CS162 HW4

Homework Assignment 4
Due Friday, March 1st, 11:59PM (pacific time)
In this assignment, you will use OCaml to implement the type system of ¦Ë+.
0. Makesureyoudownloadthelatestversionofthereferencemanualusingthislink.Youwillneedto refer to the chapter on type checking in the language reference manual.
1. Eitherclonethisdirectory,ordownloadthezippeddirectoryusingthislink.
2. Thefilesrequiredforthisassignmentarelocatedinthisfolder.Inparticular,youwillneedto
implement the abstract_eval function in lib/lamp/typecheck.ml.
3. Youmustnotchangethetypesignaturesoftheoriginalfunctions.Otherwise,yourprogramwillnot
compile. If you accidentally change the type signatures, you can refer to the corresponding .mli file to
see what the expected type signatures are.
4. Onceyou’redone,runmake,whichwillcreateanarchivecalledsubmission.zipcontaining
lib/lamp/typecheck.ml . Submit the zip file to Gradescope, or manually turn in your typecheck.ml file.
5. Ifyourprogramcontainsprintstatements,pleaseremovethembeforesubmitting.Youdonotneedto submit any other file, including any .mli file or test code. The autograder will automatically compile your code together with our testing infrastructure and run the tests.
Mandatory type annotations
First, note that the typing rules only provide a method for proving that a given expression has a given type. In a type checker, we are more interested in finding the type of an expression by abstractly evaluating the expression.
To facilitate this, we must include mandatory type annotations in lambdas, fix, and nil. In terms of concrete syntax:
Lambdas are now of the form lambda x: T. e, where T is the type of x.
Nil is now of the form Nil[T] , where T is the type of the elements of the list, not the type of the list itself!
The fixed-point operator is now of the form fix x: T is e , where T is the type of x .
The fun syntax has changed so that it is now fun f: Tr with x1: T1, …, xn: Tn = e1 in e2, where Ti is the type of xi for each i, and Tr is the return type of the function f.
The type annotations are necessary because it would otherwise be difficult to assign a type to an expression such as Nil or lambda x. x . It is possible to write an algorithm to infer the annotations needed; in fact, you will be implementing type inference for homework assignment 5.

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In terms of abstract syntax, the appropriate AST constructors have been augmented to take type annotations of the form ty option . If you look in ast.ml , you will observe that the type annotations in
Lambda , Fix , and ListNil are defined as … of typ option … . For this assignment you can assume that any expression that is not correctly annotated is ill-typed. In other words, when your code is processing a required type annotation, but the annotation is missing (i.e., it’s a None ), then you can simply crash the program or do whatever you want. For example, your type checker is allowed to reject programs containing nils, lambdas, and lets that do not have type annotations.
Optional type annotations
There are also optional type annotations. We introduce the syntax (e @ T) to denote the programmer
annotation that e has type T . The associated AST constructor is Annot of expr * ty .
Let-bindings now also take an optional type annotation. The syntax is let x: T = e1 in e2 . In the parser,
this is de-sugared into let x = (e1 @ T) in e2 .
Your code should correctly handle all optional annotations according to the T-Annot rule in the reference
For example, the following are now valid ¦Ë+ programs:
let f: Int -> Int = lambda x: Int. x + 5 in f 0
fun f: Int with l: List[Int] = match l with Nil -> 0 | h::_ -> h end in f Nil[Int]
Part 1: Exercises
For each of the following expressions , determine
whether there exists a type such that .
if no such exists, determine whether there exists a combination of and such that :
1. lambdax:Bool.x+2*x
3. (lambdax:Int.x+2*y)3
5. 1::2::3+4::Nil[Int]
6. Nil[Bool]::(lambda x:Bool.x::Nil[Bool->Bool])::true::Nil[Bool] 7. if true then false else true
8. match Nil[Bool] with Nil -> Nil[Bool] | _::_ -> Nil[Int] end 9. (if 3>4 then 5 else 7+10*3) = 10 .
10. let f = lambda x:Bool. if x then false else true in f (10 > 0) 11. 1 :: 10 :: Nil[Int] :: Nil[Int]
12. (1::10) :: Nil[Int] :: Nil[List[Int]]
13. match 1::Nil[Int] with Nil -> 0 | hd::_ -> hd end
14. match 1::Nil[Int] with Nil -> 0 | _::tl -> tl end 15. match 1::2 with Nil -> 3 | x::y -> x+y end

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19. (fix recur: Int -> Int -> Bool is lambda n: Int. recur (n-1) 10
20. (fix recur: Int -> Int is lambda n: Int. n-1) 10
Part 2: Implementing the type checker ( )
Of note is the new file, typecheck.ml . You will use the typing rules to implement a abstract_eval function that, when given a typing environment and expression, will either 1) evaluates the expression to some type; or 2) raise a Type_error by calling ty_err if the expression cannot be proven to be well-typed (reminder: a type system may reject some “well-behaved” programs!).
Before implementing abstract_eval , you will need to implement a equal_ty function that checks if two types are equal. Later in your abstract_eval , use this function to check if the type of an expression matches the expected type, or to assert that two expressions have the same type.
You should construct your own test cases and test your type checker locally. Use the typing rules in combination with your own intuition to construct well-typed and ill-typed expressions. You can find unit test helpers in lib/test/test_typing.ml , and you can execute unit tests with dune runtest .
If you wish to test your type checker interactively through REPL, run dune exec bin/repl.exe — -typed to start your interpreter with type checking enabled. In this mode, the interpreter will print the type of the result of evaluating an expression, in addition to the value itself. Although we will not be testing your eval function when grading this homework, feel free to copy over your eval.ml . If you do, you will need to slightly modify your code to account for the type annotations.
For file mode, do dune exec bin/repl.exe — -typed .
The reference interpreter includes a type checker. You can enable type checking by running ~junrui/lamp
You won’t need to write more than 100 lines of code for this assignment. Most of it will be quite straightforward.
Start with the basics: implement the typing rules for integer, booleans, nil, and cons values.
Move on to the arithmetic, comparison, if-then-else, and type annotation rules. Make sure that a type error is raised when e.g. adding a number to a list or comparing two expression of different types. Lastly, implement the remaining rules, which require you to handle the typing environment .
(fix recur: Int -> Int is lambda n: Int. if n < 1 then 1 else recur (n-1) + recur (n- (fix recur:List[Bool] -> Int is lambda xs: List[Bool]. match xs with Nil -> 0 | _::ys
-> 1 + recur ys end) (false::true::Nil)
(fix recur:List[List[Int]] -> Int is lambda xs: List[List[Int]]. match xs with Nil ->
0 | _::ys -> 1 + recur ys end) Nil[List[Int]]

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