CS 521 Memory Allocator with FIFO Free List

Memory Allocator with FIFO Free List
Create your GitHub repo for this lab here: https://classroom.github.com/a/eMu4D7oX
In this lab, we’ll build our own memory allocator that serves as an alternative to the default malloc family of functions. If we take a look at the man pages for malloc et al., we’ll find that we need to implement four functions:
void *malloc(size_t size);
void free(void *ptr);
void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
However, our memory allocator cannot create memory out of thin air: it needs to request memory from the Operating System first. To do this, we’ll use the mmap system call. mmap works very similarly to malloc , but requires more arguments to set up. Additionally, its counterpart to release memory, munmap , requires that we pass in the size of the block of memory to be released. (And as you’ll recall, all free needs is a pointer to the block that is going to be freed).
To deal with these implementation differences, we’ll prefix each allocation with a struct that contains some metadata about the allocations. One such piece of metadata will be the allocation size, which we’ll pass to
munmap when we want to release memory. The other information we need to maintain is whether or not the block is free – if we immediately release memory back to the OS every time free is called, our allocator won’t be very efficient. System calls take time to execute, so we want to reduce communication with the OS as much as we can. Given this, we’ll integrate a linked list that tracks all the free blocks that haven’t been released back to the OS yet.
This means our allocations will look something like this:
[Header][Data] –> [Header][Data] –> [Header][Data] –> etc.
You are given the basic skeleton of a mostly-functioning memory allocator and must enhance it to support:
1. A free list (linked list of memory blocks)
When an allocation is freed, it is added to the head of the list rather than unmapped immediately
2. Block reuse capability
When servicing a malloc request, you should first check the free list for a viable block before
mmap() ing a new one
Blocks should be removed from the end or tail of the list. Since additions happen at the head and
removals happen at the tail, we are effectively creating a FIFO cache of free blocks.
3. Threshold-based memory release
If a large number of blocks have been freed, you should release memory back to the OS with
munmap . We define a “large number” with a configurable threshold.
By default, the threshold is 100 blocks. If the free list contains more than 100 blocks, then
subsequent free calls will unmap the block instead of adding it to the free list.
The user may supply their own threshold with an environment variable, ALLOC_THRESH . You can use the getenv function to get the value of this environment variable, and if it is set then you should use the provided threshold instead of the default.
Look through the starter code to familiarize yourself with memory allocation basics. To build the allocator, you’ll compile like so:
cc allocator.c -Wall -fPIC -shared -o allocator.so And then to actually use it:
LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/allocator.so ls
(In this example, we’re running ls with our allocator).
Implementation Hints
You have freedom in designing this lab, but remember to break functionality up into separate functions. You may want to test your linked list functions outside the context of the memory allocator; to do this, you
can temporarily add a main to your code.
To create the FIFO cache of free blocks, you’ll need to implement a doubly-linked list, i.e., each node in the
list should contain a link to its previous and next neighbors.
Keep track of the head and tail of the list so you don’t need to iterate through it to find either end. There are TODO notes in the starter code to remind you what needs to be done.
Instrumenting Your Code
Use the TRACE macro to evaluate whether your allocator is functioning properly; the events you must trace are:
malloc() :
Allocating a new block
Reusing an existing free block (instead of allocating a new one)
Adding a block to the free list
Unmapping a block because the free list is already full
realloc() :
When a block is already large enough to accommodate the realloc request
When a block is “resized” (allocate a new block, copy the old data to it, and then free the old block) You can see an example of how this might look in the test run below.
