cmu312 assn2

Assignment 2:

Induction, Coinduction, and Recursion

15-312: Principles of Programming Languages (Fall 2023)

In this assignment, we’ll explore generic programming with inductive and coinductive types, em-
bedded in Standard ML. In functional programming lingo, this technique is often called “recursion
schemes”.1 We will then consider how to formally prove code using inductive and coinductive types
by induction and coinduction, respectively. Finally, we will briefly consider partiality in PCF.

1To learn more, see:

• Functional Pearl: Programming with Recursion Schemes (Wang and Murphy)

• Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire (Meijer, Fokkinga, and Paterson)

• An Introduction to Recursion Schemes (Thomson)

1 Type Operators

First, we will briefly introduce type operators, which wil allow us to share common utilities across
implementations of inductive and coinductive types.


1 signature TYPE_OPERATOR =

4 type ’t view (* parameter *)

Figure 1.1: Signature for type operators

In Fig. 1.1, we reproduce the typeclass TYPE_OPERATOR .2 A type operator is simply a param-

eterized type ’t view , which we will use to define the “shape” of the induction (or coinduc-
tion). On this assignment, we will use signature POSITIVE_TYPE_OPERATOR , which extends

TYPE_OPERATOR slightly.3


1 structure NatOp =

3 datatype ’t view = Zero | Succ of ’t

Figure 1.2: Type operator for natural numbers

Let’s look at a simple example, the type operator for natural numbers, in Fig. 1.2. We define
’t view to have two cases, Zero and Succ . However, notice that ’t view is not recursive!
In place of where we would like to “recur” (in the Succ case), we include the type variable ’t. In
Section 2, we will see how to use NatOp to define the natural numbers; then, Zero and Succ
will behave somewhat like constructors.

2In PFPL, this is written t . τ , where τ is the view type.
3The positivity requirement guarantees that view is “functorial”, i.e., has a structure-preserving map function.

For more details, see PFPL, Chapter 14.

2 Inductive Types

Now, we will consider inductive types. In our setup, we will define inductive types “generically” (in
a common library) based around type operators. This will allow us to reuse infrastructure across
all inductive types, including natural numbers, lists, and trees.


1 signature INDUCTIVE =

4 structure T: POSITIVE_TYPE_OPERATOR (* parameter *)

7 type t (* abstract *)

14 val FOLD: t T.view -> t

21 val REC: (’rho T.view -> ’rho) -> t -> ’rho

Figure 2.1: Signature for inductive types

In Fig. 2.1, we show the signature for generalized inductive types. First, we have some type operator
parameter structure T . We also have an abstract type t that will be the least fixed point of T ;
in other words, the “inductively iterated” version of T .4 Finally, we have the expected operations:
the generalized constructor FOLD and the recursor REC . We use ’rho /ρ for the r esult type of
the recursor.

IMPORTANT: To get points for these tasks, you must not use any explicit recursion in Stan-
dard ML (e.g., fun ) or any built-in infinite datatypes (e.g., int ). You should only use the
provided inductive types and their recursors.

Throughout this section, you will work in recursion-schemes/experiments/ .

See recursion-schemes/experiments/experiments.sig for the signature to implement. You

can find the relevant type operators in recursion-schemes/experiments/type-ops.sml .

2.1 Natural Numbers

Let us consider natural numbers, defined as a structure Nat : INDUCTIVE where T = NatOp

(i.e., letting the structure T be NatOp from Fig. 1.2). There is a key difference between NatOp

and Nat : the former describes a “template”, whereas the second describes the inductive type of
natural numbers. Using the two together, we may define:

nat ≜ Nat.t

z ≜ Nat.FOLD NatOp.Zero

s( n ) ≜ Nat.FOLD (NatOp.Succ n)

iter[ ρ ]( n ; e0 ; x . e1 ) ≜ Nat.REC (fn NatOp.Zero => e0 | NatOp.Succ x => e1) n

4In PFPL, Chapter 15, this is written µ( t . τ ).

Observe that the constructors z and s( n ) are combined into one unified recursive constructor,
FOLD , separating the inductive code on Nat.t from the sum type ’t NatOp.view . Similarly,

the base case e0 and the inductive case x . e1 are combined into the parameter of REC . Note
that x has type ρ, not nat: the inductive result is put in all ’t positions. This will generalize
naturally to data structures with multiple recursive sub-components, such as trees, where each
inductively-computed result will be in the corresponding view position.

Remark. One may be tempted to say, for example, Nat.T.Zero instead of NatOp.Zero ; however,

although it is known that Nat.T = NatOp , one quirk of Standard ML is that the constructors Zero

and Succ are not available under Nat.T since Nat.T : INDUCTIVE .

type nat = Nat.t

val ZERO : nat = Nat.FOLD N.Zero

val SUCC : nat -> nat = Nat.FOLD o N.Succ

val double : nat -> nat =

(fn N.Zero => ZERO

| N.Succ n => SUCC (SUCC n))

val add : nat * nat -> nat =

fn (m, n) =>

(fn N.Zero => n

| N.Succ r => SUCC r)

Figure 2.2: Simple functions on natural numbers, where structure N = NatOp

In Fig. 2.2, we define some basic functions on natural numbers using convenience functions ZERO
and SUCC . The double code is straightforward; we assume that our inductive result has already
been computed in the Succ case. In add , we elect (here, without loss of generality) to go by
induction on m , using n in the base case.

Task 2.1 (15 pts). In recursion-schemes/experiments/ , complete the defi-

nition of NatUtil . In particular:

• exp2 n should compute the n th power of 2.

• halve n should compute the floor of

• fib n should compute the n th Fibonacci number Fn, where F0 = 0, F1 = 1, and Fn+2 =
Fn + Fn+1.

Hint. You should be able to implement exp2 in a straightforward manner using double . For

halve and fib , you may wish to consider strengthening your inductive hypothesis, computing

more than you need. You are welcome to use finite products and sums in Standard ML, such as
booleans and pairs.

Testing If you open the SML/NJ REPL, you can test your code via structure Experiments ,

an instantiation of your functor Experiments . It is instantiated such that Nat.t is in fact

int , allowing you to test easily.

smlnj -m

– open Experiments;

– NatUtil.exp2 0;

val it = 1 : nat

– NatUtil.exp2 10;

val it = 1024 : nat

– NatUtil.halve 312;

val it = 156 : nat

– NatUtil.halve 313;

val it = 156 : nat

– NatUtil.fib 14;

val it = 377 : nat

Now, let’s consider another inductive types: lists of natural numbers.

structure ListOp =

type element = Nat.t

datatype ’t view = Nil | Cons of element * t

Figure 2.3: Type operator for lists

Just as with natural numbers, we first define the “type operator”, concisely reproduced in Fig. 2.3.
Then, we include a structure List : INDUCTIVE where T = ListOp .

We show the implementation of some sample list functions in Fig. 2.4.

Task 2.2 (10 pts). In recursion-schemes/experiments/ , implement:

• ListUtil.sum l to compute the sum of l (using NatUtil.add ).

• ListUtil.filter p l to compute a list of the elements in l satisfying and not satisfying
p , in the order they appear in l . It should behave like List.filter from the Standard ML
Basis Library.

Task 2.3 (10 pts). In recursion-schemes/experiments/ , implement the func-

tion ListUtil.reverse such that reverse l reverses the list l , a la List.rev . Your imple-

type list = List.t

val length : list -> nat =

(fn L.Nil => ZERO

| L.Cons (_, n) => SUCC n)

val map : (element -> element) -> list -> list =

(fn L.Nil => List.FOLD L.Nil

| L.Cons (x, xs) => List.FOLD (L.Cons (f x, xs)))

Figure 2.4: Sample functions on lists of natural numbers, where structure L = ListOp

mentation should run in linear time in terms of the length of the list; a super-linear runtime solution
will earn you partial credit.

Hint. You may find it useful to recall the recursive implementation of list reverse:

fun reverseHelper nil acc = acc

| reverseHelper (x :: xs) acc = reverseHelper xs (x :: acc)

fun reverse l = reverseHelper l nil

You may want to refresh your memory on CPS from 15-150; consider accumulating a function.

Testing Once again, you can test your code via structure Experiments . It instantiates your

functor Experiments such that List.t is in fact int list , allowing you to test easily.

smlnj -m

– open Experiments;

– ListUtil.sum [1, 5, 3, 1, 2];

val it = 12 : int

– ListUtil.filter (fn x => x <= 2) [1, 5, 3, 1, 2]; val it = [1,1,2] : int list 2.2.1 Derived Forms Thus far, the functions we have asked you to consider have been fairly amenable to simple inductive implementation. However, not all code is so straightforward! For example, we often wish to pattern match on the outer layer of a list. Additionally, we sometimes want immediate access to our predecessor, as included natively in the T recursor. While neither of these operations are present as primitives, we can implement them as derived forms. fun stripLeading p nil = nil | stripLeading p (x :: xs) = then stripLeading p xs else x :: xs val stripLeading : (element -> bool) -> list -> list =

ListUtil.REC ’

(fn ListOp.Nil => List.FOLD ListOp.Nil

| ListOp.Cons (x, (res , xs)) =>

else List.FOLD (ListOp.Cons (x, xs)))

Figure 2.5: Sample usage of ListUtil.REC’

Task 2.4 (10 pts). In recursion-schemes/experiments/ , implement the

function ListUtil.UNFOLD : list -> list ListOp.view , which will allow us to unwrap one

layer of a list and pattern match immediately on ListOp.Nil and ListOp.Cons . Concretely,

UNFOLD (List.FOLD v) should evaluate to v : list ListOp.view .

Hint. Consider going by induction (i.e., REC ).

Task 2.5 (10 pts). In recursion-schemes/experiments/ , implement the func-

tion ListUtil.REC’ : ((’rho * list) ListOp.view -> ’rho) -> list -> ’rho , which will

be similar to REC while also providing us with the list tail at each layer.

The usage of REC’ shown in Fig. 2.5 should be identical to the corresponding recursive Stan-
dard ML code.

Hint. Consider “strengthening your IH”: in addition to computing not only the desired result, you
may wish to inductively reconstruct the list itself.

2.2.2 Insertion Sort

Let’s implement insertion sort inductively. First, recall its usual implementation in Fig. 2.6.

Task 2.6 (20 pts). In recursion-schemes/experiments/ , implement the

structure InsertionSort . In particular, you should define insert and sort to mirror the
above definitions. The comparison function <= is provided at the top of the file. Hint. In the second case of insert , you sometimes return x :: y :: ys , where ys is un- changed. Which of the previously-defined derived forms might help you accomplish this? fun insert (x, nil ) = x :: nil | insert (x, y :: ys) = then x :: y :: ys else y :: insert (x, ys) fun sort nil = nil | sort (x :: xs) = insert (x, sort xs) Figure 2.6: Insertion sort, recursively 2.2.3 Merge Sort While insertion sort is structurally recursive, one might wonder: how could we implement an algorithm like merge sort, which recurs on lists which are not the immediate tail? Recall its implementation in Fig. 2.7. Consider sort : in the last case, we recursively sort l1 and l2 . To implement this behavior using the recursor, we use a clever trick: we go by induction not on the list itself, but on a “clock” indicating the desired recursion depth. This approach is shown in Fig. 2.8. Here, we recursively compute a function of type list -> list ,
with a specification that at inductive layer k, we produce a correct sorting function for lists of length

1. In the base case k = 0, the identity function suffices, since it sorts lists of length 0 and 1.

2. In the inductive case k = k′ + 1, we implement the usual algorithm, using an inductively-
computed f capable of sorting lists of size 2k

on the smaller lists.

We start the recursion with k = length l and apply the resulting function to l .

Task 2.7 (5 pts). In the above code, we start with k = length l ; while this is a sufficiently large
value of k to correctly sort, it is far larger than necessary, causing the code to recur on empty and
singleton lists repeatedly. What would be an efficient starting value for k in terms of l ? You may
ignore small constants/off-by-one issues. Explain briefly (in 1-2 sentences).

Task 2.8 (20 pts). In recursion-schemes/experiments/ , implement merge

in the structure MergeSort .

Hint. You will almost certainly need to use the aforementioned technique, going by induction on
a clock rather than by structural induction on one of the lists. Additionally, you may find one of
the derived forms implemented earlier particularly useful.

fun split nil = (nil , nil)

| split (x :: xs) =

val (l1 , l2) = split xs

(l2, x :: l1)

fun merge (nil , l2 ) = l2

| merge (l1 , nil ) = l1

| merge (x :: xs , y :: ys) =

then x :: merge (xs, y :: ys)

else y :: merge (x :: xs, ys)

fun sort nil = nil

| sort (x :: nil) = x :: nil

| sort (x :: xs) =

val (l1 , l2) = split (x :: xs)

merge (sort l1 , sort l2)

Figure 2.7: Merge sort, recursively

val sort : list -> list =

(fn N.Zero => (fn l => l)

| N.Succ f =>

val (l1 , l2) = split l

merge (f l1 , f l2)

(ListUtil.length l)

Figure 2.8: Merge sort, inducting on a “clock”

3 Coinductive Types

Let us now shift our attention to coinductive types. We will reuse the “type operator” infrastructure,


1 signature COINDUCTIVE =

4 structure T: POSITIVE_TYPE_OPERATOR (* parameter *)

7 type t (* abstract *)

14 val GEN: (’sigma -> ’sigma T.view) -> ’sigma -> t

21 val UNFOLD: t -> t T.view

Figure 3.1: Signature for coinductive types

considering a new COINDUCTIVE signature in Fig. 3.1. As in INDUCTIVE , we have a type operator
parameter structure T . We also have an abstract type t , but this time, it will be the greatest
fixed point of T , allowing for infinite elements.5 Finally, we have the expected operations: the
generator GEN and the generalized destructor UNFOLD . We use ’sigma /σ for the s tate type of
the generator.

Remark. Inductive and coinductive types are “dual” in a mathematically precise way. You may
have already noticed the similarity between INDUCTIVE and COINDUCTIVE : they are identical,
except with (some) function arrows reversed!

IMPORTANT: To get points for these tasks, you must not use any explicit recursion in Stan-
dard ML (e.g., fun ) or any built-in infinite datatypes (e.g., int ). You should only use the
provided (co)inductive types and their recursors/generators.

3.1 Streams

Using the ListOp type operator from Section 2.2, we can define potentially-infinite streams via a

structure Stream : COINDUCTIVE where T = ListOp .

When working with inductive types, we used FOLD to create finite data structures layer by layer,
allowing REC to “tear down” the entirety of the data structure. Dually, when working with
coinductive types, we will create (potentially) infinite data structures in their entirety using GEN ,
allowing UNFOLD to make finitely many observations about the data structure layer by layer.

In Fig. 2.4, we implemented map , which applies a function to every element of a list, by recursing
over an existing list. We implement an analogous map function on streams in Fig. 3.2. In particular,

we use Stream.GEN with an internal state of type stream ; at each layer, we mirror the structure
of the state stream, applying the function f to each element.

5In PFPL, Chapter 15, this is written ν( t . τ ).

type stream = Stream.t

val map : (element -> element) -> stream -> stream =


case Stream.UNFOLD s of

L.Nil => L.Nil

| L.Cons (x, xs) => L.Cons (f x, xs))

Figure 3.2: Simple function on streams of natural numbers, where structure L = ListOp

Task 3.1 (10 pts). In recursion-schemes/experiments/ , implement the re-

maining functions in structure StreamUtil .

• fromList l should produce a (finite) stream which produces the elements from l in order.

• zipWith f (s1, s2) should provide a stream which produces a stream consisting of the
elements of s1 and s2 combined pairwise with f , a la . If either stream
terminates, the entire stream should terminate.

Hint. You may find ListUtil.UNFOLD helpful in fromList .

Testing You can, once again, test your code via structure Experiments . We provide a special
implementation of streams which makes the front visible.

smlnj -m

– open Experiments;

– StreamUtil.fromList [1, 5, 3, 1, 2];

val it = HIDE ([1,5,3,1,2],NONE) : stream

– val squares = Stream.GEN (fn i => ListOp.Cons (i * i, i + 1)) 0;

val squares = HIDE ([0,1,4,9,16,25,36,…], SOME fn) : Stream.t

– (fn i => i + 1) squares;

val it = HIDE ([1,2,5,10,17,26,37,…], SOME fn) : stream

– StreamUtil.zipWith (op +) (squares , StreamUtil.fromList [1, 5,

3, 1, 2]);

val it = HIDE ([1,6,7,10,18], NONE) : stream

In Section 2.2, we considered map and filter on lists. However, while we wrote map on streams,

it is impossible to write an analogous filter function on streams using only the COINDUCTIVE

Task 3.2 (5 pts). Briefly explain why it is impossible to write a filter function on (coinductively-
defined) streams.

Hint. Try writing it, and see where you get stuck!

Figure 3.3: State diagram for machine M¬AA. For simplicity, we use B to represent non-A characters.

Remark. It is possible to write a filter function on streams using general recursion. (In fact,
you may recall this from 15-150.)

3.2 Automata

Using our framework for coinductive types, we can elegantly describe and understand strings and

An automaton “reads” through a string character by character and decides whether it should reject
or accept the string. Every automaton works on some set of internal states, each of which is either
accepting or rejecting. An automaton starts in one state; when it reads a character from the string,
it makes a transition to a new state according to the character it just read. After it processed all
characters in the string, it accepts the string if and only if it ends up in an accepting state.

As an example, the automaton M¬AA in Fig. 3.3 accepts a string iff it does not contain consecutive
As. Here S1 is the starting state and S1 and S2 are accepting states. It accepts strings “” , “B” ,
“ABBA” , “ABA” , but not strings “AA” , “BAA” , “BBABAAB” . M¬AA has three states. It starts in
S1. Its accepting states include S1 and S2.

Now, we shall choose representations of strings and automata.

1. Strings will be an inductive type, defineed as lists of characters. Specifically, StringOp will

be equivalent to ListOp from Fig. 2.3 but with type element = char .

2. Automata will be a coinductive type based around type operator AutomatonOp in Fig. 3.4.

In other words, an automaton will be a bool , saying whether or not the current state is
“accepting” or not, and a transition function from a char to another automaton. Notice
that an automaton behaves much like a stream, but with one tail available for each char .

structure AutomatonOp =

type ’t view = bool * (char -> ’t)

Figure 3.4: Type operator for automata

First, we will define a function run : automaton -> string -> bool , allowing us to run an
automaton on a string.

Task 3.3 (15 pts). In recursion-schemes/experiments/ , implement the

run function in structure AutomatonUtil according to the informal specification above. Your
automaton should read from the “end” of the string first, which will visually be at the begin-

Testing You can test your code via structure Experiments , where we implement String via

built-in strings for convenience. In the starter code, we define M¬AA as notConsecutiveA . Addi-
tionally, we provide an example abc , the automaton that accepts only the string “ABC” .

smlnj -m

– open Experiments;

– open AutomatonUtil;

– run notConsecutiveA “ABBA”;

val it = true : bool

– run notConsecutiveA “BBABAAB”;

val it = false : bool

– run abc “ABC”;

val it = true : bool

– run abc “ABCD”;

val it = false : bool

Now, to implement some more automata!

Task 3.4 (15 pts). In recursion-schemes/experiments/ , implement:

• endsWithA : automaton such that run endsWithA accepts all strings that end with “A” .

• abStar : automaton such that run abStar accepts the strings in language:

= { “” , “AB” , “ABAB” , “ABABAB” , . . . }

• either : automaton * automaton -> automaton such that run (either (a1, a2)) ac-
cepts the strings that at least one of a1 and a2 accept.

You are welcome to define a custom (finite) datatype if you wish, as in examples notConsecutiveA

smlnj -m

– open Experiments;

– open AutomatonUtil;

– run endsWithA “BA”;

val it = true : bool

– run endsWithA “AB”;

val it = false : bool

– run endsWithA “”;

val it = false : bool

– run abStar “”;

val it = true : bool

– run abStar “AB”;

val it = true : bool

– run abStar “ABA”;

val it = false : bool

– run (either (notConsecutiveA , endsWithA)) “AB”;

val it = true : bool

– run (either (notConsecutiveA , endsWithA)) “BBAA”;

val it = true : bool

– run (either (notConsecutiveA , endsWithA)) “BBAAB”;

val it = false : bool

4 Proof by Induction and Coinduction

Inductive and coinductive types are, unsurprisingly, conducive to proof by induction and coinduc-
tion, respectively. In this part of the assignment, we will prove properties about operations on
inductive and coinductive data.

4.1 Induction

We define list length and append functions as follows, using the infrastructure described in Sec-

structure N = NatOp

structure L = ListOp

type nat = Nat.t

type list = List.t

val ZERO = Nat.FOLD N.Zero

val SUCC = Nat.FOLD o N.Succ

val length : list -> nat =

(fn L.Nil => ZERO

| L.Cons (_, n) => SUCC n)

val append : list * list -> list =

fn (l1, l2) =>

(fn L.Nil => l2

| L.Cons (x, l) => List.FOLD (L.Cons (x, l)))

val add : nat * nat -> nat =

fn (m, n) =>

(fn N.Zero => n

| N.Succ r => SUCC r)

The definition of lists as an inductive type tells us that:

List.REC f (List.FOLD L.Nil) = f L.Nil

List.REC f (List.FOLD (L.Cons (x, xs))) = f (L.Cons (x, List.REC f xs))

Since list is an inductive type, we can rigorously define what it means to go by induction on a
value of type list . The induction principle works just like REC , “tearing down” a list to get a
desired result in each case.

Definition 4.1 (Induction Principle for list). Consider some property on lists, P (−).
If it is the case that:

If we assume that for all values v : list L.view , either:
1. v ≜ L.Nil
2. v ≜ L.Cons (x, xs) , where P ( xs )

then, P ( List.FOLD v ) holds.
then for all l : list , P ( l ).

For the rest of the problem, we will abbreviate List.FOLD as FOLD and List.REC as REC .

Let’s use the induction principle to prove a simple theorem.

Theorem 4.2. For all values l : list , append (l, FOLD L.Nil) = l .

Proof. We use the induction principle for list , where

P ( l ) ≜ append (l, FOLD L.Nil) = l

Let v : list L.view be arbitrary, and assume that either

1. v ≜ L.Nil

2. v ≜ L.Cons (x, xs) , where append (xs, FOLD L.Nil) = xs

It remains to show that append (FOLD v, FOLD L.Nil) = FOLD v .

We go by cases on the assumption:

1. Suppose v ≜ L.Nil . Then:

append (FOLD v, FOLD L.Nil)

= append (FOLD L.Nil, FOLD L.Nil)

= REC (fn L.Nil => l2 | L.Cons (x, l) => …) (FOLD L.Nil)

= FOLD L.Nil ( REC law)

as desired.

2. Suppose v ≜ L.Cons (x, xs) , where append (xs, FOLD L.Nil) = xs . Then:

append (FOLD v, FOLD L.Nil)

= append (FOLD (L.Cons (x, xs)), FOLD L.Nil)

= REC (fn L.Nil => l2 | L.Cons (x, l) => …) (FOLD (L.Cons (x, xs)))

= FOLD (L.Cons (x, append (xs, FOLD L.Nil))) ( REC law)

= FOLD (L.Cons (x, xs)) (IH assumption)

as desired.

Task 4.1 (15 pts). Prove by induction that for all values l1, l2 : list ,

length (append (l1, l2)) = add (length l1, length l2)

Hint. Which list should you go by induction on? Your proof should exactly mirror the code.

4.2 Coinduction

Consider the following type operator for infinite streams of natural numbers:

structure InfStreamOp =

type ’t view = nat * ’t

Let structure InfStream : COINDUCTIVE where T = InfStreamOp . We will freely assume arith-

metic facts about nat .

We define nats and evens , the (infinite) streams of natural numbers and even numbers. Then,
we define inc and double , which increment and double streams element-wise.

type infstream = InfStream.t

val nats : nat -> infstream =

InfStream.GEN (fn n => (n, 1 + n))

val evens : nat -> infstream =

InfStream.GEN (fn n => (2 * n, 1 + n))

val inc : infstream -> infstream =


let val (hd , tl) = InfStream.UNFOLD s

in (1 + hd , tl) end)

val double : infstream -> infstream =


let val (hd , tl) = InfStream.UNFOLD s

in (2 * hd , tl) end)

Clearly, there should be some relationship between these definitions. For example, we would expect
that inc (nats n) is “equal to” nats (1 + n) . However, what does equality of infinite streams

mean? We define a binary relation s1 ≡ s2 as follows, intended to mean that s1 and s2 are

equal, via the following coinduction principle. The coinduction principle works just like GEN ,
“building up” a stream by showing that a “state” is preserved.

