School of Computing: Assessment Brief
Module title
Blockchain Technologies
Module code
Assignment title
Assignment type and description
It is a programming assignment where students are re- quired to develop smart contracts for carpooling system.
The aim of this assignment is to evaluate the students’ knowledge of blockchain based systems and smart con- tract development skills
Word limit and guidance
Submission dead- line
Submission method
Student will upload their assignment on Gradescope
Feedback provision
Feedback will be provided online through Gradescope
Learning outcomes assessed
Design decentralized applications and implement smart contracts, Understand the context to which distributed ledgers are applied
Module lead
Evangelos Pournaras
Other Staff contact
Zhuolun Li
1 Assignment Guidance Context
Carpooling, also known as car sharing or ride sharing, involves individuals sharing a single vehicle for travel in the same direction or to a common desti- nation, instead of driving separate cars. The primary aim of carpooling is to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, offering a sustainable transporta- tion option. It addresses challenges such as traffic congestion, environmental impact, fuel costs, and energy conservation, while increasing social interac- tion among people.
A blockchain-based carpooling service offers distinct advantages over tra- ditional, centralized carpooling apps. Its primary benefit is to enhance trust among users, thanks to the transparent and immutable nature of blockchain technology. Furthermore, blockchain enables smart contract-based, auto- matic payment settlements, ensuring fair compensation for drivers. This ap- proach not only simplifies the payment process but also reduces intermediary fees. Overall, a blockchain-based carpooling system enhances transparency, security, and efficiency, providing a more trustworthy and cost-effective solu- tion compared to conventional carpooling apps. In this coursework, you are required to develop a smart contract in Solidity for a carpooling system.
This coursework focuses on a carpooling system with two types of partici- pants: drivers and passengers, in a simplified scenario described below:
• Rides: Only drivers can create rides. It is assumed that drivers are honest in attending and completing rides. Passengers can view available rides and book seats. Passengers are assumed to always attend the rides they book, hence ride cancellations are not considered.
• The map: The system operates on a map with three independent locations: A, B, and C. Vehicles can travel between these points (e.g., A to B, B to C). Passengers can book a ride only if the starting point and destination match their travel requirements.
• Time tracking: For simplicity, we assume rides are created one day ahead of the travel date, eliminating the need to track days. Journey
start times, precise to the hour, should be recorded. Time can be represented as an unsigned integer from 0 to 23 in the smart contract, where 0 represents 00:00, 1 represents 01:00, and so on.
• Payment: Ether is the currency used in the system. Passengers must pay for their seat in Ethers in advance when booking a ride. The seat price, set by the driver, is automatically transferred to the driver‘s account once the ride is marked as complete.
The Smart Contract
You are provided with a template for the smart contract in contract template.sol. This template outlines the structure and essential functionalities that you need to implement. The details of these functionalities are as follows:
Basic Functionalities
• Registration: Before using any other functions, a blockchain address must register as either a driver or a passenger in the contract. For in- stance, the function to create a ride should only be used by a registered driver, and the function to join a ride should verify if the caller is a registered passenger.
• Rides creation and recording: Drivers can create rides by providing information including:
– travel time (journey start time, represented as an unsigned integer from 0 to 23)
– available seats in the ride
– price of a seat
– starting point of the ride
– destination of the ride
When rides are stored in the smart contract, additional information should be recorded, including:
– unique ID of the ride (starts counting from 0) – blockchain address of the driver
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– status of the ride (the possible status are BookingOpen, Fully- Booked, Started, Completed)
– blockchain addresses of the passengers who have booked the ride
The function should include necessary checks to ensure the ride is valid: the travel time should be a number between 0 and 23; the starting point and destination should be different; the price of a seat should be greater than zero; the available seats should be greater than zero.
• Rides querying: Passengers can find suitable rides by using the find- Rides function. This function returns all ride IDs that match the pas- senger’s starting point and destination and are in BookingOpen status. Passengers can then query detailed information about a ride using the getRideById function provided in the template.
• Rides booking: Passengers book rides using the joinRide function, which requires a deposit of the seat price in Ethers. This function updates the available seats and passenger addresses accordingly. It also updates the ride status to FullyBooked when all seats are booked.
• Starting and completing rides: On departs, drivers call the star- tRide function to update the ride status to Started. On completing rides, they use the completeRide function to mark the ride as Com- pleted, which triggers the transfer of the passengers’ payments to the driver’s account.