Testing your allocator
You should be able to run the find command with your memory allocator on a large directory. For example, run:
ALLOC_THRESH=10 LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/allocator.so find /
To execute find over the entire file system tree. You may want to compile your allocator with logging and
tracing turned off first so it finishes faster:
cc allocator.c -shared -fPIC -DLOGGER=0 -DTRACE_ON=0 -o allocator.so
Next, you can use this program as a test case. Compile your allocator with -DTRACE_ON=1 and then run it:
$ cc allocator-test.c -o allocator-test
$ ALLOC_THRESH=5 LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/allocator.so ./allocator-test
[TRACE] malloc(): Allocated block [0x7f2516018000]: 25 bytes
[TRACE] malloc(): Allocated block [0x7f2516017000]: 27 bytes
[TRACE] malloc(): Allocated block [0x7f2516016000]: 29 bytes
[TRACE] malloc(): Allocated block [0x7f2516015000]: 31 bytes
[TRACE] malloc(): Allocated block [0x7f2516014000]: 33 bytes
[TRACE] malloc(): Allocated block [0x7f2516013000]: 35 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Cached free block [0x7f2516018000]: 25 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Cached free block [0x7f2516017000]: 27 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Cached free block [0x7f2516016000]: 29 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Cached free block [0x7f2516015000]: 31 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Cached free block [0x7f2516014000]: 33 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Unmapped block — [0x7f2516013000]: 35 bytes
[TRACE] malloc(): Reused block — [0x7f2516018000]: 25 bytes
[TRACE] malloc(): Reused block — [0x7f2516016000]: 29 bytes
[TRACE] malloc(): Allocated block [0x7f2516013000]: 36 bytes
[TRACE] realloc(): Unchanged —- [0x7f2516013000]: 36 bytes
[TRACE] malloc(): Allocated block [0x7f2516012000]: 1024 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Cached free block [0x7f2516013000]: 36 bytes
[TRACE] realloc(): Resized block [0x7f2516013000]: 36 bytes -> 1024 bytes [TRACE] malloc(): Allocated block [0x7f2516011000]: 1048 bytes
[TRACE] malloc(): Reused block — [0x7f2516017000]: 27 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Cached free block [0x7f2516018000]: 25 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Cached free block [0x7f2516016000]: 29 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Unmapped block — [0x7f2516012000]: 1024 bytes
[TRACE] free(): Unmapped block — [0x7f2516017000]: 27 bytes
The whole premise of this assignment is that less system calls will mean less overhead, and therefore give us better performance. But you shouldn’t trust any theory without testing it first. We’ll collect some empirical data on just how effective our free list is.
First, install the time command (we’re not going to use the one that is already built into your shell): $ sudo pacman -Syu time
Now that we have the time command installed, you can measure performance with the following:
$ ALLOC_THRESH=100 LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/allocator.so /usr/bin/time find / > /dev/null NOTE: compile first without logging and tracing turned on!
You’ll get output that looks something like:
0.96user 1.56system 0:02.58elapsed 97%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 83532maxresident)
128inputs+0outputs (0major+200778minor)pagefaults 0swaps
So, this took 2.58 seconds to run. You can modify the value of ALLOC_THRESH (including setting it to 0 to effectively disable caching) and measure how long each run takes. We need to collect data for a range of thresholds, so the following shell script is a good starting point. It will output the total elapsed time to a file named (threshold).out for each threshold, allowing us to find the best run time.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm -f *.out
echo “Starting benchmark”
for (( i = 0; i <= 40; i += 10 )); do export ALLOC_THRESH=$i output_file=$(printf "%03d.out" "${i}") echo -n "${i}..." LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/allocator.so /usr/bin/time -q -f "%e" \ -o "${output_file}" find / &> /dev/null
sed -i “1s/^/${i}\t/” “${output_file}” # Add threshold to beginning of file
echo ‘done!’
echo ‘Combining outputs into benchmark.out…’
cat *.out > benchmark.out
Put the script in a file, such as run.sh , make it executable with chmod +x run.sh , and run it. You’ll notice that the script only runs through the first few thresholds, so you should modify it to do a more exhaustive set of benchmarks.
After doing this, we can find the absolute best run time with:
sort -n -k 2 benchmark.out | head -n1
But absolute best may not be exactly what we want. What are the tradeoffs here?
Finally, to get fancier, you can plot this in your terminal using termgraph:
$ sudo pacman -Sy python-pip
$ python3 -m pip install termgraph
$ ~/.local/bin/termgraph benchmark.out
0 : ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 2.93
10 : ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 1.85
20 : ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 1.61
30 : ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 1.51
40 : ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 1.41
50 : ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 1.37
What to Turn In
Your memory allocator, allocator.c
A Makefile that builds allocator.so
Results from your benchmarks and a short discussion on what the best threshold might be.

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