, I will work on including 47-isotope network in FLASH. The 47-isotope network will be applied to a binary white dwarf (initialized using SPH data) with thin Helium layer to see the effect of its coupling with hydrodynamics. I will further investigate the effect of size of nuclear reaction networks on our results and determine what minimum size produces significant difference compared to FLASH.


  • 5 Oct: I will present the mathematical methods and basic algorithm for implementing 47-isotope nuclear reaction network. I will identify key isotopes, reactions and routines. The deliverables will be a list of key isotopes and main reactions.
  • 26 Oct: I will deliver the codes which will set up reaction rates, Jacobian and stiff ode solver written to be integrated in FLASH.
  • 23 Nov: I will present the 47-isotope network module (Aprox47) in FLASH. Moreover, I will present the evolution of some of the global quantities such as total momentum, total internal energy, cumulative nuclear energy of uniform medium simulation. Nuclear energy, nucleosynthetic yield and maximum tempearture will be compared between torch code (using 47 isotopes) and the nuclear reaction networks from FLASH (using 47 isotopes).
  • 14 Dec: I simulate a binary WD system with thin Helium layer using the Aprox47 module in FLASH. The binary white dwarf will be intialized using SPH data.

Software: FLASH, TORCH, yt

REFERENCES [1]A. G. Riess, A. V. Filippenko, P. Challis, A. Clocchiatti, A. Diercks, P. M. Garnavich, R. L. Gilliland, C. J. Hogan, S. Jha, R. P. Kirshner, B. Leibundgut, M. M. Phillips, D. Reiss, B. P. Schmidt, R. A. Schommer, R. C. Smith, J. Spyromilio, C. Stubbs, N. B. Suntzeff, and J. Tonry. Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant. AJ, 116:1009–1038, September 1998. [2]M. M. Phillips. The Absolute magnitudes of Type IA supernovae. ApJL, 413:L105–L108, August 1993. [3]R. Kashyap, R. Fisher, E. Garc´ıa-Berro, G. Aznar-Sigua´n, S. Ji, and P. Lore´n-Aguilar. Spiral Instability Can Drive Thermonuclear Explosions in Binary White Dwarf Mergers. ApJL, 800:L7, February 2015. [4]K. Nomoto. Accreting white dwarf models for type 1 supernovae. II – Off-center detonation supernovae. ApJ, 257:780–792, June 1982. [5]S. E. Woosley and T. A. Weaver. Sub-Chandrasekhar mass models for Type IA supernovae. ApJ, 423:371–379, March 1994. [6]E. Livne. Successive detonations in accreting white dwarfs as an alternative mechanism for type I supernovae. ApJL, 354:L53–L55, May 1990. [7]E. Livne and D. Arnett. Explosions of Sub–Chandrasekhar Mass White Dwarfs in Two Dimensions. ApJ, 452:62, October 1995.