COMP2511 23T2 Assignment II: Dungeonmania
1. Preamble and Problem
For many years, Penguin Pty Ltd (a small software business run by Atilla Brungs) has dominated
the native application gaming market with hit games. However in recent years, advancements in
web technologies mean that the new generation of consumers don’t want to download and run a
native application, but instead want to play games online. To adapt to the ever-changing market,
Penguin Pty Ltd decided in 2021 to take users back to the 1980s and develop a new game called
Dungeonmania, but with a modern twist – designed as a web application.
They hired two teams – one to complete the frontend and one to complete the backend.
Together, the teams built an MVP which brought Penguin back to #1 on the charts – but now the
users are wanting more! The hard working backend engineers, previous terms’ COMP2511
students have all left. A lull in sales has left only budget for two people rather than the previous
five to work on the backend. What s̓ more, the previous engineers left a series of design issues in
their implementation.
You and your partner have been hired and have inherited the existing codebase for the
Dungeonmania game.
In this assignment, you will be working with your partner on the existing codebase in a series of
Acclimatising yourselves to the codebase, analysing the existing code, including Design
Patterns present and smells;
Refactoring the code to improve the quality of the design, incorporating Design Patterns
discussed in the course;
Extending on the existing codebase to provide new functionality.
2. Product Specification (MVP)
You have been given the product specification from the MVP version of Dungeonmania to help
you understand the existing code and functionality it provides.
In Dungeon Mania you control a Player and have to complete various goals within a series of
dungeons to complete the game!
The simplest form of such a puzzle is a maze, where the Player must find their way from the
starting point to the exit.
More advanced puzzles may contain things like boulders that need to be pushed onto floor
All of this functionality on this Confluence page has been implemented in the
monolith repository we have provided to you.
You do not need to implement it yourselves
enemies that need to be fought with weapons, or collectables like potions and treasure.
2.1 Player
The Player, can be moved up, down, left and right into cardinally adjacent squares, provided
another entity doesn’t stop them (e.g. a wall). The Player begins the game with a set amount of
health and attack damage. The Player spawns at a set ‘entry location’ at the beginning of a game.
2.2 Static Entities
The game contains the following static entities.
Wall Blocks the movement of the Player, enemies and boulders.
Exit If the Player goes through it, the puzzle may be complete.
Boulder Acts like a wall in most cases. The only difference is that it can
pushed by the Player into cardinally adjacent squares. The Pla
Entity Image Description
2.3 Moving Entities
In addition to the Player, the game contains the following moving entities.
All enemy entities can be created as part of the initial dungeon. Each tick, all enemies move
according to their respective behaviour.
only strong enough to push one boulder at a time. When the p
pushes a boulder, they move into the spot the boulder was
previously in. Boulders can be pushed onto collectable entitie
Floor Switch Switches behave like empty squares, so other entities can app
top of them. When a boulder is pushed onto a floor switch, it i
triggered. Pushing a boulder off the floor switch untriggers.
Door Exists in conjunction with a single key that can open it. If the P
holds the key, they can open the door by moving through it. O
open, it remains open.
Portal Teleports entities to a corresponding portal. The player must e
in a square cardinally adjacent to the corresponding portal. Th
square they teleport onto must also be within movement cons
– e.g. the player cannot teleport and end up on a wall. If all squ
cardinally adjacent to the corresponding portal are walls, then
player should remain where they are.
Zombie Toast
Spawns zombie toasts in an open square cardinally adjacent t
spawner. The Player can destroy a zombie spawner if they hav
weapon and are cardinally adjacent to the spawner. If all the
cardinally adjacent cells to the spawner are walls, then the spa
will not spawn any zombies.
Spider Spiders spawn at random
locations in the dungeon from
the beginning of the game.
When the spider spawns,
they immediately move the 1
square upwards (towards the
top of the screen) and then
begin ‘circling’ their spawn
Entity Image Description
spot (see a visual example
Spider Movement
Spiders are able to traverse
through walls, doors,
switches, portals, exits
(which have no effect), but
not boulders, in which case it
will reverse direction (see a
visual example below).
Spider Movement
Spiders spawn in a square
that is less than or equal to a
radius of 20 (via Manhattan
distance) around the player s̓
current position. If there is no
available space, a spider is
not spawned. Spiders cannot
spawn on boulders, or in the
same square as the
player/enemies. If a spider is
stuck between two boulders
in its movement path, it
should remain still.
Zombie Toast Zombies spawn at zombie
spawners and move in
random directions. Zombies
are limited by the same
movement constraints as the
Player, except portals have no
effect on them.
2.4 Collectable Entities
Mercenary Mercenaries do not spawn;
they are only present if
created as part of the
dungeon. They constantly
move towards the Player,
stopping only if they cannot
move any closer (they are
able to move around walls).
Mercenaries are limited by
the same movement
constraints as the Player. All
mercenaries are considered
hostile, unless the Player can
bribe them with a certain
amount of gold; in which case
they become allies.
Mercenaries must be within a
certain radius of the player in
order to be bribed, which is
formed by the diagonally and
cardinally adjacent cells in a
“square” fashion, akin to the
blast radius for bombs. As an
ally once it reaches the
Treasure Can be picked up by the
Key Can be picked up by the
player when they move into
the square containing it. The
Player can carry only one key
at a time, and only one door
has a lock that fits the key.
Keys disappear once used in
Entity Image Description
any context i.e. opening a
door, building an item. If a key
is used before opening its
door, its corresponding door
may be locked forever.
Invincibility Potion When a Player picks up an
Invincibility potion, they may
consume it at any time. Any
battles that occur when the
Player has the effects of the
potion end immediately after
the first round, with the
Player immediately winning
and taking no damage.
