coding challenge

coding challenge deliverables
1. mobx Asset store
2. mobx Pool store
3. UItoadddata(optional)
You’ll be working in ./packages/app . The goal is to use mobx stores and display the data in a user interface.
We’ll be using, and chain-registry, which will help us create the genesis state for a mobx store.
In this example, we’ll be using the chain-regitsry’s Osmosis Asset list mobx Asset store methods
addAsset(asset: Asset)
this should add an asset, e.g. ATOM or OSMO tokens
updateAsset(asset: Asset)
this should update an asset, denom_units , base , logo_URIs , etc.
removeAsset(asset: Asset)
mobx Pool store methods addPool(asset1: Asset, asset2: Asset)
This should add a pool of two assets.
User Interface
A react next.js page exists at packages/app/pages/index.tsx
Components are already built using ¡ª it’s optional if you want to add new UI.
A pool list UI is already ready, but is hard-coded to use asset-list . It should be hooked up to the mobx store instead.
cd ./packages/app/

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Update ListPools to take react props to connect to the mobx store. When you call addPool , it should add pools to the UI.
The pools component is here: packages/app/components/pools-list.tsx Note on data input
you can optionally make a form, or, you can use code to seed the mobx store and manually call addPool . setup
yarn bootstrap
cd ./packages/app
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