CS861: Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning

Course overview and logistics

CS861: Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning
Kirthi Kandasamy
University of Wisconsin – Madison Fall 2023
September 6, 2023

Machine learning is popular nowadays!
“A breakthrough in ML will be worth 10 Microsofts”
 – Bill Gates
“ML is the new internet”

“AI will be the best or worst thing ever for humanity”

– Tony Tether, Director, DARPA – Elon Musk

ML Application: Object detection & segmentation

Weather forecasting & Climatology

Optimizing drugs and materials

Autonomous vehicles

Language generation (e.g GPT)
Code Help
Image generation

Image to text generation

This class: Theoretical Foundations of ML Why take this class? Why study ML theory?

1. Understand fundamental limitations about a learning problem.
Is it even possible to learn using data?
How much data do we need to learn?
What are the primary challenges when learning?

This class: theoretical foundations of ML Why take this class? Why study ML theory?

2. Develop fundamental intuitions for designing learning algorithm
3. It is fun!
What is the “correct” approach to solve the primary challenges? How do we trade-off between multiple challenges?
Will focus on simple (as opposed to “realistic/practical”) settings

1. Course logistics
2. Syllabus
3. Who should take this class? Prerequisites and expectations

1. Course logistics
2. Syllabus
3. Who should take this class? Prerequisites and expectations

Logistics: Lectures, OHs, Enrollment
MWF, 11-12.15am at Engineering Hall 3349 Will be on the whiteboard.
27-30 lectures.

My office hours: Wed 1.30 – 3pm at CS5375

At capacity, but short waitlist.
Continue to come to class, some students will likely drop.

Logistics: Webpages
Course website
https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~kandasamy/courses/23fall-cs861 Information on logistics, syllabus, schedule, and grading

https://piazza.com/wisc/fall2023/csece861 (access code: f23cs861)
Ask public questions whenever possible. Announcements, peer discussions on homework/lectures.

Homeworks, exams, and some announcements

Logistics: Scribing
These details may change if enrollment drops.

Each student will scribe ~2 lectures. Two students per lecture.
Sign up for scribing via the sign-up spreadsheet (see course website for link).

Instructions (see course website as well)
Written in full prose, proof steps written in detail, intuitions explained well. Prepare in Overleaf, and add me as a collaborator within 2 days
If you are unsure about taking the class or on the waitlist, sign up for after Oct 6. If you decide to drop, delete your name and email me.

Logistics: Homework
4-5 Homeworks
Physical copy due at the beginning of class (optionally, upload to canvas).

Late submissions only for documented emergencies.

5 percent extra credit if you LaTeX your solutions.

Homeworks will be difficult.
Expect to spend multiple hours/days on some problems.
Unless otherwise specified, you are allowed to collaborate with up to 2 classmates.

Logistics: Grades
Scribing: 10% Homeworks: 35%

Take-home exam, available from Tue 11/14 – Fri 11/17. 48 hours to finish from start time.

Course project: 25%
A final project. Should have a substantial theory-based component. Project proposal due on 10/20. Final report due on 12/8.
I will reward high-risk projects.

1. Course logistics
2. Syllabus
3. Who should take this class? Prerequisites and expectations

Syllabus: Overview
1. PAC Learning
2. Statistical lower bounds 3. Online learning & bandits 4. Advanced topics

Syllabus: PAC Learning (4-6 lectures)
Empirical risk minimization
PAC Learning: realizable vs agnostic Radamacher complexity
VC dimension

Syllabus: Statistical lower bounds (7-10 lectures)
Average-risk optimality vs minimax optimality Minimax optimal estimators for point estimation From estimation to testing: Le Cam & Fano methods Applications
regression, classification, density estimation

Syllabus: Online learning (8-12 lectures)
Learning from experts and the Hedge algorithm Adversarial bandits and the EXP-3 algorithm Stochastic bandits and the UCB algorithm Lower bounds for online learning and bandits
Code Help, Add WeChat: cstutorcs
Syllabus: Advanced topics (~4 lectures)
Learning in games
Online learning and bandits in non-stationary environments
Reinforcement learning

1. Course logistics
2. Syllabus
3. Who should take this class? Prerequisites and expectations

Target audience for the class
Ph.D students doing research in theoretical (statistical) machine learning.
Formal prerequisite: CS761 or equivalent.
Strong background (intermediate-level graduate course) in calculus, statistics, and probability.
Background knowledge
Who should not take this class.
“I want to learn about ML/AI” (Take 540, 532)
“I want to apply ML in an applied area of research” (Take 760)
“I want to learn take an introductory ML theory class” (Take 761)

Homework 0
Three questions, going from easy to hard:
1. Mean estimation & concentration
2. Maximum risk
3. A simple bandit model and algorithm
Three Objectives
I. A preview of what’s to come
II. Calibrate my teaching/expectation
III. Lets you assess if you are ready to take this class

Be good citizens!
1. Attend class, ask questions.
2. Take your scribing duties seriously 3. Respond to questions on Piazza.
4. Give me feedback about the course.
Are the homework problems useful?
CS Help, Email: tutorcs@163.com