# COMP90054 AI Planning for Autonomy – Assignment 1 – Search
You must read fully and carefully the assignment specification and instructions detailed in this file. You are NOT to modify this file in any way.
* **Course:** [COMP90054 AI Planning for Autonomy](https://handbook.unimelb.edu.au/subjects/comp90054) @ Semester 1, 2024
* **Instructor:** Dr. Nir Lipovetzky, Dr. Joseph West and Dr. Sarita Rosenstock
> **Please note that we have 2 deadlines:**
> * **Code Deadline:** Wednesday 20th March, 2024 @ 11:59pm
> * **Self-Evaluation Deadline:** Friday 22nd March, 2024 @ 11:59pm (end of Week 4)
* **Course Weight:** 10%
* **Assignment type:**: Individual & collaborative (you can work with another student on the code, but submit your own repo and self-evaluation)
* **ILOs covered:** 1, 2, and 3
* **Submission method:** via GitHub using tagging (see [Submission Instructions](#submission-instructions) below for instructions)
The **aim of this assignment** is to get you acquainted with AI search techniques and how to derive heuristics in Pacman, as well as to understand how to model a state space problem with python.
## Ungrading
In COMP90054, we will use ungrading for the coursework component of the subject. Even though we are required to provide a grade out of 100, throughout the assignments, subject staff will not assign grades to anyone. Instead, we will use a combination of techniques that uses each student’s reflection of their own learning to provide grades.
#### Why use ungrading?
Who is better at assessing how much a student has leant: the student themselves, or a subject tutor/coordinator? I don’t imagine anyone would disagree that the student does. So why don’t we give students a say? For the coursework component of COMP90054 (assignments 1-3), the model that we employ cedes the power responsibility for monitoring and assessing progress to the students themselves.
Research shows that grades and rubrics have three reliable effects on students in a class:
1. they tend to think less deeply;
2. they avoid taking risks; and
3. they lose interest in the learning itself, We want to encourage all three of these things.
How will a student know if they are doing well? They will receive feedback on assessment throughout the semester. Feedback will be qualitative with broad ratings: needs further work; good; or outstanding; but these ratings will NOT be used for grading. Our detail feedback will be focused on your self-evaluation to facilitate and maximise your learning.
Consider the following:
– You have a good idea of what marks you will get prior to receiving them through our automated tests, this self-feedback approach means that if you want a higher mark, you know what you may have to do.
– Tell us what you tried and didn’t work, tell us what you learned while coming up with the solution, tell us why your solution doesn’t pass a test, and how would you fix it if you had more time. All this reflection and evaluation give us better tools to assess your learning and provide you with useful feedback.
– Since the assessment is self-directed, you understand well what your code is meant to do and the important lessons you acquired and want to convey with your code to us. It’s easier for you to spend 10 – 20 hours with your code and come up with a comprehensive assessment than one tutor to do this for 30 – 50 students.
Some of the possible reasons for mark misalignment of ungrading:
– You’re applying the knowledge you’ve learned to the task, *it is possible you’ve missed something critical*, even if you receive feedback about your assignment, the level of importance of each error or issue may not be clear.
– *Perception of feedback length vs lost marks*. Contrast how seeing you lost 2 marks for returning suboptimal solutions suggests it is very wrong even with a small bit of feedback, and how seeing two pages of comments for improvements but no mark deduction suggests that there’s lots to improve, but the quality of your solution is still ultimately good for someone early on their AI journey. Concentrate on the feedback. As a rule of thumb, give a good overview of your learning in your self-evaluation, It will significantly help tutors to provide feedback on your learning, which is what you want at this stage.
– In the ungrading process, *you’ll likely need to develop methods for verifying the correctness of your results*, not relying only on the more centralised and inflexible nature of automated tests approach. This is often extremely valuable in and of itself, as it forces you to design tests for your code, a vital principle in code development. That said, the centralised automated tests should give you a grounding sense of the correctness of your code.
#### Length of the Self-Evaluation
There’s a tendency to conflate writing a lot for the self evaluation as being positive. On the contrary, be concise, and to the point. Practice your ability to synthesise important information, it is important for your communication skills. A self-assessment can be short AND good. There is no need to write pages of text — just justify why you did a good job and learnt things.
#### Final words (about ungrading)
The objective is to reflect on your own learning, and take more risks, as you can justify it in your evaluation. In our positive experience with ungrading last semester in COMP90054, and corroborated by [research](https://www.jessestommel.com/how-to-ungrade/) (see bibliography, e.g. [Teaching more by grading less](https://www.lifescied.org/doi/full/10.1187/cbe.cbe-14-03-0054)), reasons people liked ungrading are chiefly:
– Independence and autonomy: people felt more responsible for their own learning and appreciated the additional autonomy and independence that ungrading provided.