Coordination Mechanism
In the current setup, passengers individually book rides by manually select- ing the most suitable option and sending a booking request to the contract. However, with access to information about all available rides and the prefer- ences of all potential passengers, more efficient arrangements can be made.
For instance, consider a scenario where two available rides go from point A to point B, each with only one seat left. One departs at 8:00, the other at 14:00. Two passengers, Alice and Bob, wish to travel from A to B. Alice prefers to leave at 6:00, and Bob at 10:00. If they book separately and Bob books first, he would likely choose the 8:00 ride, closer to his preferred time. This leaves Alice with the 14:00 ride, which is far from her preferred time. However, through coordination, we could arrange for Bob to take the 14:00
ride and Alice the 8:00 ride. This adjustment would result in a smaller total deviation from their preferred travel times.
Let’s denote the preferred travel time of a passenger as tpreferred and the actual travel time as tactual. The travel time deviation is calculated as |tpreferred − tactual|. The total travel time deviation is the sum of travel time deviation of all passengers. In the example above, the original total travel time deviation is |10 − 8| + |6 − 14| = 10. If Alice and Bob agree to coordinate, the total travel time deviation is |10 − 14| + |6 − 8| = 6.
The aim of the coordination mechanism is to minimize the total travel time deviation in a gas-efficient way. It is crucial that this goal is achieved without excluding passengers from ride assignments. If an available ride matches a passenger’s starting point and destination, they must be assigned to that ride, regardless of the travel time deviation. Failure to do so will result in a very low mark in this part.
To implement this, complete two functions in the template: awaitAssign- Ride and assignPassengersToRides, detailed below:
• awaitAssignRide: Passengers who opt for coordination use this func- tion instead of joinRide. They provide their starting and destination points, preferred travel time, and the price they are willing to pay. The price they are willing to pay is transferred to the contract as the deposit. The function ensures the deposit is in place before recording the passenger’s information. For simplicity, assume coordinating pas- sengers always pay a good amount of deposits that are enough to join any rides (so you don’t need to worry about this factor when assigning rides). Rather than immediately assigning a ride, this function records the passenger’s information in the contract, awaiting the assignPassen- gersToRides function call.
• assignPassengersToRides: This function, executed by the system, assigns rides to passengers who have used awaitAssignRide. It aims to minimize the sum of differences between passengers’ preferred and ac- tual travel times. You are free to implement any assignment algorithm that meets this objective. Remember, when assigning a passenger to a ride, update the available seats, passenger addresses, and potentially the ride status, similar to the joinRide function. Moreover, if the allo- cated price is cheaper than the price a passenger prepaid, the difference should be refunded to the passenger; if a passenger is not assigned to any ride, the deposit should be fully refunded.
There are no restrictions on the data structures or auxiliary functions you can use to implement the coordination mechanism. Grading will be based on (1) the correctness of the implementation, e.g. one passenger should not be able to call awaitAssignRide twice, assignPassengersToRides should assign passengers to rides where it is possible; (2) the effectiveness of the coordination mechanism in reducing the total travel time deviation; and (3) the gas efficiency of the implementation.
2 Tasks and Requirements
Based on the information provided above, you are required to complete the following tasks:
1. Complete the smart contract template provided in contract template.sol. You are required to complete the basic functionalities and the coordi- nation mechanism.
• You are allowed (but not required) to: add auxiliary functions, structures, contract variables, as per your requirements. For ex- ample, your findRide function can call another function you cre- ated to check if a ride matches the passenger‘s travel requirements.
• You are not allowed to: change or delete anything declared in the template, including structs, function names, input parameters and return values in the template. External libraries are also not allowed. Failure to do so will make your contract fail tests, resulting in zero grading.
2. Complete a short documentation in the markdown file using the tem- plate provided in readme The template provides instruc- tions on what to include in the documentation. You are required to:
• Provide a brief description of your proposed coordination mecha- nism.
• If you use additional data structures, auxiliary functions other than the one provided in the template, please provide a short rationale.
• If you implement any test cases to test your smart contract, please provide a short description of the test cases.
