Computer Lab Homework Assignment #2, S1 2024
Topic: Rasterization and Shading Date Issued: see Wattle page Due Date: see Wattle page Weighting: 12 %
All homework assignments must be completed individually. We encourage you to discuss the assignments with other students. However, you should not share any of your codes with anyone else. Each student is responsible for implementing the assignment on their own. You may assist other in debugging their codes, but you should not copy and paste. ANU is using Turnitin to detect possible duplications. Consulting with previous year students who enrolled in this course on specific assignment is also not allowed. You may use the internet as a resource for learning the materials, but you should not borrow any existing codes found online.
The homework assignments involve a significant amount of C/C++ programming. However, for most cases, a skeletal code base is provided, and you only need to fill in the missing parts, and/or fix bugs if any.
You will submit a single ZIP file as your submission, which must contain the following files:
(1) All source codes (ending in .h, or .hpp, or .cpp), and CMakeLists.txt. Please include all needed source codes for successful compilation. Please also remove all intermediatefilesandfolders(suchas.vscode/andbuild/) thatarenotneeded for the compilation – Failing to do so will lead to penalty to the marks.
(2) A written CLab2-Report (minimum 10-point font size, single column A4, in PDF format)
Your ZIP file must be named as “”. Replace ‘X’ with 4 or 8. Replace the UID with your Uxxxxxxxx; Please submit your ZIP file to Wattle before the deadline. Late submission will lead to penalty as per the ANU policy. Later-than-one-week submission will not be accepted, which may result zero mark, unless a pre-approval for special consideration is obtained in written before the submission deadline.
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Tasks for CLab-2:
Task-1: Rasterization (30/100 marks)
In the previous assignment (CLab-1), you have drawn a wireframe house on screen. In this assignment, we will paint the model with suitable colour. In other words, we are going to rasterize those triangles in the mesh.
You need to complete following tasks:
(a) Find the 2D bounding box of the triangle.
(b) Traverse each pixel inside the bounding box (using integer index). Then, use the
center point of each pixel to test whether this centre point is inside the triangle or
(c) If it is inside the triangle, apply depth value interpolation using its barycentric
coordinates, and compare its depth with the corresponding value in the depth-
(d) Use Z-buffer algorithm to refresh the Z value in the depth-buffer and set
corresponding pixel color.
2. You may find that when you zoom-in the screen, you will find some zigzags (aliasing)
along the boundaries of the triangles. Please implement a 2×2 super-sampling method for anti-aliasing. If your code is properly implemented, the boundary of your triangles should appear smooth, i.e. not having zigzag edges.
3. There are always many triangles that are not visible from current viewport. Exclude these triangles in the early stage of rendering will save us much labour. Please implement the Back-face culling algorithm in the rst::rasterizer::draw function in rasterizer.cpp to remove some of the invisible triangles.
In your report:
• Put a screenshot of the rasterize_triangle(const Triangle &, bool)
function with anti-aliasing and a screenshot of the code snippet used for back-face culling.
• Briefly explain how you implement back-face culling algorithm.
• Rotate the house around y-axis by 140 degree and render. Put two results (w/ and w/o
anti-aliasing) in the report.
Figure1. Expected house rendering w/o anti-aliasing.
1. You need to write a function rasterize_triangle(const Triangle &, bool) in rasterizer.cpp to replace previous rasterize_wireframe (const Triangle &t). This function generally work as follows:
Task-2: Local Shading and Texture Mapping (40/100 marks)
After rasterization, you will find even though the mesh is painted, it still doesn’t look realistic. In this task, you are going to write some shaders to colorize the mesh to make it fancier.
To do this, you need to complete the following tasks:
1. Implement some shaders in task2.cpp:
a. normal_fragment_shader to assign the fragment color as the normal
b. blinn_phong_fragment_shader to calculate the fragment color
according to the Blinn-Phong reflection model.
c. texture_fragment_shader to calculate the fragment color by texture
d. bump_fragment_shader to calculate the fragment color by bump mapping.
2. Apart from Phong shading that is used in the provided code, there are other shading techniques including Flat shading and Gouraud shading. Please implement those three shading methods in rst::rasterizer::rasterize_triangle(const Triangle &, const std::array
Hint: Read Wikipedia page on Shading:
Shading – Wikipedia
In your report:
• Put four screenshots of the four shaders.
• Put three screenshots of the code in rasterize_triangle function, each for
one shading method. And talk about the difference in the implementation among
those 3 shading methods.
• Put the rendering results in your report. There should be 12 images in total (4
shaders x 3 shading methods).
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Figure2. Expected renderings of Phong shading
Task-3: MVPR: Modelling-Viewing-Projection and Rendering (30/100 marks)
From completing the above two tasks, you now have a much better grasp of rasterization technique often used for relative rendering in video games. Let us give another try to render the following complex scene of vividly colored cubes with shadowing effect.
Upon successful implementation of the previously mentioned shaders, you should observe visually pleasing results. However, these results may still be inaccurate, as they do not accountforshadows. Shadowmappingisawell-establishedtechniqueusedtogeneratehard shadows. Please implement shadow mapping in your renderer to introduce the shadow effect. You need to model the scene by yourself and render it using rasterization with shadow- map.
Hint: Read Wikipedia page on Shadow mapping:
Figure3. Example of target scene.
Computer Science Tutoring
You task is to model the scene, set up camera viewpoint and light, and rasterize the scene using your C++ code. To simplify the task, you can assume only one light in the scene will cast shadow. We don’t provide specific code for task3. You can use any code from previous tasks if necessary to complete task3.cpp. Remember, you should implement task3 in our framework without any additional libraries.
In your report:
• Explain how you finish the task, mainly about how you implement the shadow
mapping algorithm.
• Put the rendering of your scene in the report to show similar shadow effect as the
• Put the scene mesh namely scene.obj and texture map scene.png in the
models folder for submission. == END OF CLAB-2 ==