# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utility functions – do not modify these functions! Some of these functions may not be applicable to your project. Ignore them
If you find errors post to class page.
#import time
#import os
#useful structure to build dictionaries of lists
#from collections import defaultdict
#IO and Util functions
#returns sorted version of l, and idx order of sort
def getSortResIDXs(l, rev=True):
from operator import itemgetter
return list(zip(*sorted([(i,e) for i,e in enumerate(l)],
#read srcFile into list of ints
def readIntFileDat(srcFile):
strs = readFileDat(srcFile)
res = [int(s.strip()) for s in strs]
return res
#read srcFile into list of floats
def readFloatFileDat(srcFile):
strs = readFileDat(srcFile)
res = [float(s.strip()) for s in strs]
return res
#read srcFile into list of strings
def readFileDat(srcFile):
f = open(srcFile, ‘r’)
except IOError:
#file doesn’t exist, return empty list
print((‘Note : {} does not exist in current dir : {}’.format(srcFile, os.getcwd())))
src_lines = f.readlines()
return src_lines
#write datList into fName file
def writeFileDat(fName, datList):
f = open(fName, ‘w’)
for item in datList:
print(item, file=f)
#append record to existing file
def appendFileDat(fName, dat):
f = open(fName, ‘a+’)
print(dat, file=f)
#Homework mini-project utility functions
#this will build a default dictionary of items, where the key is the item number (1..n)
#and value is tuple of (name, item weight, value)
def buildKnapsackItemsDict(args):
ksItemsData = readFileDat(args.itemsListFileName)
items = {}
itemCount = 0
for line in ksItemsData:
itemCount += 1
vals = line.split(‘,’)
tupleVal = (vals[0].strip(), int(vals[1].strip()), int(vals[2].strip()))
items[itemCount] = tupleVal
# lst = sorted(res, key = lambda x: x[0])
if args.autograde == 1:
print(“The following items were loaded from file {} : \nName, Integer Weight, Integer Value : “.format(args.itemsListFileName))
for k, val in items.items():
print(“{0:30} Wt : {1:5} Val : {2:5} “.format(val[0],val[1],val[2]))
return items
#Will display results of knapsack problem
def displayKnapSack(args, itemsChosen):
print(“\n\nResults : The following items were chosen : “)
lst = sorted(itemsChosen, key = lambda x: x[0])
ttlVal = 0
for s in lst:
ttlWt += s[1]
ttlVal += s[2]
print(“{0:30} Wt : {1:5} Val : {2:5} “.format(s[0],s[1],s[2]))
print((“For a total value of <%i> and a total weight of [%i]” % (ttlVal, ttlWt)))
print(“\n\nResults : No Items were chosen: “)
##End Knapsack
#this function will load graph information from file and build the graph structure
def build_MSTBaseGraph(args):
#file format should be
#line 0 : # of verts
#line 1 : # of edges
#line 2… : vert1 vert2 edgeWT
MSTGraphData = readFileDat(args.graphDataFileName)
numVerts = int(MSTGraphData[0].strip())
numEdges = int(MSTGraphData[1].strip())
edgeDataAra = []
for i in range(numEdges):
line = MSTGraphData[i+2]
vals = line.split()
v1 = int(vals[0].strip())
v2 = int(vals[1].strip())
wt = float(vals[2].strip())
#print(“v1 :{} v2 :{} wt : {} “.format(v1,v2,wt))
G = Graph(numVerts, edgeDataAra)
def print_MSTResults(MST):
for E in MST:
print(“({:4d},{:4d}) {:2.6f} “.format(E[1][0], E[1][1], E[0]), end=” | “)
if(itr > 2):
build a tuple holding edge weight and edge verts to add to mst
def buildMSTEdge(G, e):
wt = G.edgeWts[e]
return (wt, e)
def save_MSTRes(args, MST):
saveName = “soln_”+args.graphDataFileName
strList = []
for E in MST:
strDat = “{} {} {}”.format(E[1][0],E[1][1],E[0])
writeFileDat(saveName, strList)
def load_MSTRes(args):
solnName = “soln_”+args.graphDataFileName
resDataList = readFileDat(solnName)
MST = set()
for line in resDataList :
vals = line.split()
v1 = int(vals[0].strip())
v2 = int(vals[1].strip())
wt = float(vals[2].strip())
MST.add((wt, (v1,v2)))
return MST
def findTotalWeightOfMst(MST):
for E in MST:
totWt += E[0]
return totWt
#used locally
def _compareTwoMSTs(MST_1, lbl1, MST_2, lbl2, printMST):
wt1 = round(findTotalWeightOfMst(MST_1), 12)
wt2 = round(findTotalWeightOfMst(MST_2), 12)
if(abs(wt1 – wt2) < 1e-12):
print("Correct: {} Weight : {} {} Wt : {} ".format(lbl1, wt1, lbl2, wt2))
return True
diff12 = MST_1 - MST_2
sizeDiff12 = len(diff12)
diff21 = MST_2 - MST_1
sizeDiff21 = len(diff21)
print("Incorrect: {} Weight : {} {} Wt : {}".format(lbl1, wt1, lbl2, wt2))
return False
verifies results of kruskal calculation
def verify_MSTKruskalResults(args, MST_Kruskal, printMST=False):
MST_Correct = load_MSTRes(args)
if(len(MST_Kruskal) < 1):
print("No Kruskal's Algorithm results found (Empty MST)")
print("Kruskal's Algorithm results (Edge list of MST) : ")
print("Correct results : ")
return _compareTwoMSTs(MST_Kruskal,"Kruskal's Result", MST_Correct, "Expected Result", printMST)
this structure will represent an undirected graph as an adjacency matrix
class Graph:
def __init__(self, numVerts, edgeDataAra):
self.numVerts = numVerts
self.numEdges = len(edgeDataAra)
self.edgeDataAra = edgeDataAra
self.edges = set()
self.edgeWts = dict()
# populate the graph
for edge in edgeDataAra:
#add edge so that lowest vert is always first
if(edge[1] > edge[2]):
thisEdge = (edge[2],edge[1])
thisEdge = (edge[1],edge[2])
self.edgeWts[thisEdge] = edge[0]
returns list of edges sorted in increasing weight
def sortedEdges(self):
sortedEdges = sorted(self.edges, key=lambda e:self.edgeWts[e])
return sortedEdges
def buildAdjacencyMat(self):
numVerts = self.numVerts
graphAdjMat = [[0]*numVerts for _ in range(numVerts)]
edgeDataAra = self.edgeDataAra
for edge in edgeDataAra:
graphAdjMat[edge[1]][edge[2]] = edge[0]
graphAdjMat[edge[2]][edge[1]] = edge[0]
# use adjacent matrix to represent the graph
return graphAdjMat
for debug purposes
def printMe(self):
print(“Graph has :{} vertices and {} edges”.format(self.numVerts,self.numEdges))
NumVerts = min(10, self.numVerts)
AM = [[0.0 for _ in range(NumVerts)] for _ in range(NumVerts)]
for edge in self.edges:
a,b = edge
if a > NumVerts: continue
if b > NumVerts: continue
weight = self.edgeWts[edge]
AM[a][b] = weight
AM[b][a] = weight
print(‘ ‘, end = ‘ ‘)
for i in range(NumVerts):
print(‘{0:5d}’.format(i), end = ‘ ‘)
for i, row in enumerate(AM):
print(‘{0:2d}’.format(i), end=’ ‘)
for j in row:
if j == 0:
print(‘ ‘, end = ‘ ‘)
print(‘{0:1.3f}’.format(j),end=’ ‘)
print(“Error Rendering Graph…”)
#Bloom Filter Project functions
#this will compare the contents of the resList with the data in baseFile
#and display performance
def compareResults(resList, configData):
baseFileName = configData[‘valFileName’]
baseRes = readFileDat(baseFileName)
if(len(baseRes) != len(resList) ):
print(‘compareFiles : Failure : Attempting to compare different size lists’)
return None
numFail = 0
numFTrueRes = 0
numFFalseRes = 0
for i in range(len(resList)):
if (resList[i].strip().lower() != baseRes[i].strip().lower()):
resVal = resList[i].strip().lower()
baseResVal = baseRes[i].strip().lower()
#uncomment this to see inconsistencies
#print(‘i : ‘ + str(i) + ‘: reslist : ‘ + resVal + ‘ | baseres : ‘ + baseResVal)
numFail += 1
if resVal == ‘true’ :
numFTrueRes += 1
numFFalseRes += 1
if(numFail == 0):
print(‘compareResults : Your bloom filter performs as expected’)
print((‘compareResults : Number of mismatches in bloomfilter compared to validation file : ‘ + str(numFail) + ‘| # of incorrect true results : ‘ + str(numFTrueRes) + ‘| # of incorrect False results : ‘ + str(numFFalseRes)))
if((configData[‘studentName’] != ”) and (configData[‘autograde’] == 2)):
gradeRes = configData[‘studentName’] + ‘, ‘ + str(numFail) + ‘, ‘ + str(numFTrueRes) + ‘, ‘ + str(numFFalseRes)
print((‘saving results for ‘ + gradeRes + ‘ to autogradeResult.txt’))
appendFileDat(‘autogradeResult.txt’, gradeRes)
#this will process input configuration and return a dictionary holding the relevant info
def buildBFConfigStruct(args):
import time
bfConfigData = readFileDat(args.configFileName)
configData = dict()
for line in bfConfigData:
#build dictionary on non-list elements
if (line[0]==’#’) or (‘_’ in line):
elems = line.split(‘=’)
if(‘name’ in elems[0]):
if (‘Type 1’ in configData[‘name’]):
configData[‘type’] = 1
configData[‘seeds’] = buildSeedList(bfConfigData, int(configData[‘k’]))
elif (‘Type 2’ in configData[‘name’]):
configData[‘type’] = 2
aListData = []
bListData = []
listToAppend = aListData
for line in bfConfigData:
if (line[0]==’#’):
if (‘b() seeds’ in line):
listToAppend = bListData
configData[‘a’]= buildSeedList(aListData, int(configData[‘k’]))
configData[‘b’]= buildSeedList(bListData, int(configData[‘k’]))
configData[‘type’] = -1
print(‘unknown hash function specified in config file’)
configData[‘task’] = int(args.taskToDo)
if configData[‘task’] != 2 :
configData[‘genSeed’] = int(time.time()*1000.0) & 0x7FFFFFFF #(int)(tOffLong & 0x7FFFFFFF);
print((‘Random Time Seed is : ‘ + str(configData[‘genSeed’])))
configData[‘inFileName’] = args.inFileName
configData[‘outFileName’] = args.outFileName
configData[‘configFileName’] = args.configFileName
configData[‘valFileName’] = args.valFileName
configData[‘studentName’] = args.studentName
configData[‘autograde’] = int(args.autograde)
for k,v in list(configData.items()):
print((‘Key = ‘ + k + ‘: Val = ‘), end=’ ‘)
return configData
def buildSeedList(stringList, k):
res = [0 for x in range(k)]
for line in stringList:
if (‘_’ not in line) or (line[0]==’#’):
elems = line.split(‘=’)
araElems = elems[0].split(‘_’)
return res
Function provided for convenience, to find next prime value from passed value
Use this to find an appropriate prime size for type 2 hashes.
Finds next prime value larger than n via brute force. Checks subsequent numbers
until prime is found – should be much less than 160 checks for any values
seen in this project since largest gap g between two primes for any 32 bit
signed int is going to be g < 336, and only have to check at most every
other value in gap. For more, see this article :
n : some value
return next largest prime
def findNextPrime(n):
if (n==2) :
if (n%2==0):
#n is odd here; 336 is larger than largest gap between 2 consequtive 32 bit primes
for i in range (n,(n + 336), 2):
if checkIfPrime(i):
#error no prime found returns -1
check if value is prime, return true/false
n value to check
def checkIfPrime(n):
if (n < 2) : return False
if (n < 4) : return True
if ((n % 2 == 0) or (n % 3 == 0)): return False
sqrtN = n**(.5)
while (i <= sqrtN):
if (n % i == 0): return False
#addresses mod2 and mod3 above, flip flops between looking ahead 2 and 4 (every other odd is divisible by 3)
return True
## end bloom filter functions
#Page Rank Functions
#get file values for particular object and alpha value
#results are list of nodes, list of rank values and dictionary matching node to rank value
#list of nodes and list of rank values are sorted
def getResForPlots(prObj, alpha):
outFileName = makeResOutFileName(prObj.inFileName, alpha, prObj.sinkHandling)
vNodeIDs_unsr, vRankVec_unsr = loadRankVectorData(outFileName, isTest=False)
#build dictionary that links node id to rank value
vNodeDict = buildValidationDict(vNodeIDs_unsr,vRankVec_unsr)
#build sorted list
vNodeIDs, vRankVec = getSortResIDXs(vRankVec_unsr)
return vNodeIDs, vRankVec, vNodeDict
#build appropriate results file name based on passed input name, alpha and sink handling flag
def makeResOutFileName(inFileName,alpha,sinkHandling):
nameList = inFileName.strip().split('.')
namePrefix = '.'.join(nameList[:-1])
#build base output file name based on input file name and whether or not using selfloops to handle sinks
outFileName = "{}_{}_{}.{}".format(namePrefix,("SL" if sinkHandling==0 else "T3"), alpha,nameList[-1])
return outFileName
#builds output file names given passed file name
def buildPROutFNames(fName, getVerifyNames=False):
#construct ouput file names based on fName (which is input file name : i.e. 'inputstuff.txt')
nameList = fName.strip().split('.')
#name without extension
namePrefix = '.'.join(nameList[:-1])
if getVerifyNames :
#get names for verification files
#file holding rank vector values
voutFName = '{}-{}.{}'.format(namePrefix, 'verifyRVec',nameList[-1])
return voutFName
#names for saving results or accessing saved results
#file holding rank vector values
outFName = '{}-{}.{}'.format(namePrefix, 'outputPR',nameList[-1])
return outFName
#this will build a dictionary with :
# keys == graph nodes and
# values == list of pages accessible from key
# and will also return a list of all node ids
# using terminology from lecture, this builds the "out list" for each node in
# file, and a list of all node ids
def loadGraphADJList(fName):
from collections import defaultdict
#defaultDict has 0/empty list entry for non-present keys,
#does not return invalid key error
resDict = defaultdict(list)
filedat = readFileDat(fName)
allNodesSet = set()
#each line has a single number, followed by a colon, followed by a list of
#1 or more numbers spearated by commas
#these represent node x : reachable nodes from node x
for line in filedat:
vals = line.strip().split(':')
adjValStrs = vals[1].strip().split(',')
#convert list of strings to list of ints
adjVals = [int(s.strip()) for s in adjValStrs]
key = int(vals[0].strip())
resDict[key] = adjVals
return resDict, list(allNodesSet)
#given the base input file name
#this will return a list of nodes in order of rank (if rankName file exists)
#and a vector of rank values as floats (if outputName file exists)
#using either base file extensions or the verification file names
def loadRankVectorData(fName, isTest=False):
outFName = buildPROutFNames(fName, isTest)
#read rank vector as list of floats, expected to be in order of node ids
rankVec = readFloatFileDat(outFName)
rankedIDS = list(range(len(rankVec)))
#either output, or both, might be empty list(s) if files don't exist
return rankedIDS, rankVec
#will save a list of nodes in order of rank, and rank values (the rank vector) for those nodes in same order
#in two separate files
def saveRankData(fName, rankVec=None):
outFName = buildPROutFNames(fName)
if(rankVec != None):
writeFileDat(outFName, rankVec)
print(('Rank vector saved to file {}'.format(outFName)))
#build a dictionary that will have node id as key and rank vector value as value - used for verification since equal rank vector values might be in different order
def buildValidationDict(nodeIDs, rankVec):
vDict = {}
for x in range(len(nodeIDs)):
vDict[nodeIDs[x]] = rankVec[x]
return vDict
using provided output file, verify calculated page rank is the same as expected results
args used for autograder version
def verifyResults(prObj, args=None, eps=.00001):
print(('\nVerifying results for input file "{}" using alpha={} and {} sink handling :\n'.format(prObj.inFileName, prObj.alpha, ('self loop' if prObj.sinkHandling==0 else 'type 3'))))
#load derived values from run of page rank
calcNodeIDs,calcRankVec = loadRankVectorData(prObj.outFileName, isTest=False)
#load verification data
vNodeIDs, vRankVec = loadRankVectorData(prObj.outFileName, isTest=True)
if (len(vNodeIDs) == 0) or (len(vRankVec)==0) :
print ('Validation data not found, cannot test results')
return False
#compare nodeID order
if(len(calcNodeIDs) != len(vNodeIDs)) :
print(('!!!! Error : incorrect # of nodes in calculated page rank - yours has {}; validation has {}'.format(len(calcNodeIDs),len(vNodeIDs))))
return False
print('Calculated Rank vector is of appropriate length')
#need to verify that rank vector sums to 1
cRVecSum = sum(calcRankVec)
if abs(cRVecSum - 1) > eps :
print((‘!!!! Error : your calculated rank vector values do not sum to 1.0 : {} ‘.format(cRVecSum)))
return False
print(‘Calculated Rank vector has appropriate magnitude of 1.0’)
#build dictionary of validation data and test data – doing this because order might be different for nodes with same rank value
validDict = buildValidationDict(vNodeIDs,vRankVec)
calcDict = buildValidationDict(calcNodeIDs,calcRankVec)
#compare if matched – Note nodes with same rank value vector value might be out of order
for x in range(len(vNodeIDs)):
if abs(calcDict[vNodeIDs[x]] – validDict[vNodeIDs[x]]) > eps :
print((‘!!!! Error : rank vector values do not match, starting at idx {}, node {}, in validation node id list’.format(x,vNodeIDs[x])))
return False
print(‘Rank Vector values match verification vector values’)
return True
#autograder code
def autogradePR(prObj, args, prMadeTime):
print((‘Running autograder on {} for prObj with input file {}’.format(args.studentName, prObj.inFileName)))
#End Page Rank Functions
# Start findXinA Functions (Added Summer 2020
import random
import math
import sys
class ExceededLookupsError(Exception):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.message = args[0]
self.message = None
def __str__(self):
if self.message:
return ‘{0}’.format(self.message)
return ‘ExceededLookups: Program Exceeded the allowed number of lookups’
class findX():
def __init__(self):
self.__A = []
self.__n = 0
self.x = 0
self.__maxCalls = 0
def start(self, seed, nLower=10, nUpper=100000):
self.__n = random.randint(nLower, nUpper)
self.__A = random.choices(range(-nUpper*2,nUpper*2), k=self.__n+1) # sample extra value to avoid A[n] error
self.x = self.__A[random.randint(1,self.__n)]
self.__maxCalls = int(math.log(self.__n, 2)*2) + 2
return self.x
def lookup(self, i):
if not isinstance(i, int):
raise TypeError(‘the index must be an integer’)
raise ValueError(‘the index must be > 0’)
self.__lookupCount += 1
if self.__lookupCount > self.__maxCalls:
raise ExceededLookupsError(‘Exceeded Maximum of {} Lookups’.format(self.__maxCalls))
if i > self.__n:
return None
return self.__A[i]
def lookups(self):
return self.__lookupCount
#End findXinA functions