Informatics115 Assignment1

Informatics 115, Fall 2022
Due: Thursday night by 11:59 PM, October 13, 2022 Professor Iftekhar Ahmed
Using Eclipse and Java, write a class that is named with your full name in camel case (e.g., “public class IftekharAhmed {}”), containing the following methods:
1. String getFullName(). This method returns your full name, with spacing, as a string.
2. String getFirstName(). This method returns your first name as a string.
3. String getLastName(). This method returns your last name as a string.
4. String getUCInetID(). This method returns your UCInetID as a string.
5. int getStudentNumber(). This method returns your UCI student number.
6. String getRotatedFullName(int shift). This method returns your name, rotated
(with wrap-around), by ’shift’ characters. Positive numbers rotate to the left, and negative numbers rotate to the right. For example, for my name “Iftekhar Ahmed”, if I executed:
For example, for my name “Iftekhar Ahmed”, the following client code would behave as such:
IftekharAhmed j = new IftekharAhmed();
I would expect to get the output:
Iftekhar Ahmed
tekhar AhmedIf
Then, create a JUnit test class called “Test…” followed by your name (e.g., “public class Test IftekharAhmed {}”), containing methods to test each of the above methods. For each of the above methods 1 – 5, write one test-case method that contains one execution of the tested method and checks its expected value. For method 6, provide two separate test case methods: one with a positive shift invocation of the method, and one with a negative shift invocation of the method.
To turn in, create one .zip file that contains only these two .java files. Upload this .zip file to the CANVAS by due date.

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