COMP2300 6300 ENGN2219 Resources QuAC ISA v1.0

COMP2300/6300/ENGN2219 / Resources / QuAC ISA v1.0

QuAC ISA v1.0

On this page


Instruction Encoding

Register Operands Format (R-Format)

Immediate Format (I-Format)


All Formats

R-Format only

I-Format Only

Hardware Instructions

Program counter



This document is the de�nitive speci�cation of the QuAC instruction

set that we will be implementing in this course. If another source

contradicts this document, this takes precedance.

Minimum addressable unit is 16-bit words

16-bit addressed

Total addressable memory is 128 KB (64 k words)


Numbers add and subtract according to two’s complement


When adding numbers beyond the limits of 16 bits, the value wraps

around back to 0 (effectively keeping bits 0–15 and discarding bits

16 and above).

All registers start initalised to 0x0000 , and are 16-bits wide.

Code Mnemonic Meaning Behaviour

000 rz Zero Register Always reads as zero, even after
being written to.

001 r1 Register 1 General purpose register.

010 r2 Register 2 General purpose register.

011 r3 Register 3 General purpose register.

100 r4 Register 4 General purpose register.

101 fl Flag register See Flags.

110 – Unde�ned Any operation with this register is

111 pc Program

See Program Counter.

rz , fl , and pc may also be described as r0 , r5 , and r7

An instruction is allowed to write to rz , however the next time an
instruction reads rz it will still read as 0 .
r1 , r2 , r3 , and r4 are the general purpose registers. You may

write to them, and they will store that value. Reading from a

general purpose register returns the last value written to them.

Instruction Encoding

Each instruction in QuAC has one of two formats:

Register Operands Format (R-Format), or

Immediate Format (I-Format).

These formats describe the general segmentation of an instruction into

data �elds. These �elds are given below.

There’s nothing enforcing future instructions fall into these two

formats: R-Format and I-Format only describe the general

pattern existing instructions follow. New instructions could

follow an entirely different encoding format.

Register Operands Format (R-Format)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

op cond rd 0 ra 0 rb

Immediate Format (I-Format)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

op cond rd imm8


All Formats

Name Meaning Description

op Opcode Speci�es the operation to perform.

cond Condition Determines whether this instruction executes.
See Conditions.

rd Destination /
Data Register

(not str ) Determines which register the
result of this instruction is written to, or (for

str ) is used as the register containing the
data to store to memory.

R-Format only

Name Meaning Description

0 Literal zero The value is always 0.

ra First Operand /
Address Register

The register used for the �rst operand in

ALU instructions, or for the address in ldr

rb Second Operand

The register used for the second operand in

ALU instructions. ldr and str set this to

I-Format Only

Name Meaning Description

imm8 Immediate (8-

An immediate, or constant, 8-bit value that is

directly encoded into the instruction.

Hardware Instructions

The following table lists all instructions a hardware implementor of

QuAC must handle. The section Pseudo-Instructions lists several more

instructions, but the machine code of each additional instruction

matches one of the (possibly more general) instructions here. By

implementing these, you gain the full pseudo-instruction support ‘for

Every instruction in QuAC can have a condition suf�x appended to it.

See Conditions for details. The suf�x is used to determine the cond bit
used in the machine code column.

Syntax Semantic Machine Code

I-Format Instructions

rd ≔ #imm8 0000

See below 0001

R-Format Memory Instructions

str rd, [ra] [ra] ≔ rd 0100 0

ldr rd, [ra] rd ≔ [ra] 0101 0

R-Format ALU Instructions

Syntax Semantic Machine Code

add rd, ra,

1000 0 0

sub rd, ra,

1001 0 0

and rd, ra,

1010 0 0

orr rd, ra,

1011 0 0

seth moves an 8-bit constant (imm8) into the high byte of the
destination register rd , leaving the low byte of rd unchanged.