– Reduced the stress of trying to get everything right and figure out what the staff wanted to see.
– Allowed people to explore and take a few more risks, because if they failed, learning still occurred.
#### Collaboration
Assignment 1 can be completed individually or in pairs. We encourage pairs to work together to learn from each other; not to simple split the tasks for efficiency. But we will not monitor this – it is your responsibility. You can submit different solutions, we just want to encourage collaboration.
For the student works in pair, you must submit an individual short self evaluation ([SELFEV.md](SELFEV.md)). In addition, you can either submit the same coding solution (both need to submit in their own repo using tag), or submit different coding solution.
We encourage students to derive their own tests and share them with others to help with learning.
## Your tasks
Since the purpose of assignments is to help you learn more, marks should not be assigned only on whether your code passes a few test cases but also on how much you have learnt.
Who knows better about whether you have learnt from this assignment other than yourself? We ask you to evaluate your work.
Each submission will contain a short self-reflection on what the student learnt, how they approached the tasks (including writing new tests) and will give the student a chance to argue that, even though they didn’t complete a task, they tried and learnt from it.
More generally, In the past we saw several people either not submitting a self evaluation or not really taking the time to reflect on their learning. In this assignment, we make the expectations clearer: **students are not only marked based on the code performance, but also their self evaluation.**
Your task contains programming excercises with increasing difficulty. This is where we give students control over how much assessment they want to complete or have the time to complete.
* [Programming Code Performance (7 marks)](#programming-tasks):
* [Practice](#practice)
* [Part 0 (0 marks)](#part-0-0-mark-but-critical)
* [Part 1](#part-1)
* [Part 2](#part-2)
* [Part 3](#part-3)
* [Self Evaluation Quality (3 marks)](#self-evaluation-task-3-marks)
* [Submission Instruction](#submission-instructions)
### Programming Tasks:
You **must build and submit your solution** using the sample code we provide you in this repository, which is different from the original [UC Berkley code base](https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs188/fa18/project1.html).
* Please remember to complete the [SELFEV.md](SELFEV.md) file with your individual submission details (so we can identify you when it comes time to submit).
* You should **only work and modify** file [search.py](search.py) in doing your solution. Do not change the other Python files in this distribution.
* Your code **must run _error-free_ on Python 3.8**. Staff will not debug/fix any code. Using a different version will risk your program not running with the Pacman infrastructure or autograder.
* Your code **must not have any personal information**, like your student number or your name. That info should go in the [SELFEV.md](SELFEV.md) file, as per instructions above. If you use an IDE that inserts your name, student number, or username, you should disable that.
* **Assignment 1 FAQ** is available to answer common questions you might have about [Assignment 1 on ED](https://edstem.org/au/courses/15792/discussion/1783598)
* **Getting started on GitHub** – the video below explains how to **clone**, **git add**, **commit** and **push** while developing your solution for this assignment:
[](https://www.loom.com/share/ae7e93ab8bec40be96b638c49081e3d9)
#### Setting up the environment
* You can set up your local environment:
* You can install Python 3.8 from the [official site](https://peps.python.org/pep-0569/), or set up a [Conda environment](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-you-need-python-environments-and-how-to-manage-them-with-conda-85f155f4353c/) or an environment with [PIP+virtualenv](https://uoa-eresearch.github.io/eresearch-cookbook/recipe/2014/11/26/python-virtual-env/).
* You need to install additional package (func_timeout) using: `pip3 install func_timeout`
* Alternatively, you can use docker:
* You need to install docker from the [official site](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/)
* Please check [Docker Run](#docker-run) to run your code.
> Furthermore, if you would like to visualise your result, you may need to install python package **tkinter**: Run the following command “pip install tk“
#### Practice
To familiarise yourself with basic search algorithms and the Pacman environment, it is a good start to implement the tasks at https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs188/fa18/project1.html, especially the first four tasks; however, there is no requirement to do so.
You should code your implementations *only* at the locations in the template code indicated by “`***YOUR CODE HERE***“` in files [search.py](search.py), please do not change code at any other locations or in any other files.
> You can use the `autograder` file locally to get feedback about your progress. The test cases are included in the test_cases subfolder. You can create your own tests too! Note that the autograder does not necessarily reflect your grade. We will also host extra hidden test_cases_assignment1 in our online autograder that we will release once you submit your solution. You will then have time to reflect on your learning through the self-evaluation and the new hidden cases.
