CS5200.BuildDocDB.LastName” where LastName is your last name.

[90 min] DO: Build Hierarchical Document Database Start Assignment
Due Sep 17 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload File Types r and zip Available until Sep 20 at 11:59pm
Most operating systems use a hierarchical file system for storing documents, images, media, programs, and any other type of data in files. The file system can act as a database and is often used to store large file objects, often in conjunction with a database (such as a relational database). In this assignment, you will experiment with navigating the file system in R and implement a simple query structure for a hierarchical document object data store.
Learning Outcomes
learn basic R programming
use the file system as a document store
appreciate the use of lock files to manage concurrency
May be done in pairs (groups of two) or individually. If done in pairs, both team members must make an individual (and unique) submission and clearly indicate the name of the collaborator in both the submitted file and in a submission comment. Collaborators cannot submit the same code.
This is one of the few assignments that does not have a due date at the end of the module week but we strongly urge you to complete the assignment after you go through the first module. It is extremely helpful in learning R. The reason why there’s no usual end-of-module due date
Code Help
is simple: students often sign up for this course after the term starts and thus need time to complete this assignment. There are no submissions allowed past the due date, so no “late submissions”.
Material Needed
R and R Studio OR rstudio.cloud (http://rstudio.cloud)
Note that if you choose to use rstudio.cloud (http://rstudio.cloud) you will likely need to create a paid account to gain sufficient usage time. An educational account is available. We recommend that you install R and R Studio locally.
Prior to working on this assignment, review these lessons and refer to them during the assignment:
6.104 Quick Guide to R for Programmers (http://artificium.us/lessons/06.r/l-6-104-r4progs/l-6-104.html) 6.202 Working with R Projects (http://artificium.us/lessons/06.r/l-6-202-r-projects/l-6-202.html)
6.109 R Scripts and Programs (http://artificium.us/lessons/06.r/l-6-109-r-programs/l-6-109.html)
6.190 Console Output in R (http://artificium.us/lessons/06.r/l-6-190-console-output-r/l-6-190.html)
6.402 Navigating the File System in R (http://artificium.us/lessons/06.r/l-6-402-filesystem-from-r/l-6-402.html) 6.121 Writing Functions in R (http://artificium.us/lessons/06.r/l-6-121-funcs-in-r/l-6-121.html)
6.112 Basics of Text & String Processing in R (http://artificium.us/lessons/06.r/l-6-112-text-proc/l-6-112.html)
The tasks below assume that you have installed R and R Studio or created an account on rstudio.cloud (http://rstudio.cloud) . The tasks below guide you through the process of creating a document store that uses folders as a means to organize data. The “records” that are stored are images. Images can be tagged. Each folder represents a tag. For example, the image file CampusAtNight.jpg might have associated tags “#Northeastern” and “#ISEC”, so the file is then stored (twice) in the folders “Northeastern” and “ISEC”. Of course, this isn’t super efficient and could be improved with symbolic links, but for now that is the implementation.
Add files for you to do the testing as you see fit.
Before launching into the tasks below, watch the commentary and explanation:

1. (1 min / 0 pts) Launch R Studio and create an R Project titled “CS5200.BuildDocDB.LastName” where LastName is your last name.
2. (1 min / 0 pts) In the R Project, create an R program (script) titled “ObjDB-LastName.R” where LastName is your last name.
