CS705 COMPSYS705 Assignment 2

COMPSYS 705 – Formal Methods For Engineers Assigment – 2
Submission Date: 20/Oct/2023 (no extensions)
Submission Format: 1 file called .tgz containing the following:
a.) A promela file, including the LTL formulas for Q1.
b.) A python script encoding a working SMT formulation for Q2.
c.) A pdf file/report explaining the results obtained from SPIN/SMT solvers for Q1 and Q2.
NOTE: Your code should be well commented
Q1.) This question relates to your understanding of model-checking LTL properties on concurrent processes.
Model Petersons mutual exclusion algorithm as described below in Promela.
The basic idea behind Peterson’s n-process mutual exclusion algorithm is
that each process passes through n−1 stages before entering the critical section (cs). These stages are designed to block one process per stage so that after n−1 stages only one process will be eligible to enter the critical section (which we consider
as stage n). The algorithm uses two integer arrays step and pos of sizes n − 1
and n respectively: pos is an array of 1-writer multi-reader variables and step is
an array of multi-writer multi-reader variables. The value at step[j] indicates the latest process at step j, and pos[i] indicates the latest stage that the process i is passing through. (Peterson uses Q for pos, and TURN for step.) The array pos
is initialized to 0. The process id’s, pids, are assumed to be integers between 1
and n. The code segment for process i is given in Figure 1.
Figure – 1
Represent the following properties in LTL and verify them against at least 2 processes from above.
Property-1 (Safety property): Multiple processes cannot enter the ciritical section together. Property-2 (Liveness property): If a process is waiting, eventually it will enter the critical section. Property-3 (Liveness property): Any process not in the critical section will eventually enter the critical

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COMPSYS 705 – Formal Methods For Engineers
Q2.) This question relates to your understanding of using SMT solvers for hardware verification.
Majority voter is a protocol used in fault tolerant systems. Consider 3-processors A, B, and C, carrying out the same computation simultaneously. Any of these processors might suffer from transient faults during processing. In the majority voter protocol, an output Y is set depending upon the majority result produced from the processors. The truth table below describes the majority voter protocol:
0 0 0 1 0 1 1
The boolean equation:
Y = (¬A /\ B /\ C) \/ (A /\ ¬B /\ C) \/ (A /\ B /\ ¬C) \/ (A /\ B /\ C) – (1)
gives the functional description of the truth-table above. A hardware engineer states that he/she will implement the above circuit using the equation below:
Y’ = (A /\ B) \/ (B /\ C) \/ (A /\ C) – (2)
Prove using the SMT solver that Equations (1) and (2) are equivalent. If they are not, show why not?

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