#### Part 0 (0 mark, but critical)
This is a great way to test that you understand the submission instructions correctly, and how to get feedback from our hidden test-cases as many times as you want. Here are the steps:
* Please tag your solution with `test-submission`. If you are not familiar with tag, please check [tag hints](#git-hints-on-tags)
* We are going to run your code in our server. You can check your result from this [link]( after a few minutes. This can test your code for part 1, 2 and 3.
#### Part 1
Taking inspiration from what we have discussed in our lectures and workshops, implement **a good heuristic function** for A* algorithm (already implemented). Inserting your code into the template indicated by the comment “`*** YOUR CODE HERE FOR TASK 1 *** “`. You can view the code location at the following link: [search.py#L129](search.py#L129).
> You can implement other helper classes/functions.
> You don’t have to implement A* Algorithm, as this has already been implemented for you in the codebase. Make sure A* calls the heuristic you implemented. You should be able to test the algorithm using the following command:
python pacman.py -l mediumMaze -p SearchAgent -a fn=astar,prob=FoodSearchProblem,heuristic=foodHeuristic
> Please do not change the arguments used above, unless you want to test a different functionality :wink:. You can explore other options via “python pacman.py -h“.
The `autograder` seeks an optimal solution length within the time budget (**10 seconds**) for each test case. The node expansion number will directly impact your result, please inspect the `autograder` for further thresholds information. In addition, please make sure your heuristic is **admissible**, otherwise you may not get full marks for this part due to not finding the optimal plan.
You will see in first person the balance between 1) how informed you make your heuristic (it should expand less nodes in general), and 2) the overall runtime. As you can see, sometimes it may be preferable to have a cheaper less informed heuristic, even if you end up expanding more nodes.
Other layouts are available in the [layouts](layouts/) directory, and you can easily create you own.
#### Part 2
We have been exposed to single-agent problems in lectures and tutorials, but in real-life situations, which are often more complex, we often need to consider more than one agent. This part involves solving a more complicated problem as if it were a single agent problem. You will be able to model this new type of problem following the instructions below.
**Multi-Agent Pathfinding problems (MAPF)** involve a set of agents, each with a start and goal location. The goal of the problem is to find paths for all the agents so that they can **simultaneously** travel along these paths without colliding with each other. Realistic applications of these problems include automated warehouses and autonomous vehicles driving. [Check this video out to understand the real-world application of what you are about to solve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDhJ5I89H_I).
This is similar to problem 7 (practice part) of the Berkeley Pacman framework. You need to model the state space of a problem with multiple agents. Each agent has a target food of its own in the maze. Our task is to control all agents to eat all their corresponding food (points) in the maze. In other words, all agents need to **visit their corresponding target food position at least once**, but they do not neeed to stay at that position after that.
In order to implement this, there is a new problem called `MAPFProblem` provided to you. Some of the variables are listed in the code comment blocks and the initialization for the functions. You will need to:
1. Make sure `isGoalState` recognises whether the current state is a goal state.
2. Implement your transition function in `getSuccessors`, which should return a list of tuples that contain (`next_state`, `action_dict`, `cost`). `next_state` and `action_dict` should follow the required format detailed below. The cost would just be 1. Intuitively, each tuple contains all the possible successors states, where each successor is defined by the next state after all pacmans move simultaneously through the actions specified by the action dictionary.
– A search_state in this problem is a tuple in the format of `( pacmanPositions, foodGrid )` where:
pacmanPositions: a dictionary {pacman_name: (x,y)} specifying Pacmans’ positions
foodGrid: a Grid (see game.py) of either pacman_name or False, specifying the target food of each pacman.
– An action_dict is a dictionary `{pacman_name: direction}` specifying each pacman’s move direction, where direction could be one of 5 possible directions in Directions (i.e. Direction.SOUTH, Direction.STOP etc)
> You can check more details in this review [paper: Multi-Agent Pathfinding: Definitions, Variants, and Benchmarks](https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/SOCS/article/download/18510/18301), which elaborates further detail about **MAPF** and the possible **collisions** that can occur in our problem:
For this part, you need to make sure these collisions are avoided:
1. **Vertex Collision:** agents attempt to access the same position at the same time.
2. **Swapping Collision:** agents attempt to swap their positions at the same time. In other word, agents would crash into each other.
