liquidation flash loan HW3

In this homework, you are expected to implement a smart contract that performs a liquidation through flash loan.
Register an account on alchemyLinks to an external site. for access to an archive Ethereum node.
Install dockerLinks to an external site. on your machine or prepare the nodeJS environment.
Solidity Programming
Detailed Solidity documentation: to an external site.
Best website course for Solidity: to an external site.
The smart contract should allow you to perform a flash loan, a liquidation, and an asset exchange in one blockchain transaction.
Your contract is required to provide a unified interface operate to help ease marking. By calling operate, the flash loan, liquidation, and asset exchange should be executed properly. You are allowed to “hardcode” the execution logic and parameters in
the operate function.
You are expected to liquidate 0x59CE4a2AC5bC3f5F225439B2993b86B42f6d3e9F on Aave V2 which was liquidated at block 12489620. Check out the original liquidation transactionLinks to an external site..
To test your contract:
docker build -t liquidation-flash-loan .
docker run -e ALCHE_API=”$YOUR ALCHEMY ETHEREUM MAINNET API” -it liquidation-flash-loan npm test
Your grade is determined by the profit you earn in the test case. After the program execution, you should see Profit xxx ETH at the end of a successful liquidation. If you are not using the docker environment, for successful execution you should see a profit.txt file which contains the amount of ETH that you earned after the liquidation. If your implementation is correct, you should be receiving at least 21 ETH as the profit. Note

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that we reduce the gas fee to be zero to encourage programming complicated liquidation strategies.
Your submission should be a single LiquidationOperator.sol file that contains at most one import statement import “hardhat/console.sol”;. If you plan to include libraries or interfaces from other npm packages, please manually add them to your contract file so that we have a unified environment for grading.
There are some helper functions and guidelines in the LiquidationOperator.sol file. Background Information
Aave Liquidation
To trigger a liquidation on Aave V2, you need to call a public
function liquidationCall provided by the Aave V2 smart contracts. In the function, you can specify user representing the borrowing position you would like to
liquidate, debtAsset, the cryptocurrency you would like to repay (let’s say token D), and collateralAsset, the collateral cryptocurrency you would like claim from the borrowing position (let’s say token C). You also specify the amount of debt you want to repay, debtToCover.
function liquidationCall( address collateralAsset, address debtAsset, address user,
uint256 debtToCover,
bool receiveAToken ) external;
By calling this function, you then repay some amount of token D to Aave and in return, some token C is sent to your account.
You should make sure that the user is in a liquidatable state. Otherwise, the Aave smart contract would revert your transaction and you would pay transaction fees for an unsuccessful liquidation.
Uniswap flash loan
What if you don’t have any upfront token D, in order to repay in the liquidation, you can use flash loans! A Uniswap flash loan can grant you the cryptocurrencies available in the pool without any collateral, as long as you preserve the constant K in the end of the

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transaction. Check out the detailed code snippet (Uniswap V2Links to an external site.) in the following.
Importantly, Uniswap would attempt to call into the receiver to invoke the
function uniswapV2Call after sending the flash loan assets. This means that you need a smart contract to accept a flash loan. The smart contract should have
an uniswapV2Call function and you can program how you use the flash loan assets in this function.
Back to liquidation, you can program the liquidation logic in the uniswapV2Call function. So, when you don’t have enough token D to perform a liquidation, you can request a flash loan and your smart contract can do the liquidation after receiving token D.
What do you need to do after liquidation?
With the flash loan, you now have enough token D. You can repay the debt for the borrowing position and claim the collateral token C. Congratulation! A successful liquidation is completed, but, wait, you still need to repay the flash loan. Remember that you need to preserve the K. In the exercise, you are required to convert every earned token to ETH through e.g., UniswapV2. This is for easing the grading.
Working files

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