CS 189 / 289A Introduction to Machine Learning
Fall 2022 Jennifer Listgarten, Jitendra Malik HW2
Due 10/04/21 at 11:59pm
• Homework 2 consists entirely of coding questions.
• We prefer that you typeset your answers using LATEX or other word processing software. If
you haven’t yet learned LATEX, one of the crown jewels of computer science, now is a good
time! Neatly handwritten and scanned solutions will also be accepted.
Submit a PDF of your homework to the Gradescope assignment entitled “HW2 Write-Up”. Please
start each question on a new page. If there are graphs, include those graphs in the correct
sections. Do not put them in an appendix. We need each solution to be self-contained on pages of
• In your write-up, please state with whom you worked on the homework. If you worked by
yourself, state you worked by yourself. This should be on its own page and should be the
first page that you submit.
• In your write-up, please copy the following statement and sign your signature underneath. If
you are using LaTeX, you must type your full name underneath instead. We want to make it
extra clear so that no one inadvertently cheats. “I certify that all solutions are entirely in my
own words and that I have not looked at another student’s solutions. I have given credit to
all external sources I consulted.”
• Replicate all your code in an appendix.
• See the end of the assignment for the deliverables for each part!
HW2,©UCB CS 189 / 289A, Fall 2022. All Rights Reserved. This may not be publicly shared without explicit permission. 1
1 Implementing A Neural Network in NumPy (60 points)
In this assignment, we will be implementing a neural network and the backpropagation algorithm
in NumPy. Later on in this course, we will introduce you to PyTorch, which is extremely use-
ful for quickly and correctly building neural networks. However, libraries such as PyTorch also
hide many of the key algorithmic details behind implementing and training neural networks. To
really understand neural networks and the backpropagation algorithm, it is very helpful to imple-
ment everything yourself. After this homework assignment, we hope that you gain this deeper
Our goal will be to train a neural network to classify a handwritten digit as either a 3 or a 9. We
will be using a subset of the famous MNIST dataset. The neural network will be trained using
mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Recall that in standard SGD, at each timestep t, we
compute the loss for a single data point and update the weights based on the gradient of the loss.
In mini-batch SGD, we instead compute an average loss over a randomly sampled batch of n data
points at each timestep. Note that your code should be general enough to handle SGD (by setting
n = 1) as well as traditional gradient descent (by setting n equal to the total number of data points).
1.1 Getting started
Install the MNIST Python library by running pip install mnist in your terminal. The
get mnist threes nines function in hw2.py provides the training and test splits that we will
use in this assignment. Familiarize yourself with the data and look at a few examples using the
display image function. Check for yourself that you can answer the following questions: What
are the labels for an image of a 3? For a 9? What are the the dimensions of a single image? If
we want to treat each image as a vector how could we do that and how many features would that
image have?
Neural networks will take longer than other assignments to train. Therefore, it is necessary that
you vectorize your computations in order to take advantage of the highly optimized operations
provided to you by NumPy. Vectorize your code when possible to save you hours of time. A
simple rule-of-thumb is to avoid explicit for-loops whenever possible.
A quirk of neural network programming frameworks is that inputs are usually shaped as row vec-
tors being multiplied by matrices on the right, contrary to mathematical frameworks, in which
inputs are usually column vectors multiplied by matrices from the left. One reason for formatting
inputs as row vectors is that given an array X of inputs, we can retrieve the ith input with X[i], i.e.
by indexing the first dimension.
A particularly useful function that you should learn is numpy.einsum. The syntax is tricky to learn
at first and takes a while to get used to. However, many machine learning practitioners find this
function incredibly useful, and for this assignment, you will too.
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1.2 Questions
(a) (0 points) Backpropagation is quite tricky to implement correctly. You will verify that the
gradients computed by your backpropagation code are correct by comparing its output to gra-
dients computed by finite differences. Let f : Rd → R be an arbitrary function (for example,
the loss of a neural network with d weights and biases), and let a be a d-dimensional vector.
You can approximately evaluate the partial derivatives of f as:
f (. . . , ak + ϵ, . . .) − f (. . . , ak − ϵ, . . .)
where ϵ is a small constant. As ϵ approaches 0 , this approximation theoretically becomes
exact, but becomes prone to numerical precision issues. ϵ = 10−5 usually works well. Im-
plement a finite differences checker, which you will use later to verify the correctness of your
backpropagation implementation.
(b) (8 points) Here, we will implement several helper functions that we will combine in the next
two parts.
(i) To perform binary classification, we will have the last layer of our neural network consist
of a single neuron with the sigmoid activation function, σ(s) = 11+e−s . Implement a func-
tion sigmoid activation which takes in a NumPy array of arbitrary shape and applies
the sigmoid function elementwise. The function should return both the output and the
gradient of the activation function with respect to the input (as this will be needed for the
backward pass). Both returned objects will be arrays of the same shape as the input.
To vectorize the numerically stable version of this function (this will be elaborated in the
deliverables below), it may help to use the numpy.where function in combination with
the optional where and out arguments inside of numpy.exp. Also note that floating point
limitations may cause probabilities equal to 0 for very negative inputs, which will cause
errors in the next part. To correct this, we can clip the output of the sigmoid function to
be between (ϵ, 1 − ϵ) where ϵ is a small number such as 10−15. Apply this fix to your
implementation of sigmoid activation before proceeding.
(ii) Now, implement a function logistic loss(g, y) where g is the output of the neural
network and y is array of the true labels. The function should return two arrays: loss and
dL dg where loss[i] is the negative of the log-likelihood defined in lecture for binary
classification, i.e.
l(g[i], y[i]) = − log{g[i])y[i](1 − g[i])1−y[i])} and dL dg[i] is the derivative of loss[i]
with respect to g[i].
Note: be careful about NumPy broadcasting rules. It may help to include assertions in
your code about the dimensions of certain inputs and outputs to prevent unintended silent
broadcasting from introducing bugs. See the NumPy documentation for more informa-
(iii) For the intermediate layers, we will utilize the ReLU activation function,σ(x) = max{0, x}.
Write a function relu activation which takes in an n× d array, s, and returns both the
elementwise activation of s (an n × d array) and the partial derivatives of the activation
function with respect to the elements of s (an n × d array).
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(iv) Finally, implement a function layer forward(x, W, b, activation fn) where x is
the n × d(l−1) dimensional matrix consisting of the mini-batch neurons for layer l − 1, W
is the d(l−1) × d(l) weight matrix for layer l, b is 1 × d(l) bias row vector for layer l, and
activation fn is a function that applies the elementwise activation to S (l) (i.e. this
should be either relu activation or sigmoid activation). The function should
return two things, out and cache. out should be the n × d(l) dimensional matrix cor-
responding to the mini-batch neurons for layer l and cache is a tuple consisting of any
information that we need to compute ∂l(W,b)
and ∂l(W,b)
in the backward pass. By looking
at the induction step that we derived in lecture, you should figure out what exactly cache
needs to contain.
(c) (8 points) We are now ready to fully implement a forward pass of the neural network! We will
specify the neural network by a list of the layer dimensions. For example, to implement a two
layer neural network where the first layer maps the 784-dimensional image to 200-dimensional
space and the second layer maps to a 1-dimensional output, we would use layer dims =
[784, 200, 1]. Similarly, we must specify the activation functions used at each layer, e.g.,
activations = [relu activation, sigmoid activation]. Write helper functions
create weight matrices(layer dims) and create bias vectors(layer dims) that re-
turn a list of weight matrices and bias vectors, respectively, for each layer specified in layer dims.
You should initialize the weights by sampling each weight from a normal distribution with
mean 0 and standard deviation 0.01. Finally, write a function forward pass(X batch,
weight matrices, biases, activations) which takes in an n × 784 dimensional mini-
batch of flattened images, a list of weight matrices, a list of bias vectors, and a list of activation
functions, and returns a vector of outputs and a list of layer caches (defined previously).
You should now be able to compute the predictions, loss and the gradient with respect to the
output for a mini-batch as follows:
# run forward pass
output, layer_caches = forward_pass(X_batch,
# compute loss and derivative with respect to logits
loss, dL_dg = logistic_loss(output, y_batch)
print(“Average Loss Across Batch”, loss.mean())
(d) (6 points) We are now at the most difficult part of this problem: implementing the back-
ward pass. Write a function called backward pass that uses the derivative computed in
logistic loss and the layer caches to compute the gradients of each of the weight ma-
trices and bias vectors. Implementing this correctly will require both a strong understanding of
the backpropagation algorithm, as discussed in lecture, and careful coding/debugging to make
sure each step is implemented appropriately. Your finite differences implementation will come
in handy here to make sure that your backpropagation implementation is working correctly.
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(e) (6 points) Now it is time to bring it all together. Using a mini-batch size n of 100 and a step size
of 0.1 for SGD, implement a training loop that iterates over the mini-batches of data, computes
the forward pass, computes the loss, computes the backward pass, and updates the weights
using SGD. Note that typically, instead of randomly sampling each mini-batch, the training
data is shuffled and then divided up into mini-batches for efficiency. Each loop over the entire
dataset is commonly referred to as an epoch, and the training data is reshuffled for each epoch.