> Whether or not a **collision** is likely to occur is closely related to the nature of the problem itself. There are more conflict types, as there are several MAPF problem variants. If you are interested in further explanations of these conflicts (including the above 2), please refer to the original paper for more details and let us know your thoughts about the possible challenges you forsee to handle these conflicts given your experience with the assignment.
You should insert your code into the template indicated by the comments “`*** YOUR CODE HERE FOR TASK 2 ***“`, you can view the locations at these links: [search.py#L158](search.py#L158) and [search.py#L177](search.py#L177).
> The autograder checks the number of successors for each step in the returned path using a Breadth First Search algorithms.
> **Optional**
> We encourage you to test your submission locally with your own layouts by editing `test_cases_assignment1/part2/MAPF_test.test`. And we enourage you to share new layouts publicly in this [ED Megathread](https://edstem.org/au/courses/15792/discussion/1784173) to enable other students to test their submissions on these layouts as well. You can start threads to discuss and compare performance with other students.
You should be able to test your program by running the local`auto_grader` or online server grader.
#### Part 3
In this part we will help you prove to yourself that you have all the ingredients to pick up many new search algorithms, tapping into knowledge you acquired in the lectures and tutorials.
Solutions to multi-agent path planning problems can usually be categorized into two types: **Coupled** and **Decoupled** methods. The **Coupled** approach considers all agents together to find the best solution, as we did in part 2. A more detailed explanation can be found in the [relavant video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnrZyL6965o). However, the coupled approach taken in part 2 cannot scale to large size problems, this is why this part will introduce a new hybrid coupled and decoupled algorithm knwon as **Conflict Based Search (CBS)**, which has revolutionised this field.
**Conflict Based Search (CBS)** is a **two-level** algorithm that consists of two parts: **low-level** search and **high-level** search. The algorithm first performs a low-level search, executing a search for each agent to find the corresponding optimal path to satisfy the constraints imposed by the high-level **CT (Conflict Tree)** node. Then, the algorithm moves onto the high-level search phase, which utilises the Conflict Tree to fix possible conflicts.
**Conflict Tree** is a tree structure constructed based on conflicts between individual agents’ paths, where each node represents a set of constraints on the movement of an agent. These restrictions reflect the conflicts that may occur at a corresponding time if the pacman is at a certain location. The deeper level nodes of the conflict tree contain more constraints than the shallow nodes in the tree, as each successor may add a new constraint resulting from the new computed path if a conflict exists.
> Just like part 2, each agent has a target food of its own in the maze. Our task is to control all agents to eat all their corresponding food (points) in the maze, in other words, all agents need to **visit their corresponding food position at least once**, but they are not necessary to be at that position after that.
> However, unlike part 2, right now we are trying to minimise the sum of the path costs, because now each agent may have different path length. The sum of costs is also known as flowtime.
In many cases, CBS is able to improve the efficiency of the search by examining a smaller number of states than the A* algorithm while maintaining optimality.
**More detailed explanation and example provided for CBS**:
[](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnrZyL6965o)
> * **Low-level Algorithm**: Please adapt the implementation of **A\*** from part1. This **A\* variant** algorithm needs to **handle the set of constraints** properly to make sure that the returned path does respect them. You should also implement a low-level heuristic function accordingly, e.g. an Distance.
> * You may break ties over the `lowest solution path cost` **randomly**.
> **The Output** should be a dictionary containing the path for each pacman as a list `{pacman_name: [action1, action2, …]}`.

> **Optional**
> We encourage you to test your submission locally with your own layouts by editing `test_cases_assignment1/part3/cbs_test.test`. And we enourage you to share new layouts publicly in this [ED Megathread](https://edstem.org/au/courses/15792/discussion/1784173) to enable other students to test their submissions on these layouts as well. You can start threads to discuss and compare performance with other students.
This algorithm is taken from the [paper](https://people.engr.tamu.edu/guni/Papers/CBS-AAAI12.pdf) presented at the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, in Febuary, 2015.
Multi-agent Path-finding problem is currently a hot research topic given recent theoretical results and simple practical algorithms such as CBS. This context alone should motivate you: you are literally implementing a cutting-edge search algorithm with a huge appetite from industry, seeking experts in this area.
Implement the **CBS algorithm** discussed above by inserting your code into the template indicated by comment “`*** YOUR CODE HERE FOR TASK 3 ***“`, you can view the location at this link: [search.py#L190](search.py#L190).
You should be able to test your program by running the local `auto_grader` or online server grader. And we will check if the final solution is valid and optimal.
