
ECE421 BCPL ass7

Make everything work together. For this, you need to bring together assignment number 3 (a level-1 index filesystem) and number 5 (making your own heap). Keep those two components as separate libraries that your main program imports. We don’t want your files getting too big to read. If you make any changes to those two […]

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ass8 BCPL代写

For extra credit only. Quite tricky. This is an extension to assignment 7. Add virtual memory to assignment 7. Everything should run with virtual memory active. The original program should be translated to higher addresses (at or above 0x80000000 like in class), and the programs that execute in response to a “run” command should live

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ECE421 T BCPL ass4

Write a BCPL program that reads a sequence of strings typed by the user and creates a linked list containing them all. But there will be some special command words. These should be obeyed but not inserted into the list An input of END will be used to mark the end of the input sequence.

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ECE 380 HW3

ECE 380 Introduction to Communication Systems Homework Assignment 3 Due: No need to submit Problem 1. Consider the periodic signal shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Signal for Problem 1. a) Find the power spectral density of the signal. b) Find the power and the autocorrelation function of the signal. Draw the autocorrelation function (e.g.,

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ECE380 HW4

ECE 380 Introduction to Communication Systems Homework Assignment 4 Due: 16:00pm Tuesday, March. 7, 2023 Problem 1. In conventional AM, the carrier is c(t) = Ac cos(2πfct) and the message signal is m(t) = sinc(t) + sinc2(t). Let the modulation index be ka = 1 and fc ≫ 1. a) Find the frequency-domain representation and

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ECE 380 Introduction to Communication Systems Homework Assignment 10 Due: No need to submit Problem 1. In an M-ary ASK digital communication system, the channel has bandwidth 1400 Hz. Select a symbol rate and a signal constellation size to achieve a 9600 bit per second error-free signal transmis- sion. Problem 2. test. (a) Find the

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