Train a two layer network with a hidden dimension of 200 (i.e. layer dims = [784, 200,
1]) for 5 epochs. For each timestep, record the average loss across the training mini-batch, the
average accuracy across the training mini-batch, the average loss across the entire test set, and
the average accuracy across the entire test set. You should be able to achieve a test accuracy of
around 98%.
1.3 Deliverables
We have provided inputs, weight matrices, and biases for a neural network with input layer of
dimension 4, hidden layer of dimension 2 and output layer of dimension 1. The activation functions
are again ReLU and sigmoid.
The toy test input and parameters can be loaded using the pickle module as follows:
with open(“test_batch_weights_biases.pkl”, “rb”) as fn:
(X_batch, y_batch, weight_matrices, biases) = pickle.load(fn)
Parts (a) through (d) of the deliverables use the toy test data and neural network provided in the
pickle file. Part (e) of the deliverables uses the MNIST data and the full-size neural network trained
on the MNIST data in 1.2 (e).
(a) (6 points) Compute the finite difference approximation to the gradients of the loss with respect
to the weights and biases of the neural network. The code to produce the result may look like:
with open(“test_batch_weights_biases.pkl”, “rb”) as fn:
(X_batch, y_batch, weight_matrices, biases) = pickle.load(fn)
grad_Ws, grad_bs = my_nn_finite_difference_checker(X_batch,
with np.printoptions(precision=2):
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Your answer should be the result of the printout of the gradients.
(b) (4 points) Answer the following questions:
(i) What does sigmoid activation return for s = np.asarray([1., 0., -1.])?
(ii) What does sigmoid activation return for s = np.asarray([-1000, 1000])? If
you observe an overflow warning from NumPy: can you figure which input, −1000 or
1000, is causing it? Ensure that your implementation of sigmoid activation is nu-
merically stable and does not cause overflows, and explain how you achieved this.
Hint: Consider the equivalent definitions of the sigmoid function: σ(x) = 11+e−x =
Can we use both of these definitions to avoid overflow errors?
(iii) What is the derivative of the negative log-likelihood loss with respect to g?
(iv) Explain what is returned in cache in your layer forward implementation.
(c) (4 points) Report the average loss for the test data, weight, and biases provided. The code
needed to produce the response may look like:
with open(“test_batch_weights_biases.pkl”, “rb”) as fn:
(X_batch, y_batch, weight_matrices, biases) = pickle.load(fn)
activations = [relu_activation, sigmoid_activation]
output, _ = forward_pass(X_batch, weight_matrices, biases,
loss, dL_dg = logistic_loss(output, y_batch)
(d) (6 points) Report the gradients of the weights and biases computed from the test data using
backpropagation. Compare these gradients to the finite differences approximation and make
sure the two gradients are close. The code to produce the response might look like:
with open(“test_batch_weights_biases.pkl”, “rb”) as fn:
(X_batch, y_batch, weight_matrices, biases) = pickle.load(fn)
activations = [relu_activation, sigmoid_activation]
output, layer_caches = forward_pass(X_batch, weight_matrices, biases,
loss, dL_dg = logistic_loss(output, y_batch)
grad_Ws, grad_bs = backward_pass(dL_dg, layer_caches)
with np.printoptions(precision=2):
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(e) (12 points) Now turning to the full-size neural network trained according to 1.2 (e), answer the
following questions:
(i) Make a plot of the training and test losses per timestep.
(ii) Make another plot of the training and test accuracies per timestep.
(iii) Examine the images that your network guesses incorrectly, and explain at a high level
what patterns you see in those images.
(iv) Rerun the neural network training but now increase the step size to 10.0. What happens?
You do not need to include plots here.
(f) (Optional) Neural networks are often referred to as universal function approximators, which
means given any continuous function on a bounded domain and a desired approximation ac-
curacy, if the hidden layer in neural network you coded has large enough dimension, there is
a set of weights which approximate that function to that accuracy. Colloquially, this means
that a big enough neural network can be trained to approximate any function. Adding layers is
another way of increasing a neural network’s approximation power.
Generate a new training set X train rand consisting of 100 inputs of dimension 784 sampled
using numpy.random.rand, which samples each entry from the Uniform([0, 1]) distribution.
Train your network to fit X train rand to the first 100 labels of the original MNIST training
data. Of course, the network isn’t really learning anything, because there is no actual rela-
tionship between the input and the label. Fitting the training data without capturing a general
pattern is called memorization. Try playing with your network and training configuration so
that your neural network memorizes the training set, i.e. achieves 100% training accuracy, in
as few iterations as possible.
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Implementing A Neural Network in NumPy (60 points)
Getting started