ITP 439 PA1 Recursive Descent Parser

USC Language Reference USCC Compiler
PA2: Semantic Analysis PA3: LLVM IR
PA5: Optimization Passes PA6: Register Allocation ITP 439
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PA1: Recursive Descent Parser
In this assignment, you will write large portions of a recursive descent parser for the USC programming language. Before you begin working on this assignment, you should read the USC language reference. Specifically, you will need to refer to the grammar definitions while working on this assignment.
The scanner for USCC has already been provided to you. It is implemented via flex, and the input file is parse/usc.l . The list of tokens are in scan/Tokens.def , and they are defined in an enum . Provided your code is using namespace uscc::scan , the tokens can be accessed via a Token:: prefix . For example, Token::Key_while accesses the while keyword token. The Parser class, which uses the flex- generated scanner, is declared in parse/Parse.h , and implemented in parse/Parse.cpp ,
parse/ParseExpr.cpp , and parse/ParseStmt.cpp .
You will notice that the Parser class has many functions prefixed with parse , such as parseProgram , parseStmt , parseCompoundStmt , and so on. These functions are the recursive descent parsing functions,
many of which you will implement in this assignment. Each of these functions returns a std::shared_ptr to a specific type of abstract syntax tree (AST) node. The AST is used as the initial
intermediate representation of the source program. Each of these nodes is declared in parse/ASTNodes.h . For this assignment, you do not need to worry about the implementation of any of
the nodes. You simply need to ensure that you are constructing the correct types of nodes with the correct parameters during the parse.
The parse functions are speculative when invoked. For example, if parseWhileStmt is called, it does not mean that there definitely is a while statement upcoming. Rather, parseWhileStmt will first determine whether it thinks the upcoming token matches a while statement – specifically, if the current token is the while keyword. If the current token is not a while token, then parseWhileStmt will simply return an empty (null) shared_ptr to denote that a while statement is not a match for the current token stream.
However, suppose that parseWhileStmt encounters a while keyword. That means that the token stream can only be valid if the rest of the while statement is correct. However, if something in the
while statement is malformed, parseWhileStmt should throw an exception to denote there was an error in the parse. The most common exception you will manually throw is a ParseExceptMsg , though there are other types of exceptions as defined in parse/ParseExcept.h . These exceptions then must be caught somewhere, ideally as deep in the call stack as possible. This is because the parser should catch as many errors as possible in one pass. It would be very annoying for end users if it simply stopped on the first error in a source file that had ten errors.
In this example, if you look at the partial implementation of parseStmt (in ParseStmt.cpp ), you will see that there is a try / catch that catches any exceptions of type ParseExcept and then uses reportError to actually report the error. Errors that are reported are then written to stderr upon conclusion of the parse.
There are also several helper functions that aid with the parsing. The peekToken function simply returns the current token in the token stream. If there are multiple possibilities you want to peek for, you can use peekIsOneOf , which takes in an (braces formatted) initializer_list of tokens to choose from. Similarly, getTokenTxt returns the actual C-style string for the current token, which is important for tokens that could be a variety of strings, such as identifiers. The consumeToken function “eats” the current token and then moves on to the next token that’s not a new line or comment. Since a very common operation is to peek for a specific token and then consume it if it is that token, this combined functionality is in the peekAndConsume function.
For cases where you absolutely require a specific token, or sequence of tokens, you can use matchToken or matchTokenSeq . These functions will match and consume either one or a sequence of
tokens. The difference between these functions and peekAndConsume is that matchToken and matchTokenSeq will throw a TokenMismatch exception in the event of a mismatch. Returning to the while statement example, if you peekAndConsume a while token, you know for a fact that the next token must
be an open parenthesis in a valid program. So you can use matchToken to process the parenthesis.
The last set of helper functions that have some use in error correction is the two consumeUntil functions. These functions mostly are used by the catch blocks. If you look at the code for parseStmt again, you will see consumeUntil is used to skip all tokens until the next semi-colon. This way, if there’s a major error in a statement, the parser can attempt to continue onto the subsequent statement.
In this assignment, you should only have to edit ParseStmt.cpp and ParseExpr.cpp . A handful of the functions in these files are already implemented, but you will have to implement the rest. Specifically, you should not modify parseDecl , parseAssignStmt , parseExpr , parseExprPrime , and parseIdentFactor .
In order to validate that your parser works correctly, there is a parsing test suite. To run the test suite run the following command from inside the tests directory:
When you start this assignment, none of the 22 tests will pass. The tests are broken down into two types. There are some tests which intentionally cause parse errors, and these tests confirm that your parser identifies the same errors. The other set of tests should parse and generate an AST – the expected AST is compared against the AST your program generated. Note that several of these parse tests are actually semantically invalid USC programs, but in PA1 we aren’t checking for semantic validity.
Upon conclusion of this assignment, all the tests in the test test suite will pass.
You also can run USCC directly from the command line to look at a specific test case. In order to output the AST of a program, you can run the command with the -a switch. It’s best to test this through the Visual Studio Code debugger. To do this, you will need to edit the launch.json file’s args array.
For example, the default args are: “args”: [“-a”, “test002.usc”]
This means it will output the AST for test002.usc . To test the output for a different program, just change the file name in the args array.
Once you’ve implemented the first three items in the implementation section, the AST output for test002.usc should be:
—————ReturnStmt: (empty)
Alternatively, if there are errors you will see a list of errors. For example, after implementing the first three items in the implementation section, if you try to compile parse02e.usc , you should get this output:
parse02e.usc:11:6: error: Function name 123 is invalid
void 123()
6 Error(s)
You should implement the parsing functions in the order outlined in these instructions. This will allow you to verify the functions work as you go along.