3. (5 min / 5 pts) R programs run as a script starting with the first line. Adopting the mechanism from C/C++, make the first line of code of the R
program a call to the function main() and the second line a call to quit() which works like the function exit() in C/C++. Then write a function called main() before the call to main() that will eventually call all other functions we will build below. All of your “testing code” will eventually be in main() . We will not use any kind of unit testing packages. All code must be in the function main() or some other function. Only global variables can be declared outside of main() . The code fragment below shows this approach:
globalVar <- 0 main <- function() # all program code starts here print ("Hello, World") ######################################################### 4. (5 min / 5 pts) Add a global variable before main() called rootDir that has the value "docDB". 程序代写 CS代考 加QQ: 749389476 5. (20 min / 5 pts) Write a function called configDB(root, path) that sets up all folders and database related structure. For now that is just the folder in which all tag folders will be stored, e.g., assuming that the value "docDB" is passed for root, the function it creates the folder "docDB" in the project folder if the path argument is empty (i.e.,, "") or under the provided path. 6. (10 min / 5 pts) Write a function called genObjPath(root, tag) that returns the correctly generated path to a tag folder, e.g., if tag is #ISEC it would return "docDB/ISEC". Note the stripped # in the path. 7. (10 min / 15 pts) Write a function called getTags(fileName) that returns a vector of tags in the file name, e.g., if the fileName argument has the value "CampusAtNight.jpg #Northeastern #ISEC" (common for MacOS or Linux) or "CampusAtNight #Northeastern #ISEC.jpg" (on Windows where the extension of the file must be at the end) it should return the vector ("#ISEC", "#Northeastern"). Note that on Windows files names, the extension at the end of part of the file name and not part of a tag, so the tags for the Windows file "CampusAtNight #Northeastern #ISEC.jpg" are "#Northeastern" and "ISEC"; the ".jpg" is the extension to indicate an image file and part of the file name: "CampusAtNight.jpg". 8. (10 min / 10 pts) Write a function called getFileName(fileName) that returns file name, e.g., if the fileName argument has the value "CampusAtNight.jpg #Northeastern #ISEC" or "CampusAtNight #Northeastern #ISEC.jpg" it should return the string "CampusAtNight.jpg". 9. (10 min / 20 pts) Write a function called storeObjs(folder, root) that copies all files in the specified in the folder argument to their correct folders underneath the root folder. Create folders for the tags as needed. The file must be stored in the "tag folders" without the tags, e.g., the image file "CampusAtNight.jpg #Northeastern #ISEC" or "CampusAtNight #Northeastern #ISEC.jpg" should be stored under the name "CampusAtNight.jpg" in the folders "docDB/ISEC" and "docDB/Northeastern" assuming that root has the value "docDB". Leverage all of the functions developed previously when building storeObjs(folder, tags) . 10. (10 min / 5 pts) Modify the function storeObjs(folder, root) created above so that it takes a third argument verbose that is a boolean. If the argument is true, modify the code for the function so that it prints a message for every file that is copied. The message should have the form: "Copying CampusAtNight.jpg to ISEC, Northeastern". In general, it should print the name of the file being copied and the tags separated by commas 11. (10 min / 10 pts) Write a function called clearDB(root) that removes all folders and files in the folder specified by root but not the folder for root itself. This function is used to "reinitialize" the database to a "blank"state. 12. (10 min / 10 pts) Add code to main() to demonstrate that your functions are working. 13. (10 pts) Verify that your code is properly structured and documented and follows generally accepted programming practices. Write as much documentation as you need to communicate to other what you have done and to ensure that others can understand your thought process, your code, and any assumptions or exceptions. Use function headers to explain the signature of the function. Programming Help, Add QQ: 749389476 post questions to the Teams channel there are other ways we could have architected this "hierarchical file database" -- but this is the way we chose to do this and it is sufficient to learn some R and to see how file systems can act as databases don't use any unit testing packages you may assume that periods are not allowed in tags, e.g., #foo.bar or #pic.jpg would not be legal tags; but keep in mind that on Windows, for the file "foo #bar.jpg", the ".jpg" is NOT part of the tag, but represents the file extension you should account for file names that have the file extension (e.g., .jpg or .mp3 or .tiff) either at the end of the file name stem and before the tags (as would be the case on Unix or MacOS) or at the very end (as would be the case for MS-DOS or Windows) you must accommodate any extension, including any that you might not think of (the final part of the file name after the last dot/period is the extension) do not put your .R source files into the "docDB" directory -- source files are not part of the database (obviously) Submission Submit the ObjDB-LastName.R program containing your code. Programs that do not run or throw an error during execution will not receive any credit. CS5200.S23.DocDB-in-R Code implements requirements and contains required functions. 70 pts Flawless, no defects Minor defects but otherwise code works Significant defects but code works partially Major defects, or code does not run Test cases provided for all working scenarios, plus abnormal use cases including missing files and directories 15 pts Perfect and flawless test cases Good test cases but not perfect Reasonably good test cases Some test cases but critical ones are missing 0 pts No Marks Code well document, functions have headers, program files contain headers with author information Full Documentation 5 pts Acceptable Little to no documentation or documentation is not helpful Files named as required Fully Meets Requirements Some Minor Mistakes Does not meet requirements or has significant mistakes Total Points: 100