CHC5049 Databases Coursework 1 Semester: 1, 2024 2025

CHC5049 Databases Coursework 1 Semester: 1, 2024-2025
CHC5049 Database Coursework 1.
Learning Outcomes
The two coursework of this module address the following learning outcomes:
– Use SQL and XML to define data applications appropriate to a specified problem.
– Use a conceptual modeling language to specify and analyze data requirements and apply
database design principles to map a set of system requirements to an efficient (e.g.,
normalized) database.
– Explain and design transaction-based processing in database systems.
– Exploit techniques for storing and querying XML data.
– Due date: ( ) by 12:00 PM.
– This coursework is to be carried out individually.
– You have been given one DTD file (transactions_sample) and three XML files
(transactions_sample, retail_customers, and retail_transactions) to be used for the coursework.
You work for a company that has a large visitor attraction with several gift shops located on-site. The retail system creates a list of transactions made. The company has engaged a 3rd party vendor to do data analysis who has requested that they be sent the transaction data combined with the customer data. The data is to be sent as XML files. It is decided to create a single submission file that can be uploaded via FTP (the files will be dropped into an FTP folder on the client’s server) to both systems.
The company is now looking to employ the advantages of the JSON format to enhance data management, interoperability, and seamless integration with various systems across the company. Accordingly, the information should also be consolidated into a single JSON document following the above criteria for further in-depth analysis and exploration.
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CHC5049 Databases Coursework 1 Semester: 1, 2024-2025
DELIVERABLES [20 marks total]
You have been asked to:
1) Spot the errors in the given ¡®transactions_sample.dtd¡¯ file. You should provide:
a. An image of the DTD with the errors circled in red, along with a brief note of each error. The file should be called ¡®1_DTD_sample_Errors.jpeg¡¯.
b. A corrected version of the external DTD file. The file should be called ¡®2_Corrected_sample.dtd¡¯.
c. Provide a screenshot called ¡®3_Validation_sample.jpeg¡¯ after validating the ¡®transactions_sample.xml¡¯ file against the corrected external DTD through a validator, proving that they validate with no errors.
2) Submit two XSLT transformation and output files, one to export the XML data, and the other to export the JSON data. Your XSLT files must be correctly formatted and be able to run against the XML files (retail_customers, and retail_transactions) supplied by the company. The following specifications must be followed:
I. The XSL file must be called ¡®4_Transformation_to_XML.xsl¡¯.
II. It must use XSLT v1.0 as requested by the company.
III. You have to provide comments to explain your reasoning and work.
IV. The XML output file must contain a root element called ¡¯Transactions¡¯.
V. The XML file contents should contain the transactions and the relevant customer
data, ordered by the shop, and then by date.
VI. The provided XML file must be called ¡®5_Output.xml.¡¯
VII. A related external DTD must be automatically referenced in the output.xml file and not be manually added.
VIII. DTD Details:
Create a new external DTD file that describes the output XML file. So that the 3rd party vendor can validate the XML output file and ensure it is correct. The DTD must adhere to the following requirements:

CHC5049 Databases Coursework 1 Semester: 1, 2024-2025
1. It must follow a logical structure of the data as follows:
Transactions Shop
Date Transaction
…Transaction and customer details Transaction
…Transaction and customer details Date
…Transaction and customer details
…Transaction and customer details
Date Transaction
…Transaction and customer details
2. Well-written external DTD structure.
3. Logical naming convention of elements and attributes.
4. Nested elements correctly declared.
5. At least one attribute should be used.
6. The DTD file must be called ¡®6_Structure.dtd¡¯.
7. It should be validated against the output XML file through a validator, and a
screenshot called ¡®7_Validation_XML.jpeg¡¯ should be attached, showing that they validate with no errors.
I. The XSL file must be called ¡®8_Transformation_to_JSON.xsl¡¯.
II. You have to provide comments to explain your reasoning and work.
III. Ensure that the content of the JSON file accurately represents the data from the
XML files and save the converted file as ‘9_Output.json’.
IV. Validate the JSON file, capture a screenshot of the validation, and save it as
’10_Validation_json.jpeg’ to demonstrate that the file has no errors.
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CHC5049 Databases Coursework 1 Semester: 1, 2024-2025
Submission bundle
The specification for the structure of the submission is as follows:
a. A ZIP file should be uploaded via the online portal.
b. The ZIP bundle must be named ¡®¡¯
c. File names must be EXACT, including the specified file extension.
JPEG file DTD file JPEG file XSL file XML file DTD file JPEG file XSL file JSON file JPEG file
Image with DTD errors + errors description Your corrected DTD file
Image of your XML validation
Your XSL to XML transform file
The result of your XML transform
The DTD that validates the XML output file Image of your XML validation
Your XSL to JSON transform file
The result of your JSON transform
Image of your JSON validation
1_DTD_sample_Errors.jpeg 2 2_Corrected_sample.dtd 2 3_Validation_sample.jpeg 1 4_Transformation_to_XML.xsl 4 5_Output.xml 1 6_Structure.dtd 3 7_Validation_XML.jpeg 1 8_ Transformation_to_JSON.xsl 4 9_Output.json 1 10_Validation_json.jpeg 1

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