The interior of a compound statement can begin with zero or more declarations and is followed by zero or more statements. So, you’ll want to use parseDecl and parseStmt to find the declarations and statements. The ASTCompoundStmt node has addDecl and addStmt to append the declaration/statement nodes as children. Remember that because nodes handled as shared pointers, you have to use std::make_shared to dynamically create instances of this (and any other) node.
Next, implement parseReturnStmt . In USCC, return statements can either be void or return a value. When you implement this, you need to update parseStmt so that it calls parseReturnStmt , as well.
parseConstantFactor and parseStringFactor
If you look at the current implementation of parseAndTerm in ParseExpr.cpp , you will see that it directly calls parseFactor . This is actually not correct as per the grammar, but for the moment we just want to skip all the other grammar rules and jump directly to F actor.
You should implement parseConstantFactor (which is for constant numeric expressions) and parseStringFactor (which is for string expressions). Then, you should update parseFactor so that after
checking for an ident factor, it checks for constants and strings, as well.
You should now have three additional tests pass: test002 , parse01e , and parse02e .
Next, implement parseParenFactor and hook it up to the parseFactor function. Now the test003 test should also pass.
parseIncFactor and parseDecFactor
Now implement parseIncFactor and parseDecFactor , and hook these up to parseFactor , as well. You should now also pass the test004 test case.
You should now implement parseValue . Once you’ve implemented parseValue , you should change parseAndTerm so it now calls parseValue instead of parseFactor . Now the test005 test should also pass.
parseTerm and parseTermPrime
Now implement parseTerm and parseTermPrime . The reason there is a function for term prime is because the term grammar rule is left-recursive. So, you will need to transform the grammar so it is right-recursive instead (as discussed in class), and then implement these two rules.
There’s one aspect of parseTermPrime that may be a little confusing. Suppose parseTermPrime sees a * token. In this case, it means that a valid program must have an RHS value. So you can parse the value for the RHS operand. However, it’s possible that after you get the RHS operand, it is followed by another term prime, since it’s possible the expression might be along the lines of:
5 * 10 % 12
In the above case, this branch of the AST needs to have the modulus node at the top:
You need this rightmost derivation to ensure that binary operators with the same precedence are evaluated left to right in a post-order traversal of the AST. However, by default a recursive parser will produce a leftmost derivation. To solve this issue, after grabbing the RHS value you need to call
parseTermPrime again to see if there’s another term prime. If there is another term prime, you should actually return that ASTBinaryMathOp and not the one you originally found. This guarantees a rightmost derivation as above.
Next, you should update parseAndTerm so that it calls parseTerm instead of parseValue . You should now pass test006 .
You should now implement the rules for parseNumExpr and parseNumExprPrime . Since these are also binary operators, you need to handle the leftmost derivation as with parseTermPrime . Then update parseAndTerm so that it calls parseNumExpr instead. You should now also pass test007 and test013 .
These are very similar to parseNumExpr / Prime , except they are relational operators. Once you update parseAndTerm so that it calls parseRelExpr , you should additionally pass test008 .
One of the last expression rules to implement is parseAndTerm / Prime . Same rules as all other binary operators apply. Once you’ve implemented this, you will also pass test009 .
Now back in ParseStmt.cpp , implement parseWhileStmt and update parseStmt so that it also checks for while loops. You should now also pass test010 .
parseExprStmt and parseNullStmt
Now implement these two types of statements and hook them up to parseStmt . You should then also pass test011 , test015 , and test016 .
The last statement type to parse is if statements. Remember that if s may or may not have an else associated with them. Once hooked up to parseStmt, you should now pass every test other than
parse06e . parseAddrOfArrayFactor
The last thing to implement is back in ParseExpr.cpp . Implement parseAddrOfArrayFactor and hook up parseFactor to check for this as well. You should now pass all the tests.
Testing on GitHub
Once you pass all the tests locally, you should push your code to GitHub and manually run the PA1 unit tests. If they don’t pass or your code compiles, you should make the necessary fixes and try again.
For this assignment, there are a total of 22 test cases. Each test failure is -5 points.
Submitting Your Assignment
Once you have a GitHub Actions run you are happy with, to submit the assignment you need to submit this form on Gradescope. You will have to provide the full URL for the actions run you want us to grade, and also tell us if you are using any of your four slip days.
Making a Git Tag
Once you’ve submitted your assignment, you should make a tag so it’s easier to go back to the specific pa1 submission later, should you need to:
git tag pa1
git push origin –tags
If you pass all the tests, you now have a working parser for the USC language. However, if you look at the test programs, you will see that the majority of them are actually not valid USC code. This is because the parser only checks whether the file conforms to the context-free grammar for the language. In the next assignment, you will add semantic checks which will ensure that the program conforms to all the rules of the language.
This site is intended for individual educational use only. Redistribution of this content is prohibited without prior approval from the ITP 439 instructors, and may be deemed an academic integrity violation.
—Function: int main
—————ConstantExpr: 0
——————ConstantExpr: 1
parse02e.usc:19:17: error: Additional function argument must follow a comma.
int func2(int a,)
parse02e.usc:24:1: error: Missing argument declaration for function func3
parse02e.usc:27:14: error: Unnamed function parameters are not allowed
int func4(int)
parse02e.usc:31:14: error: Unnamed function parameters are not allowed
int func5(int[)
parse02e.usc:37:1: error: Expected: ) but saw: {
Since the parse error test cases do a text match on your output, you will need to use the same error message format and syntax as the test cases.
Make sure you submit this form, as otherwise we will not know that you have a submission you want us to grade. We only grade based on your GitHub Actions run and code on GitHub, and we will not download everyone’s repo. If your code does not compile or you do not submit the form, you will get a 0 on the assignment.
PA1: Recursive Descent Parser

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