CL tutorial 10

Introduction Objectives
CL exercise for Tutorial 10
You will complete the implementation of the determinization construction for FSMs.
Exercise 1 is mandatory, with code answers. Exercise 2 is optional, with written answers.
Submit a file cl-tutorial-10 (image or pdf) with your answers that do not require program- ming, and the file CLTutorial10.hs with your Haskell code.
16:00 Friday 2 December
NOTE unusual deadline day owing to rescheduled lectures.
Good Scholarly Practice
Please remember the good scholarly practice requirements of the University regarding work for credit.
You can find guidance at the School page
This also has links to the relevant University pages. Please do not publish solutions to these exercises on the internet or elsewhere, to avoid others copying your solutions.

FSMs in Haskell, continued
This tutorial carries on directly from last week’s tutorial. In the CLTutorial10.hs file we have included our solutions to last week’s problems. If you prefer your own, feel free to replace them.
Make sure you have understood the subset (or powerset) construction as explained on the slides. To remind you, it is:
• The states of the DFA will be ‘superstates’ of the original – each superstate is a set of states of the original machine. We need to include each set of active states reachable from the starting set of states.
• The alphabet of symbols is unchanged.
• The DFA will have an a-transition from superstate superq to superstate superq’ when-
ever superq’ is the set of a-targets of states in superq.
• The accepting (super)states of the DFA are those which contain some accepting state of
the original FSM.
• The initial (super)state is just the set of start states of the original FSM.
Figure 1 shows two FSMs, one where the states are identified by integers, m1 :: FSM Int , and one where the states are characters, m2 :: FSM Char .
For instance, converting m1 :: FSM Int in Figure 1 yields dm1 :: FSM (Set Int) in Figure 2. (Haskell shows the set {1, 2, 3}, for example, as fromList[1,2,3] .)
Note how we take advantage of the fact that an FSM can have states of any type: the states of the FSM are integers and the states of the corresponding DFA are sets of integers; superstates are represented explicitly. (This is exactly why we made the type of an FSM parameterized by the type of the state.)
Note also how we’re saving typing by writing lists of characters as strings: “ab” instead of [‘a’,’b’].
Exercise 1 –mandatory––marked–
In this multipart exercise, you will complete the functions need to transform an FSM into a DFA.
1. Complete the definition of this function so that given an FSM, a source superstate, and a symbol, it returns the target superstate.
ddelta :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> (Set q) -> Char -> (Set q)
ddelta (FSM qs as ts ss fs ) source sym = undefined
The target superstate for a source superstate source , and a symbol, sym , is the set of states, t , such that, for some state, s in source , the machine has a sym -labelled transition from s to t . For example,
*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[0]) ‘b’ fromList [1,2]
*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[1,2]) ‘b’ fromList [3,4]
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m1 :: FSM Int
m1 = mkFSM
[0,1,2,3,4] — states
“ab” — symbols
[ (0,’a’,1), (0,’b’,1), (0,’a’,2), (0,’b’,2), (1,’b’,4)
, (2,’a’,3), (2,’b’,3), (3,’b’,4), (4,’a’,4), (4,’b’,4) ] [0] — starting
[4] — accepting
ss0 ss0 33 B
0 ))Duu 1 RR
m2 :: FSM Char
m2 = mkFSM
“ABCD” — states
“01” — symbols
[(‘A’, ‘0’, ‘D’), (‘A’, ‘1’, ‘B’), (‘B’, ‘0’, ‘A’), (‘B’, ‘1’, ‘C’),
(‘C’, ‘0’, ‘B’), (‘C’, ‘1’, ‘D’), (‘D’, ‘0’, ‘D’), (‘D’, ‘1’, ‘D’)] “B” — starting
“ABC” — accepting
Figure 1: Two finite state machines

