MTHM501 Working with data | Visualisation

MTHM501 Working with data | Visualisation
Mark Kelson
In this practical we will introduce graphics in R. One of the more popular methods of creating graphics in R is to use the ggplot language for graphics which is implemented in the ggplot2 package. This way of creating graphs is flexible and modular, as you build a plot by layering different plot components.
We need the following packages
• ggplot2 – Package to implement the ggplot language for graphics in R.
Make sure that these packages are downloaded and installed in R. We use the require() function to load them into the R library.
To create plots, we will use the mtcars dataset available within R. This dataset consists of fuel consumption and other aspects of automobile design and performance for 32 cars from the 1973-74 Motor Trend US magazine. We load this dataset, using the data() function.
Make sure you are familiar with the contents of this dataset before continuing on with the rest of this practical, by typing ?mtcars into R.
Visualisation Barcharts
Bar charts can be used to display frequencies. We are interested in the number of cars that have 4, 6 and 8 cylinders being tested in the mtcars dataset. Let’s display this information as a bar chart.
We use the ggplot() function to select the data that we want to display, then we use the geom_bar() to tell R we want to display the data as a bar chart.
# Loading packages
require(ggplot2) require(raster)
# Loading mtcars dataset

# Bar chart of cars by number of cylinders using ggplot ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = factor(cyl))) + # ggplot with the desired data
geom_bar(fill=’lightgreen’,colour=’black’) + # Specifying a bar chart labs(x=”Number of cylinders”, y=”Frequency”) # Axes labels
Number of cylinders
Pie Charts
Pie charts can be used to display variables where proportions are important. We are interested in the proportion of cars that have 4, 6 and 8 cylinders being tested in the mtcars dataset. Let’s display this information as a pie chart.
To do this we create a bar chart as before similar to the one above but we add an extra option to say we want a pie chart.
# Pie chart of cars by number of cylinders using ggplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = factor(1), fill=factor(cyl))) + # ggplot with the desired data
geom_bar(width = 1) + # A bar chart
coord_polar(theta = “y”) + # Specifying a pie chart labs(x=””,y=””,fill=’Number of cylinders’) # Blank Axes labels
Number of cylinders
Histograms can be used to display frequencies of quantitative variable using frequencies. We are interested in the distribution of fuel consumption (in miles per gallon) of cars tested in the mtcars dataset. Let’s display this information as a histogram.

We use the ggplot() function to select the data that we want to display, then we use the geom_histogram() to tell R we want to display the data as a scatter plot.
# Histogram of fuel consumption using ggplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=mpg)) + # ggplot with the desired data
geom_histogram(binwidth=5, fill=’lightgreen’,colour=’black’) + # Specifying bar chart labs(x=”Fuel consumption (in mpg)”, y=”Frequency”) # Axes labels
Fuel consumption (in mpg)
Box plots can be used to display median and variability in data. The central line is drawn at the median, and the box extends from the lower quartile to the upper quartile. The lines that extend from the box indicate three interquartile ranges, with any data outside this range shown using dots.
We are interested in the distribution of fuel consumption (in miles per gallon) of cars with 4, 6 and 8 cylinders in the mtcars dataset separately. Let’s display this information as a boxplot.
We use the ggplot() function to select the data that we want to display, then we use the geom_boxplot() to tell R we want to display the data as a box plot.
# Boxplot of fuel consumption using ggplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=factor(cyl),y=mpg)) + # ggplot with the desired data
geom_boxplot(fill=’lightgreen’,colour=’black’) + # Specifying boxplot labs(x=”Number of cylinders”,y=”Fuel consumption (in mpg)”) # Axes labels
Number of cylinders
Fuel consumption (in mpg)
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Violin plots
We might want to incorporate more information about the distribution of the underlying subsets of data (rather than just depicting a big block indicating where the middle 50% of data lies like in a boxplot). Violin plots are one solution.
# Violin plot of fuel consumption using ggplot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=factor(cyl),y=mpg)) + # ggplot with the desired data
geom_violin(fill=’lightgreen’,colour=’black’) + # Specifying boxplot labs(x=”Number of cylinders”,y=”Fuel consumption (in mpg)”) # Axes labels
n oit p m us n oc l
Scatter plots
Number of cylinders
Scatter plots can be used to display pairs of values of two quantitative variables, often to test for a corre- lation or association of the variables. We are interested in seeing the relationship between weight and fuel consumption (in miles per gallon) of cars in the mtcars dataset. Let’s display this information as a scatter plot.
We use the ggplot() function to select the data that we want to display, then we use the geom_point() to tell R we want to display the data as a scatter plot.
# Scatter plot of cars weight by fuel consumption using ggplot ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x=wt,y=mpg)) + # ggplot with the desired data
geom_point(colour=’red’) + # Specifying a scatter plot labs(x=”Weight”, y=”Fuel consumption (in mpg)”) # Axes labels
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Fuel consumption (in mpg)
We can see that there is a negative relationship between weight and fuel consumption (in miles per gallon), so as weight increases, the fuel consumption decreasess.
Customising your plot Adding colour
We created a scatter plot of weight against fuel consumption (in miles per gallon) and saw that there is a negative relationship between weight and fuel consumption. We are interested in seeing if this relationship is different between cars with 4, 6, and 8 cylinders. We can colour points in a scatter plot by a variable in our dataset by using the colour option in the aesthetics of the ggplot() function.
# Scatter plot of cars weight by fuel consumption using ggplot
ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x=wt,y=mpg,colour=factor(cyl))) +
# ggplot with the desired data
geom_point() + # Specifying that we want it to be a scatter plot
labs(x=”Weight”, y=”Fuel consumption (in mpg)”,colour=’Number of cylinders’) # Axes labels
Fuel consumption (in mpg)
Number of cylinders