Zombies and mercenaries will
run away from the player
when the player is invincible.
Movement of spiders remains
unaffected. The effects of the
potion only last for a limited
It is possible for a player to use another potion while the effects of an existing potion are still
lasting (can be of the same or a different type of potion). In this case, the effects are not
Invisibility Potion When a player picks up an
invisibility potion, they may
consume it at any time and
they immediately become
invisible and can move past
all other entities undetected.
This means that mercenaries
will no longer follow the
player and will now move
randomly when the player is
invisible. Battles do not occur
when a player is under the
influence of an invisibility
Wood Can be picked up by the
Arrows Can be picked up by the
Bomb Can be collected by the
player. When used it is
removed from the inventory it
is placed on the map at the
player’s location. When a
bomb is cardinally adjacent to
an active switch, it destroys
all entities in diagonally and
cardinally adjacent cells,
except for the player, forming
a “square” blast radius. The
bomb should detonate when
it is placed next to an already
registered immediately but are instead ‘queued’ and will take place the tick following the previous
potion wearing of. For example:
On tick 0 the Player consumes an invinsibility potion that lasts for 5 ticks and becomes
invisible to enemies moving that tick
On tick 3 they use an invincibility potion
At the end of tick 4 (after all enemy movements) the player becomes visible again and
becomes invincible.
2.5 Buildable Entities
Some entities can be built using a ‘recipe’ by the player, where entities are combined to form
more complex and useful entities. Once a buildable item has been constructed, it is stored in a
player’s inventory. For all buildable entities, once the item is constructed the materials used in
that construction have been consumed and disappear from the player’s inventory.
Bow Can be crafted with 1 wood +
3 arrows. The bow has a
durability which deteriorates
after a certain number of
battles. Bows give the Player
double damage in each
round, to simulate being able
to attack an enemy at range
(it can’t actually attack an
enemy at range).
Shield Can be crafted with 2 wood +
(1 treasure OR 1 key). Shields
decrease the effect of enemy
attacks. Each shield has a
specific durability that
dictates the number of
battles it can be used before
it deteriorates.
Entity Image Description
2.6 Battles
A battle takes place when the Player and an enemy are in the same cell at any point within a
single tick. The conditions for a battle occurring are the same regardless of whether the player
moves onto the same tile as the enemy, or vice versa.
A ’round’ of a battle occurs as follows:
Damage will be applied simultaneously to the player and enemy in each round.
If the Player’s health is <= 0, then the Player dies, is removed from the game and the game is over. If the enemy's health is <= 0, then the enemy dies and is removed from the game. If after the above 'round', neither the Player nor the enemy is dead, the round repeats until either the Player or enemy is dead. In battles, allies provide an attack and defence bonus to the player. 2.6.1 Weapons in Battle An example of a bow, sword and shield being used in battle is as follows: All additive/reductive bonuses from weapons are processed before multiplicative bonuses. Player Health = Player Health - (Enemy Attack Damage / 10) Enemy Health = Enemy Health - (Player Attack Damage / 5) player health = 10 player base attack damage = 5 bow attack damage = 2 sword attack damage = 1 shield defence = 2 enemy health = 10 enemy attack damage = 5 Battle occurs: - Round 1 enemy health = 10 - ((2 * (5 + 1)) / 5) = 7.6 player health = 10 - ((5 - 2) / 10) = 9.7 - Round 2 enemy health = 7.6 - ((2 * (5 + 1)) / 5) = 5.2 player health = 9.7 - ((5 - 2) / 10) = 9.4 - Round 3 ... In addition to its layout, each dungeon also has a goal that defines what must be achieved by the player for the dungeon to be considered complete. Basic goals are: Getting to an exit; Having a boulder on all floor switches; Collecting a certain number of treasure items (or more); Goals are only evaluated after the first tick. If getting to an exit is one of a conjunction of conditions, it must be done last. For example, if the condition is to have a boulder on all floor switches AND get to an exit, the player must put the boulder on the switches THEN get to the 3.7.2 Complex Goals More complex goals can be built by logically composing goals. For example: Collecting a certain number of treasure AND getting to an exit Collecting a certain number of treasure OR having a boulder on all floor switches Getting to an exit AND (destroying all enemies OR collecting all treasure) All compound goals are binary (they contain two and only two subgoals). If getting to an exit is one of a conjunction of conditions, it must be done last. For example, if the condition is to collect 3 treasure AND get to an exit, the player must collect at least 3 treasures THEN get to the exit. It is possible for a subgoal to become un-achieved, for example if the dungeon goal is boulders AND exit and all boulders are pushed onto switches, then the boulders subgoal becomes complete. However, if a boulder is then moved off a switch, the boulders subgoal is no longer complete. 2.8 Winning & Losing The game is won when all the goals are achieved. The game is lost when the player dies and is removed from the map. 2.9 Advanced Movement The movement of mercenaries follows a Djikstra's algorithm to take the shortest path towards the You can view pseudocode for the algorithm here. All references to radii distances are Manhattan Distances unless otherwise specified. 2.10 Tick Definition A tick is a transition from one state to a new state. A tick always starts with user input (i.e. in one tick, the player always does action first, then enemies/spawners). Then the game world changes in the tick and ends when another user input is needed. So “tick n” is the transition from the n-th state to the (n+1)-th state. There can be multiple developer-defined phases within one tick deciding the order of changes to the game world. Here is one possible example on phases sequence to help you understand. You can view a UML diagram of the implementation of this MVP specification that s̓ provided in the monolith on this Confluence page: