— Informatics 1 – Introduction to Computation
— Computation and Logic Tutorial 10
— Remember: there are many possible solutions, and if your solution produces
— the right results, then it is (most likely) correct. However, our solutions
— require only a few of lines for each answer. If your code is getting complicated
— you’re making things too difficult for yourself—try to keep it simple!
module CLTutorial10 where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Set(Set, insert, empty, member, fromList, toList,
union,intersection, size, singleton, (\\))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Char
— you should also familiarise yourself with
— the functions from Data.Set imported above
— we define infix version of union and intersection
(\/) :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
(\/) = union
(/\) :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
(/\) = intersection
— Data.Set provides functions like map and filter that work for sets instead of
— lists: we give the names mapS and filterS to the Set versions of map and filter
mapS :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
mapS = S.map
filterS :: Ord a => (a -> Bool) -> Set a -> Set a
filterS = S.filter
— Type declarations
type Sym = Char
type Trans q = (q, Sym, q)
— FSM states symbols transitions starting accepting
— Q Sigma delta S F
data FSM q = FSM (Set q) (Set Sym) (Set(Trans q)) (Set q) (Set q) deriving Show
mkFSM :: Ord q => [q] -> [Sym] -> [Trans q] -> [q] -> [q] -> FSM q
mkFSM qs as ts ss fs = — a convenience function constructing FSM from lists
FSM (fromList qs) (fromList as) (fromList ts) (fromList ss) (fromList fs)
eg1 = mkFSM [0..8] “abcdeghiot”
[0,6] [1,7]
isDFA :: Ord q => FSM q -> Bool
isDFA (FSM qs as ts ss fs) =
(size ss == 1)
&& and[ length[ q’ | q’ <- toList qs, (q, a, q')`member`ts ] == 1
| q <- toList qs, a <- toList as ]
-- applying transitions for a given symbol to move a list of states
transition :: (Ord q) => Set(Trans q) -> Set q -> Sym -> Set q
transition ts qs s = fromList [ q’ | (q, t, q’) <- toList ts, t == s, q `member` qs ]
-- applying transitions for a string of symbols
-- final :: Ord q => Set(Trans q) ->Set q -> [Sym] -> Set q
— final ts ss [] = ss
— final ts ss (a : as) = final ts (transition ts ss a) as
— final ts = foldl (transition ts)
accepts :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> [Sym] -> Bool
accepts (FSM _ _ ts ss fs) string = (not.null) (fs /\ final)
where final = foldl (transition ts) ss string
trace :: Ord q => FSM q -> [Sym] -> [Set q]
trace (FSM qs as ts ss fs) word = tr ss word where
tr ss’ [] = [ ss’ ]
tr ss’ (w : ws) = ss’ : tr (transition ts ss’ w) ws
— Example machines
m1 :: FSM Int
m1 = mkFSM
[0,1,2,3,4] — states
“ab” — symbols
[ (0,’a’,1), (0,’b’,1), (0,’a’,2), (0,’b’,2), (1,’b’,4)
, (2,’a’,3), (2,’b’,3), (3,’b’,4), (4,’a’,4), (4,’b’,4) ]
[0] — starting
[4] — accepting
m2 :: FSM Char
m2 = mkFSM
“ABCD” — states
“01” — symbols
[(‘A’, ‘0’, ‘D’), (‘A’, ‘1’, ‘B’), (‘B’, ‘0’, ‘A’), (‘B’, ‘1’, ‘C’),
(‘C’, ‘0’, ‘B’), (‘C’, ‘1’, ‘D’), (‘D’, ‘0’, ‘D’), (‘D’, ‘1’, ‘D’)]
“B” — starting
“ABC” — accepting
dm1 :: FSM [Int]
dm1 = mkFSM
[[],[0],[1,2],[3],[3,4],[4]] — states
“ab” — symbols
[([], ‘a’,[]), ([], ‘b’,[])
,([0], ‘a’,[1,2]), ([0], ‘b’,[1,2])
,([1,2],’a’,[3]), ([1,2],’b’,[3,4])
,([3], ‘a’,[]), ([3], ‘b’,[4])
,([3,4],’a’,[4]), ([3,4],’b’,[4])
,([4], ‘a’,[4]), ([4], ‘b’,[4])]
[[0]] — starting
[[3,4],[4]] — accepting
ddelta :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> (Set q) -> Char -> (Set q)
ddelta (FSM qs as ts ss fs ) source sym = undefined
next :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> Set(Set(q)) -> Set(Set(q))
next qs as ts ss fs) supers =
fromList [ undefined | super <- toList supers, sym <- toList as ]
-- function provided
reachable :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> Set(Set(q)) -> Set(Set(q))
reachable qs as ts ss fs) supers =
let new = next fsm supers \\ supers
in if null new then supers else reachable fsm (supers \/ new)
dfinal :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> Set(Set(q)) -> Set(Set(q))
dfinal qs as ts ss fs) supers = undefined
dtrans :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> Set(Set q) -> Set(Trans (Set q))
dtrans qs as ts ss fs) supers =
fromList [ (q, s, undefined) | q <- toList supers, s <- toList as ]
-- provided function
toDFA :: (Ord q) => FSM q -> FSM (Set q)
toDFA qs as ts ss fs) = FSM qs’ as’ ts’ ss’ fs’
qs’ = reachable fsm ss’
ts’ = dtrans fsm qs’
ss’ = singleton ss
fs’ = dfinal fsm qs’