### Self Evaluation Task (3 Marks)
We highly recommend updating the self-evaluation as you complete each part, as you’ll have fresh in your mind the learning lessons you acquired. Treat the self-evaluation as a [living document](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_document).
At the end, it is recommended to look at all the learning journey you had across the assignment. Once you submit your final code, We will disclose the hidden tests used for automated feedback, so you can incorporate their analysis into your self-evaluation.
You need to assign your marks for part 1 (2 marks), part 2 (2 marks) and part 3 (3 marks) based on your code performance due to your programming, and learning experiences. Consider aspects such as coding lessons/challenges, heuristic properties, search algorithms subtleties, what would you have done if you were to have more time, etc.
Please fill in the self-evaluation section of the [SELFEV.md](SELFEV.md).
## Marking criteria
Marks are given based on both your code performance and your self evaluation. We are going to review your self evaluation and give you feedback about it, but we won’t focus on the marks, rather on your qualitative evaluation reported in SELFEV.md.
You must **follow good SE practices**, including good use of git during your development such as:
* _Commit early, commit often:_ single or few commits with all the solution or big chucks of it, is not good practice.
* _Use meaningful commit messages:_ as a comment in your code, the message should clearly summarise what the commit is about. Messages like “fix”, “work”, “commit”, “changes” are poor and do not help us understand what was done.
* _Use atomic commits:_ avoid commits doing many things; let alone one commit solving many questions of the project. Each commit should be about one (little but interesting) thing.
> We will revise marks up or down if they are strongly uncalibrated. That said, in our experience, this is the exception rather than the rule.
If you are new to [GIT, check out this 100 seconds video summary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwP7WQkmECE) and read this [online book section about version control](https://cis-projects.github.io/project_based_course_notes/topics/version_control.html) developed by the [team](https://github.com/cis-projects/project_based_course_notes) running the software project in CIS .
## Checking your submission
> **Note**
> From this repository, we will copy *only* the files: [search.py](search.py) when testing the autograder in the server via tagging. Please do not change any other file as part of your solution, or it will not run in our server.
Run the following command to run sanity checks using our test files:
python ./autograder.py –test-directory=test_cases_assignment1
It is important that you are able to run the autograder and have these tests pass, as this gives you valuable feedback about the validity of your solution.
> **Note**
> We encourage you to create and share your own test cases, you can create them following a similar styles as those we provided in [test_cases_assignment1/](test_cases_assignment1/). Please feel free to share your test cases in this [ED post](https://edstem.org/au/courses/10995/discussion/1219428)
## Docker Run
If you prefer not to set up your environment locally, you can run your code with docker. An example command for running the autograder is (please change the `bash` to `sh` if you are using a Windows PowerShell):
bash ./docker/docker_runner.sh python ./autograder.py –test-directory=test_cases_assignment1
You use similar command to test individual each individual part. However, docker does not support GUI, so please make sure you added `-t` option when test each individual part.
bash ./docker/docker_runner.sh python pacman.py -l mediumMaze -p SearchAgent -a fn=astar,heuristic=nullHeuristic -t
## Submission Instructions
This repository serves as a start code for you to carry out your solution for [Project 1 – Search](http://ai.berkeley.edu/search.html) from the set of [UC Pacman Projects](http://ai.berkeley.edu/project_overview.html) and the marked questions.
**To submit your assignment** you must complete the following **four** steps:
1. Check that your solution runs on Python 3.8 and that your source code does not include personal information, like your student number or name.
2. Tag the commit that contains your final code with tag `submission`.
* The commit and tagging should be dated before the deadline.
* Note that a tag is **NOT** a branch, so do not just create a branch called “submission” as that will not amount to tagging.
* Note that a tag is **NOT** a commit message, so please make sure you can find it in your repo page -> tags
* It is **case-sensitive**.
3. Complete the [SELFEV.md](SELFEV.md) file with your details of the submission. **Please make sure you commit your self-evaluation to the master/main branch.**
4. **Make sure you fill in the [submission certification form](https://forms.gle/tp5FaBXqpe9mjifK7)**.
> **Warning**
>Non-certified submissions will attract **zero** marks.
The reason why we ask you to follow this process is to make sure you know how the final project/competition submission system will work.
Please view the following to learn how to *Tag* your commit version you want to be graded:
### Git hints on tags:
**How to create a Tag using the Command Line**:
[](https://www.loom.com/share/17ec72b954454bc89bbe1dbb0bd2874f)
**Another way to create a Tag using the User Interface**:
[](https://www.loom.com/share/