rd ≔ (#imm8 << 8) | (rd & 0xff) 16-bit values that do not correspond to a machine code pattern in this table are unde�ned instructions. A correct QuAC program will never attempt to execute an unde�ned instruction. Hardware may act in any way it chooses if a program does. More details on what each instruction does, and how they affect the �ags, can be found here. Program counter The program counter register pc behaves as a general purpose register the same as r1 – r4 with respect to instructions reading and writing to it. Its value is also used as the address to fetch the next instruction from. Therefore, reading its value will give you the address of the currently executing instruction. After an instruction is executed pc is incremented by 1 unless pc was written to by the just-�nished instruction. If that instruction’s condition failed, then pc is still incremented, even if the instruction would have written to it. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Unde�ned V C N Z The �ag register fl stores the 4 �ags generated by the ALU whenever any ALU instruction is successfully executed. If an ALU instruction is executed ( add , sub , and , or orr ) is executed, the �ags are updated. If a non-ALU instruction ( str , ldr , movl , or seth ) is executed, the �ags are left unchanged. If an ALU instruction’s condition fails, then the �ags are left unchanged. fl may be read from like any other general purpose register. Writing directly to fl is unde�ned behaviour. The unde�ned bits impose no restrictions on reads and writes. They may even be changed when performing non-ALU instructions or when an instruction fails its condition. The rules for setting each �ag when executing an ALU operation are as Flag Meaning Description Z Zero Set if the result is zero. Flag Meaning Description N Negative Set if the result, viewed as a 2’s complement signed integer, is negative. C Carry If the instruction is add or sub , then set if the calculation carried. If the instruction is and or orr , then always 0. V Over�ow If the instruction is add or sub , then set if the calculation over�owed. If the instruction is and or orr , then always 0. See lab 2 for hints on calculating when these conditions occur. Conditions Conditions are �elds on an instruction that control whether that instruction is executed or not. Before executing the instruction, the CPU checks the condition on the instruction against the current CPU state. If the condition succeeds, then the instruction is executed like If the condition fails, then the instruction is not executed, acting as if it were a nop . The QuAC ISA de�nes two conditions Name Suf�x Encoding Condition Meaning Always - 0 - Always executes Equals eq 1 Z == 1 Execute if latest ALU result was The encoding bit is substituted in place of cond in the instruction The names of the conditions are derived from the cmp ra, rb instruction. For example, the equals condition checks for Z == 1 because cmp ra, rb sets the Z �ag if and only if ra == rb . Other conditions can be emulated using these. For example, @ Conditionally execute on C movl r1, 0b100 @ mask for the carry bit and rz, fl, r1 @ bitwise AND the mask with the flag jpeq skip_if_fail @ jumps if C was not set nop @ only executed if C was set skip_if_fail: @ Conditional jump on 'greater than' condition @ (Greater than is equivalent to Z = 0 and N = 0) movl r1, 0b11 @ mask for Z and N and rz, fl, r1 @ bitwise AND the mask with flag jpeq


These instructions are special cases of instructions that already exist in

the ISA, but make writing assembly a bit easier. Note how the machine

code in each case corresponds to an instruction in the above table. By

implementing those base ISA instructions, the pseudo-instructions are

obtained for free.

Syntax Meaning Machine Code

rd ≔ ra 1000 0 0000

jpr ra pc ≔ ra 1000 111 0 0000

Syntax Meaning Machine Code

ra – rb 1001 000 0 0

nop Do nothing 0000 0000 0000 0000

jpm [ra] pc ≔ [ra] 0101 111 0 0000

jp imm8 pc ≔ imm8 0000 111

Up to the assembler

The compare instruction cmp is useful for comparing the values
between two registers. It is synthesised as a subtraction with rz as the
destination register ( cmp ra, rb is equivalent to sub rz, ra, rb ),
which means the result of the subtraction is discarded, but the �ags are

still set.

cmp r1, r2 @ if r1 == r2:
movleq r3, 1 @ r3 = 1

�� Quarel-Akram-Connor, after the designers Shoaib Akram, Jon

Connor and David Quarel. ↩

�� All instruction in QuAC except for str write a result to a
destination register. str uses rd as the data to store to memory.
While a little confusing, this makes the implemention in hardware a

bit easier to deal with. ↩

�� This allows for the synthesis of many other instructions. For

instance, we can use the following code to skip over a small piece

movl r2, 2 @ r2 ≔ 2
add pc, r2 @ pc jumps two addresses forward

movl r1, 1 @ this instruction gets skipped
movl r3, 3 @ this instruction gets executed

Or (stranger still) to load the machine code of an instruction itself,

and use it as data

ldr r1, [pc] @ r1 ≔ 0x5710

�� The reason why writing to the �ag register is unde�ned is to make

the base ISA as compatible as possible with extensions, as well as

make the implemention easier. You might decide that writing to fl
has no effect, or that it can be written to like any other register.

Both are compatible with the spec. You might also want to de�ne a

meaning for the other bits in the �ag register, and have the CPU

behave differently depending on the value of those bits set by the

Acknowledgement of Country

The Australian National University acknowledges, celebrates and pays

our respects to the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people of the Canberra

region and to all First Nations Australians on whose traditional lands we

meet and work, and whose cultures are among the oldest continuing

cultures in human history.

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