[1,2] ??[4] rr a,b
b  a,b [3,4]
??[] rr a,b a
dm1 :: FSM [Int]
dm1 = mkFSM
[[],[0],[1,2],[3],[3,4],[4]] — states “ab” — symbols [([], ‘a’,[]), ([], ‘b’,[]) ,([0], ‘a’,[1,2]), ([0], ‘b’,[1,2]) ,([1,2],’a’,[3]), ([1,2],’b’,[3,4]) ,([3], ‘a’,[]), ([3], ‘b’,[4]) ,([3,4],’a’,[4]), ([3,4],’b’,[4]) ,([4], ‘a’,[4]), ([4], ‘b’,[4])] [[0]] — starting
[[3,4],[4]] — accepting
Figure 2: DFA corresponding to an FSM

*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[3,4]) ‘b’ fromList [4]
Hint: The transition is computed by applying the transition function defined above.
2. If the FSM has n states, then there are 2n possible superstates that might appear in the DFA, but we need not consider all of these. We only care about the superstates that are reachable from the start state. In the next two questions, we’ll compute which states are reachable. Complete the function next so that, given an FSM and a list of superstates, it returns the set of superstates that can be reached in a single transition from any of these.
next :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> Set(Set(q)) -> Set(Set(q))
next (FSM qs as ts ss fs) supers =
fromList [ undefined | super <- toList supers, sym <- toList as ] Hint: The value can be computed by applying ddelta to each superstate in the set and each symbol in the alphabet. For example, the value *CLTutorial10> next m1 (fromList[fromList[0],fromList[1,2]])
fromList [fromList [1,2],fromList [3],fromList [3,4]]
can be computed from the following calls
*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[0]) ‘a’ fromList[1,2]
*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[0]) ‘b’ fromList[1,2]
*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[1,2]) ‘a’ fromList[3]
*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[1,2]) ‘b’ fromList[3,4]
Further hint: Use a comprehension with two generators to apply ddelta to each superstate in the input list of superstates, and to each symbol in the alphabet. (Look again at the definition of cartesianProduct given in Section 3.)
We also need a function reachable such that, given an FSM and a list of superstates, it returns the list of every superstate that can be reached by applying any (natural) number of transitions to some superstate in the list. (N.B. Zero is a natural number.) (Observe that we again use an @-pattern to bind fsm , so you can call any function that takes the machine as a parameter.) We will provide this one for you, but make sure you understand it.
For example
*CLTutorial10> reachable m1 (fromList[fromList[0]])
fromList [fromList [],fromList [0],fromList [1,2],fromList [3],fromList [3,4],fromList
Hint: The value of the call above is computed starting with the following sequence of calls to next.
*CLTutorial10> next m1 (fromList[fromList[0]])
fromList [fromList [1,2]]
*CLTutorial10> next m1 (fromList[fromList[0], fromList[1,2]])
fromList [fromList [1,2],fromList [3],fromList [3,4]]

