
character: .byte 0,0
box: .byte 0,0
target: .byte 0,0

.globl main

# TODO: Before we deal with the LEDs, generate random locations for
# the character, box, and target. static locations have been provided
# for the (x,y) coordinates for each of these elements within the 8×8
# There is a rand function, but note that it isn’t very good! You
# should at least make sure that none of the items are on top of each

# TODO: Now, light up the playing field. Add walls around the edges
# and light up the character, box, and target with the colors you have
# chosen. (Yes, you choose, and you should document your choice.)
# Hint: the LEDs are an array, so you should be able to calculate
# offsets from the (0, 0) LED.

# TODO: Enter a loop and wait for user input. Whenever user input is
# received, update the grid with the new location of the player (and
# if applicable, box and target). You will also need to restart the
# game if the user requests it and indicate when the box is located
# in the same position as the target.

# TODO: That’s the base game! Now, pick a pair of enhancements and
# consider how to implement them.

# Feel free to use (or modify) them however you see fit

# Takes in a number in a0, and returns a (sort of) (okay no really) random
# number from 0 to this number (exclusive)
remu a0, a0, t0

# Takes in an RGB color in a0, an x-coordinate in a1, and a y-coordinate
# in a2. Then it sets the led at (x, y) to the given color.
mul t0, a2, t1
add t0, t0, a1
mul t0, t0, t1
add t0, t1, t0
sw a0, (0)t0

# Polls the d-pad input until a button is pressed, then returns a number
# representing the button that was pressed in a0.
# The possible return values are:
# 3: RIGHT
mv a0, zero
bge a0, t1, pollLoopEnd
li t2, D_PAD_0_BASE
slli t3, a0, 2
add t2, t2, t3
lw t3, (0)t2
bnez t3, pollRelease
addi a0, a0, 1
j pollLoop
j pollDpad
lw t3, (0)t2
bnez t3, pollRelease