

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace

def check_type(y,t): # Ensure Input is Correct
return y.dtype == np.floating and t.dtype == np.floating

class _Integrator():

def integrate(self,func,y0,t):
time_delta_grid = t[1:] – t[:-1]

y = np.zeros((y0.shape[0],t.shape[0]))
y[:,0] = y0

# Euler Step or Runge-Kutta Second Order Integration Step
for i in range(time_delta_grid.shape[0]):
y[:,i+1] = time_delta_grid[i]*func(y[:,i],t[i])+y[:,i] # Euler Integration Step

#Un-Comment the next three lines to use the Runge-Kutta Second Order Integration
#y[:,i+1] = y[:,i]+time_delta_grid[i]*func(y[:,i]+k1,t[i]+time_delta_grid[i]/2)

#Runge-Kutta Fourth Order Integration Step
#for i in range(time_delta_grid.shape[0]):
#k1 = func(y[:,i], t[i])# RK4 Integration Steps replace Euler’s Updation Steps
#half_step = t[i] + time_delta_grid[i] / 2
#k2 = func(y[:,i] + time_delta_grid[i] * k1 / 2, half_step)
#k3 = func(y[:,i] + time_delta_grid[i] * k2 / 2, half_step)
#k4 = func(y[:,i] + time_delta_grid[i] * k3, t[i] + time_delta_grid[i])
#y[:,i+1]= (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) * (time_delta_grid[i] / 6) + y[:,i]

def odeint_rk4(func,y0,t):
y0 = np.array(y0)
t = np.array(t)
if check_type(y0,t):
return _Integrator().integrate(func,y0,t)
print(“error encountered”)

C_m = 1 # Membrane Capacitance

g_Na = 100

g_L = 0.15

if abs(x)<1e-12: elif x < -20: ex = np.exp(x) x = -x*ex/(1-ex) x = x/(1-np.exp(-x)) if abs(x)<1e-12: x = x/(np.exp(x)-1) if x < -20: x = np.exp(x)/(np.exp(x)+1) else: x = 1/(1+np.exp(-x)) def K_prop(v): #αn(V ) = 0.032(V + 52)/(1 − exp(−(V + 52)/5)) def alpha_n(v): u= (v+52)/5 return 0.032*5*f(u) beta_n=0.5*np.exp(-(v+65)/80) def n_inf(v): return (alpha_n(v)/(alpha_n(v)+ beta_n)) #set_trace() def tau_n(v): return (1/(alpha_n(v)+beta_n)) #set_trace() return n_inf(v), tau_n(v) def Na_prop(v): #αm(V) = 0.32(V + 54)/(1 − exp(−(V + 54)/4)) #βm (V ) = 0.28(V + 27)/(exp((V + 27)/5) − 1) def alpha_m(v): u = (v+54)/4 return 4*0.32*f(u) def beta_m(v): u =(v+27)/5 return 5*0.28*g(u) def m_inf(v): return (alpha_m(v)/(alpha_m(v)+beta_m(v))) def tau_m(v): return (1 / (alpha_m(v) + beta_m(v))) #αh(V) = 0.128 exp(−(V + 50)/18) #βh(V) = 4/(1 + exp(−(V + 27)/5) alpha_h = 0.128*np.exp(-(v+50)/18) def beta_h(v): u = (v+27)/5 return 4*h(u) def h_inf(v): return (alpha_h/(alpha_h+beta_h(v))) def tau_h(v): return 1/(alpha_h+beta_h(v)) #set_trace() return m_inf(v), tau_m(v), h_inf(v), tau_h(v) def I_K(V, n): return g_K * n**4 * (V - E_K) def I_Na(V, m, h): return g_Na * m**3 * h * (V - E_Na) def I_L(V): return g_L * (V - E_L) def gPot(n): return g_K * n**4 def gSod(): def run_HH(v_clamp): def dXdt(X,t): V = v_clamp #V = X[0:1] m = X[0:1] h = X[1:2] n = X[2:3] #dVdt = (5 - I_Na(V, m, h) - I_K(V, n) - I_L(V)) / C_m # Here the current injection I_injected = 5 uA n0,tn = K_prop(V) #set_trace() m0,tm,h0,th = Na_prop(V) dmdt = - (1.0/tm)*(m-m0) dhdt = - (1.0/th)*(h-h0) dndt = - (1.0/tn)*(n-n0) out = np.concatenate([dmdt,dhdt,dndt],0) return out epsilon = 0.01 t = np.arange(0, 30, epsilon) y0 = np.float64([0,1,0]) state = odeint_rk4(dXdt, y0, t) #V = state[3] m = state[0] h = state[1] n = state[2] i_na = I_Na(V, m, h) i_k = I_K(V, n) i_l = I_L(V) i_m = i_na + i_k + i_l fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.set_title("Voltage Clamp = " + str(v_clamp) + "V") ax.set_xlabel("Time") ax.plot(t, m**3, label = "m^3") ax.plot(t, h, label = "h") ax.plot(t, m**3*h, label= "m^3h") ax.legend() /tmp/ipykernel_3318/ DeprecationWarning: Converting `np.inexact` or `np.floating` to a dtype is deprecated. The current result is `float64` which is not strictly correct. return y.dtype == np.floating and t.dtype == np.floating run_HH(-40) /tmp/ipykernel_3318/ DeprecationWarning: Converting `np.inexact` or `np.floating` to a dtype is deprecated. The current result is `float64` which is not strictly correct. return y.dtype == np.floating and t.dtype == np.floating