Using plotting character symbols
Some journals restrict the use of colour in plots. Instead of adding colour to a scatter plot, we can change the style of the points in a scatter plot by a variable in our dataset. We do this using the shape option in the aesthetics of the ggplot() function.
# Scatter plot of cars weight by fuel consumption using ggplot
ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x=wt,y=mpg,shape=factor(cyl))) +
# ggplot with the desired data
geom_point(aes(x=wt,y=mpg)) + # Specifying that we want it to be a scatter plot labs(x=”Weight”, y=”Fuel consumption (in mpg)”,shape=’Number of cylinders’) # Axes labels
Fuel consumption (in mpg)
Number of cylinders
Altering point size and transparency
We can alter the size and transparency of points in plots using ‘cex’ (for size, the default is 1) and ‘alpha’ to set the transparency (0=fully transparent and 1 = fully opaque). In the figure below we have dramatically increased the point size so that some overlap. Adjusting the transparency helps us see all of the points.
# Scatter plot of cars weight by fuel consumption using ggplot
ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x=wt,y=mpg,shape=factor(cyl))) +
# ggplot with the desired data
geom_point(aes(x=wt,y=mpg),cex=10,alpha=0.3) + # Specifying that we want it to be a scatter plot labs(x=”Weight”, y=”Fuel consumption (in mpg)”,shape=’Number of cylinders’) # Axes labels

Fuel consumption (in mpg)
Number of cylinders 4
Adding trend lines
We see that while there is a relationship between weight and fuel consumption, it differs between 4, 6, and 8 cylinder cars.
We can use a function called ‘geom_smooth’ to provide an indication of the linear relationship between the x and y variables is.
# Scatter plot of cars weight by fuel consumption using ggplot
ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x=wt,y=mpg,colour=factor(cyl))) +
# ggplot with the desired data
geom_point(aes(x=wt,y=mpg)) + # Specifying that we want it to be a scatter plot geom_smooth(method=”lm”) + # Indicating we want to add a linear trend to the plot labs(x=”Weight”, y=”Fuel consumption (in mpg)”,shape=’Number of cylinders’) # Axes labels
Fuel consumption (in mpg)
There may be times where you cannot distinguish patterns or relationships by simply plotting the entire dataset in one plot. It may be useful when trying to find these patterns if different the data from different

groups are displayed in separate panels.
We can do this in a straightforward fashion using ggplot2 package, but not using base R graphics. We created a scatter plot of weight against fuel consumption (in miles per gallon) and saw that there is a negative relationship between weight and fuel consumption. We want to see if the pattern differs between cars with 4, 6 and 8 cylinders. We add a call to the facet_grid() function to split the plot into different facets (or panels)
# Scatter plot of cars weight by fuel consumption using ggplot ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x=wt,y=mpg)) + # ggplot with the desired data
geom_point(aes(x=wt,y=mpg)) + # Specifying that we want it to be a scatter plot labs(x=”Weight”, y=”Fuel consumption (in mpg)”) + # Axes labels
facet_grid(. ~ cyl) # Facet split by columns
Fuel consumption (in mpg)
We see that while there is a relationship between weight and fuel consumption, it differs between 4, 6, and 8 cylinder cars.
Line Plots
To create plots, we will use the mtcars dataset available within R. The economics dataset contains infor- mation about the US economy across time. We load this dataset, using the data() function.
Make sure you are familiar with the contents of this dataset before continuing on with the rest of this practical, by typing ?economics into R.
Line plots can be used to show values of one or more variables measured over time, connected by a line. We are interested in seeing the number of people unemployed changing over time. The dataset economics in R contains this information. Let’s display this information as a line plot.
We use the ggplot() function to select the data that we want to display, then we use the geom_line() to tell R we want to display the data as a line plot.
# Loading economics dataset
# Line plot of unemployment using ggplot2
ggplot(data=economics, aes(x=date,y=uempmed)) + # ggplot with the desired data
geom_line(colour=’red’) + # Specifying a bar chart labs(x=’Date’,y=’Number unemployed (in 1000s)’) # Axes labels

1990 2000 2010
Number unemployed (in 1000s)
1. Recreate the plots below of the iris data we explored earlier in the course?
2. Change the axis labels and give the figure a title (use ‘xlab’, ‘ylab’ and ‘ggtitle’)?
3. Choose the colours manually (use ‘scale_color_manual’)?
(Optional exercise: Try loading the ‘wesanderson’ package and use ‘scale_color_manual(values=wes_palette(n=3, name=“GrandBudapest1”)’ (help is available here colors-how-to-change-colors-automatically-and-manually) )

setosa versicolor virginica
4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0
7 8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
6 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
4. Now we can try extending our knowledge. Use the ggpairs function in the GGally library to produce this plot. Feel free to use Google for help if you need it.
Anderson’s Iris Data −− 3 species
1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0
4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0
2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
Corr: −0.118 Corr: 0.872***Corr: 0.818*** setosa: 0.743*s*e*tosa: 0.267.setosa: 0.278.
versicolor: 0.v5e2r6s*i*c*olor: 0.v7e5r4s*i*c*olor: 0.546*** e
virginica: 0.4v5i7r*g*i*nica: 0.8v6i4r*g*i*nica: 0.281*
Corr: −0.428**C*orr: −0.366***
setosa: 0.178 setosa: 0.233
versicolor: 0.v5e6r1s*i*c*olor: 0.664*** virginica: 0.4v0i1r*g*inica: 0.538*** P
Corr: 0.963***
setosa: 0.332* versicolor: 0.787*** e
virginica: 0.322*
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