Definition 4.3 (Coinduction Principle for Equality of Infinite Streams). Consider some relation
on streams, R(−,−). If it is the case that:

If we assume R( s1 , s2 ), then we have n1 = n2 and R( s1’ , s2’ ), where:

InfStream.UNFOLD s1 ≜ (n1, s1’)

InfStream.UNFOLD s2 ≜ (n2, s2’)

then if R( s1 , s2 ), we have s1 ≡ s2 .

Remark. R(−,−) is like a “loop invariant”, showing that s1 and s2 stay related at each itera-
tion. Such a relation is also called a bisimulation relation. To proving two streams are equivalent,
one must find a relation that is preserved by stream unfolding.

Remark. Equality of infinite streams is similar to function extensionality: it says that two streams
are equal as long as they behave the same way, regardless of their implementation.

The definition of streams as a coinductive type tells us that:

InfStream.UNFOLD (InfStream.GEN f x) = (n, InfStream.GEN f x’)

where (n, x’) = f x .

For the rest of the problem, we will abbreviate InfStream.GEN as GEN and InfStream.UNFOLD
as UNFOLD . Let’s use the coinduction principle to prove a simple theorem.

Theorem 4.4. inc (nats 0) ≡ nats 1 .

Proof. We use the coinduction principle for ≡.

We choose R(−,−) to relate all pairs ( inc (nats n) , nats (1 + n) ); in set-theoretic notation,
R = {( inc (nats n) , nats (1 + n) ) | n : nat }.6

First, assume that R( inc (nats n) , nats (1 + n) ) for an arbitrary n . Then:

UNFOLD (inc (nats n))

= let val (hd, tl) = UNFOLD (nats n) in (1 + hd, inc tl) end ( GEN law)

= let val (hd, tl) = (n, nats (1 + n)) in (1 + hd, inc tl) end ( GEN law)

= (1 + n, inc (nats (1 + n)))

UNFOLD (nats (1 + n)) ( GEN law)

= (1 + n, nats (2 + n))

6Observe that R is stronger than the desired theorem! Choosing this stronger R is like finding a stronger loop
invariant. The process is called “strengthening the coinductive hypothesis”, dual to the more familiar strengthening
of the inductive hypothesis.

Observe that 1 + n = 1 + n , as desired. Additionally, R( inc (nats (1 + n)) , nats (2 + n) ).
Therefore, the assumption holds!

Now, it remains to show that R( inc (nats 0) , nats 1 ): of course, this is trivially true, consid-

ering n = 0 . Thus, inc (nats 0) ≡ nats 1 .

Task 4.2 (15 pts). Prove by coinduction that double (nats 0) ≡ evens 0 .

5 General Recursion in PCF

In PCF, we have general recursion. This should be rather familiar: the vast majority of widely-used
programming languages, including Standard ML, come equipped with general recursion.

So far, we have expressed the dynamics of programming languages via transition rules; in PCF,
we maintain this approach. Even though PCF is partial (not every expression terminates), our
techniques are unaffected!

We implemented the statics already in lang-pcf/statics-pcf.sml .

The expected Progress theorem holds for PCF:

Theorem 5.1 (Progress). If e : τ , then either:

• there exists some e′ such that e 7−−→ e′, or

As usual, its proof requires the use of a canonical forms lemma:

Lemma 5.2 (Canonical Forms). If e val and e : τ1 ⇀ τ2, then e = fun[ τ1 ; τ2 ]( f . x . e2 ) for some
τ1, τ2, f, x, e2.

Task 5.1 (10 pts). Prove Theorem 5.1 for function values and function application.

Preservation holds for PCF, as well.

Task 5.2 (10 pts). In lang-pcf/dynamics-pcf.sml , implement the dynamics of PCF specified

in Appendix B. The state implementation, StatePCF , is identical to the state from the previous
assignment, State.Step e and State.Val v , other than the fact that it uses PCF expressions.

You can find the ABT signature for PCF in the expected file, lang-pcf/pcf.abt.sig .

In a total language (including languages with inductive and coinductive types), we are guaranteed
that all pro