Recommended Development Environment
You are recommended to use Hardhat as your development environment. To set up the development environment, follow the steps below as a general guidelines (more resources for Hardhat can be found on Minerva):
1. Install Hardhat on your computer.
2. Create a new Hardhat JavaScript project with npx hardhat init. Use the default settings.
3. Copy the template file contract template.sol to the /contracts folder of the project.
4. Copy the test file basic contract test.js to the /test folder of the project.
5. Implement the smart contract and test it using npx hardhat test.
Contract Size Limit
Ethereum has a limit of 24576 bytes for the code size of a smart contract. You must keep the contract size below this limit. If you see a warning about the contract size when compiling, or an error of deployment failure due to the contract size when running tests, it means your contract is too large.
If you reach the limit, it is likely because you implemented a sophisti- cated coordination mechanism that requires a large amount of code. In this case, you can move some coordination logic (with auxiliary functions) to a library while keeping awaitAssignRide and assignPassengersToRides functions. If it still exceeds the limit, here are other solutions to follow.
3 General guidance and study support
The reading list and study support material will be available on Minerva. Refer to the lab manuals and the smart contract development lecture slides for the course. You can also refer to the Solidity documentation and the Ethereum documentation for additional information.
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4 Assessment criteria and marking process
The assessment criteria are provided at the end of this document in the form of rubrics. Please refer to Section 8 of the document.
Before submitting your work, you are strongly recommended using the test cases provided in basic contract test.js to make sure your implementation of the basic functionalities is correct. As the assignment will be marked by Autograder on Gradescope, your smart contract will be tested using a comprehensive set of test cases that are not limit to the provided basic test cases.
The grading test cases include: (1) Unit testing of each functions in both positive (e.g. registered driver should be able to create a ride) and negative (e.g. unregistered addresses try to create rides) cases. (2) Integration test- ing of the whole system that simulates scenarios with multiple drivers and passengers interacting with the system.
Therefore, it is also recommended writing your own test cases with differ- ent scenarios to test the behaviour for your smart contract. If you implement any additional test cases, briefly discuss what you tested in the readme file in your deliverables. The test cases you write are not used for grading, but could be used as additional reference in the case of having unexpected auto grading outputs of your smart contract.
Important: You are responsible for ensuring your contract compiles cor- rectly. Failure to compile will result in a mark of zero. This includes making sure the contract code size below the limit of 24576 bytes. Moreover, ensure the basic functionalities (e.g. passengerRegister, driverRegister, createRide, joinRide) are working correctly because the advanced test cases are based on the basic functionalities. Failure to do so will result in very low marks.
5 Deliverables
You are required to upload on Gradescope: (1) your code file(s) of smart contracts along with (2) a text ( file. In the readme file, you are required to give an overview of the proposed coordination mechanism.
6 Submission requirements
This is an individual assignment (no teams). Submit your files on Grade- scope and names of your files should be as follows:
Firstname Surname car pooling.sol
Academic misconduct and plagiarism
Students at University of Leeds are part of an academic community that shares ideas and develops new ones.
You need to learn how to work with others, how to interpret and present other people’s ideas, and how to produce your own independent aca- demic work. It is essential that you can distinguish between other people’s work and your own, and correctly acknowledge other people’s work.
All students new to the University are expected to complete an online Academic Integrity tutorial and test, and all Leeds students should ensure that they are aware of the principles of Academic integrity.
Generative artificial intelligence systems, such as ChatGPT, are not allowed in this assignment.
When you submit work for assessment it is expected that it will meet the University’s academic integrity standards.
If you do not understand what these standards are, or how they apply to your work, then please ask the module teaching staff for further guidance.
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8 Assessment/marking criteria grid
Requirement and delivery
All functions are correctly implemented. The assign- PassengersToRides function effectively reduces the total travel time deviation in all test scenarios compared to the non-coordinating approach under the same setting. The implementation of functions is gas efficient.
All functions are correctly implemented. The assignPas- sengersToRides function reduces the total travel time deviation in some test scenarios compared to the non- coordinating approach under the same setting. Gas ef- ficiency can be improved.
All functions are correctly implemented. The assignPas- sengersToRides function is able to assign passengers to rides, the assignment does not improve on total travel time deviation compared to the non-coordinating ap- proach under the same setting.
The basic functions including register drivers, register passengers, create ride, find rides, join ride are cor- rectly implemented. Coordination mechanism is pro- posed but the functions awaitAssignRide and assign- PassengersToRides are not fully functioning.
If smart contract is not compiling or smart contract fails to perform register drivers, register passengers, create ride, find rides, join ride, start ride or complete ride correctly. Coordination functions awaitAssignRide and assignPassengersToRides are not completed.