*CLTutorial10> next m1 (fromList[fromList[0], fromList[1,2], fromList[3], fromList[3,4]
fromList [fromList [],fromList [1,2],fromList [3],fromList [3,4],fromList [4]]
The function is:
reachable :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> Set(Set(q)) -> Set(Set(q))
reachable qs as ts ss fs) supers =
let new = next fsm supers \\ supers
in if null new then supers else reachable fsm (supers \/ new)
In general, one repeatedly applies next to extend the list until there is no further change. At each stage we can check whether next has produced any new superstates. We may use the set difference operation, \\ and null to do this. If there are no new superstates we are done – otherwise add these to our list and continue.
Notice that if we start from the list containing just the initial superstate, reachable will return every superstate that is reachable in the equivalent DFA.
3. Complete this function so that it takes an FSM and a set supers of superstates and returns the subset (of supers ) of accepting states.
dfinal :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> Set(Set(q)) -> Set(Set(q))
dfinal qs as ts ss fs) supers = undefined
Hint: The logical functions or and any all that we’ve used with lists of things also work with sets of things; you can also use filterS . The functions filterS ,mapS etc. that work for sets, pretty much the Prelude versions of filter , and map do for lists
Remember that a superstate is final if it includes a final state of the original FSM. Write a function that given a superstate determines whether it contains a final state. Then use S.filter to select all final superstates from the set.
*CLTutorial10> dfinal m1 (fromList[fromList[],fromList[0],fromList[1,2],fromList[3],fromList[3
fromList [fromList [3,4],fromList [4]]
4. Complete this function which should take an FSM and a list of superstates and, for each symbol in the alphabet of the FSM, return a transition for each superstate in the list.
dtrans :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> Set(Set q) -> Set(Trans (Set q))
dtrans qs as ts ss fs) supers =
fromList [ (q, s, undefined) | q <- toList supers, s <- toList as ] For example, *CLTutorial10> dtrans m1(fromList[fromList[],fromList[0],fromList[1,2],fromList[3],fromList[3, fromList [(fromList [],’a’,fromList []),(fromList [],’b’,fromList[]),(fromList [0],’a’,fromLis ,(fromList [0],’b’,fromList [1,2]),(fromList [1,2],’a’,fromList[3]),(fromList [1,2],’b’,fromLi ,(fromList [3],’a’,fromList []),(fromList [3],’b’,fromList[4]),(fromList [3,4],’a’,fromList [4 ,(fromList [3,4],’b’,fromList [4]),(fromList [4],’a’,fromList [4]),(fromList [4],’b’,fromList
Hint: The target of each transition can be computed using ddelta . For example,
*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[0]) ‘a’ fromList [1,2]
*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[0]) ‘b’
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fromList [1,2]
*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[1,2]) ‘a’ fromList [3]
*CLTutorial10> ddelta m1 (fromList[1,2]) ‘b’ fromList [3,4]
Further hint. The answer template is a comprehension with two generators, one iterating over the list of superstates and one iterating over the alphabet.
All being well, this function will now take an FSM and return the corresponding DFA:
toDFA qs as ts ss fs) = FSM qs’ as’ ts’ ss’ fs’ where
qs’ = reachable fsm ss’ as’ = as
ts’ = dtrans fsm qs’ ss’ = singleton ss
fs’ = dfinal fsm qs’
For example, toDFA m1 returns dm1 .
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Exercise 2 –optional––marked–
In this written exercise, we shall think about concatenation a bit.
In lectures, we defined concatenation on NFAs using ε-transitions. Why didn’t we define it on DFAs?
In the following, a bold verb indicates something you should include in your written an- swer.
Consider the one-word languages L1 = { ab } and L2 = { ba }.
1. Draw DFAs M1 and M2 that accept these languages. Use the black hole convention to ignore
unwanted transitions.
Suppose we define the following operation ◦, which takes two DFAs (omitting black hole states) and gives a (perhaps in fact deterministic) NFA:
Given DFAs M = (Q,Σ,δ,q0,F) and M′ = (Q′,Σ,δ′,q0′ ,F′) where Q ∩ Q′ = ∅, let M ◦ M′ = (Q ∪ Q′ − {q0′ }, δ′′, {q0}, F ′), where:
q,q′ ∈ Q and δ(q,a) = q′, or
q, q′ ∈ Q′ − {q′ } and δ′(q, a) = q′, or (q,a,q′)∈δ′′ iff 0
q∈F andδ′(q0′,a)=q′,or q′ ∈F andδ′(q,a)=q0′
or put in words, we put M and M ′ side by side, replace every transition from/to q0′ by transitions from/to every accepting state of M, and remove q0′ , start at M, and accept when M′ does.
2. Draw M1 ◦ M2, and verify that it accepts the language L1L2.
3. The NFA M ◦ M ′ may or may not be deterministic. State, with justification, necessary and sufficient conditions on M and M′ for M ◦ M′ to be deterministic. Show that if M ◦ M′ is deterministic, then it accepts the concatenation L(M)L(M′).
Challenge questions: –not marked–
There is no need to submit answers for these, but you may if you wish!
4. Can you give an example of DFAs M3 and M4 such that L(M3 ◦ M4) ̸= L(M3)L(M4)?
5. In the above, we ignored black hole states, that is, we treated the DFAs as deterministic NFAs. Discuss what changes if we insist that black hole states are included in the arguments of ◦.
6. Investigate the literature (i.e. use Google:–) and answer the following question: if M and M′ are DFAs of size O(n), what is the worst case size of the smallest DFA accepting L(M)L(M′)?