FIT2100 Assignment #2 Interprocess Communication
with C Programming Week 10 Semester 2 2018
Mr Daniel Kos
Admin Tutor, Faculty of IT. Email: © 2016-2018, Monash University
September 14, 2018
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
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$Id: FIT2100-Assignment-02.tex, Version 1.0 2017/10/02 12:50 Jojo $
$Id: FIT2100-Assignment-02.tex, Version 2.0 2018/09/05 13:03 Daniel $
$Id: FIT2100-Assignment-02.tex, Version 2.1 2018/09/06 21:36 Daniel $
$Id: FIT2100-Assignment-02.tex, Version 2.2 2018/09/09 15:11 Daniel $
$Id: FIT2100-Assignment-02.tex, Version 2.3 2018/09/11 13:52 Jojo $
$Id: FIT2100-Assignment-02.tex, Version 2.4 2018/09/14 13:00 Daniel $
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
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1 Introduction 5
2 Background 6 2.1 Whatisadisplayserver?……………………….. 6 2.2 InterprocessCommunication……………………… 6 2.3 HowtoaccesstheVirtualTerminalsinLinux……………… 7
3 Display Server 9
3.1 Task1:MicrosoftWindow? ……………………… 9 3.1.1 Requirements ………………………… 9 3.1.2 Running your server as a stand-alone desktop environment . . . . . . . 10
3.2 Task2:Addasinglequitbutton …………………… 11 3.2.1 Note…………………………….. 11
3.3 Task3:Multipleclientsatatime…………………… 12 3.3.1 Limitationsofyourdesktopenvironment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4 ImportantNotes …………………………… 14
3.5 MarkingCriteria …………………………… 14
4 Submission 15 4.1 Deliverables …………………………….. 15 4.2 AcademicIntegrity:PlagiarismandCollusion ……………… 15
5 Appendix A: bash script for standalone running 17
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
6 Appendix B: Waiting for multiple input sources with select() 18
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
1 Introduction 5
1 Introduction
This second programming assignment is due on 7th October 2018 (Sunday) by 5:00pm. It is worth 15% of the total unit marks. A penalty of 5% per day will apply for late submission. Refer to the FIT2100 Unit Guide for the policy on extension or special consideration.
Note that this is an individual assignment and must be your own work. Please pay attention to Section 4.2 of this document on the University’s policies on the Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Collusion.
This assignment consists of three implementation tasks. Each task should be implemented separately as individual C programs. All the program les and any supporting documents should be compressed into one single le for submission. (The submission details are given in Section 4.)
Assessment: Each of the three tasks has an equal weightage of marks.
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
2 Background 6
2 Background
2.1 What is a display server?
A big part of an operating system’s job is sharing of resources among processes.
Consider your computer’s display. Most laptops only have one screen, so operating environ- ments like Windows provide a utility to allow multiple processes to share the display at the same time. This utility is known as a display server.
One program (the `server’) has exclusive access to the computer’s display. Although it may appear that you have multiple process windows sharing your screen at once, this is actually one process handling the display of all information on behalf of the other applications.
Other programs (`clients’ such as Calculator, Notepad, Firefox, etc.) connect to the display server via inter-process communication and send any information to be displayed on the screen. If multiple clients are running at once, the display server will display each client application in a dierent `window’ area of the screen.1
Your assignment is to build your own simple display server, displaying information from multiple clients on one screen, based on sockets as you have explored in the Interprocess Communication practical. Task 1 is a simple display server supporting only a single client application, building up to multiple clients in Task 3.
2.2 Interprocess Communication
Interprocess communication is a Unix facility to enable two or more distinct processes to communicate with each other within the same computer system as well as across a network system.
As presented in Practical 5 (Week 9), there are a number of mechanisms that can be deployed to support interprocess communication as a client-server model. Under the setting of this model, one process is referred to as the server whose responsibility is to fulll or satisfy the requests put forward to it by other processes, referred to as clients. In this assignment, we will focus on sockets.
Prior to the development of operating environments like Windows 1.0 and Macintosh System 1 during the 1980s, only one application could use the screen at a time. In modern versions of Windows, the display server is known as GDI+ and in modern versions of macOS, the display server component is known as Apple Quartz. In many Linux environments, the display server is known simply as X.
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2.3 How to access the Virtual Terminals in Linux 7
The server process must already be running prior to starting a client process, or the client will have nothing to connect to. It can be helpful to run the server and client(s) inside dierent terminal windows.
2.3 How to access the Virtual Terminals in Linux
While using the regular Linux desktop environment in your VM, you have only been using one of the virtual terminals (VTs) that Linux provides.
You can switch to another virtual terminal to run commands if your desktop environment crashes, or you can run two dierent desktop environments at the same time.
Use your VirtualBox host key (this is often the RightCtrl key on your keyboard, but can be changed in your VirtualBox settings), together with the Function keys (F1 to F8) at the top of your keyboard, to switch between your virtual terminals. See Table 1 and the notes below your system may be dierent.
Table 1: Default key combinations for switching between dierent VTs in your VM environ- ment.
RightCtrl+F1 RightCtrl+F2 RightCtrl+F3 RightCtrl+F4 RightCtrl+F5 RightCtrl+F6 RightCtrl+F7 RightCtrl+F8
for… You should see…
VT1 Startup messages (if any), or a login prompt
VT2 TTY login prompt for starting a text-only session here VT3 TTY login prompt for starting a text-only session here VT4 TTY login prompt for starting a text-only session here VT5 TTY login prompt for starting a text-only session here VT6 TTY login prompt for starting a text-only session here VT7 *** Your regular desktop environment ***
VT8 Empty terminal for running a second desktop environment
– On some laptop computers, you will need to hold down the [Fn] key as well, in order to access the F1-F8 keys on your keyboard.
– On a MacBook or other Apple device, the required key combination is Command+Fn+… instead of the key mentioned above.
– If you have changed your VirtualBox host key, use the key you have selected instead of the key mentioned above.
– In some cases, you might need to allow VirtualBox to `capture’ your keyboard.
– If you use Linux natively (without a VM), use Ctrl+Alt instead of RightCtrl, but note that your particular Linux distribution may manage the VTs in a dierent way.
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
2.3 How to access the Virtual Terminals in Linux 8
In this assignment, we will be creating a (very) simple desktop environment, which will run in the 8th `VT slot’ (VT 8), but you will control it by running commands in your regular desktop environment (VT 7).
Please play around with switching between the VTs (try logging in to the text-only VTs for an old-school Unix experience), and switching back to your regular desktop environment until you get comfortable with this feature.
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3 Display Server 9
3 Display Server
3.1 Task 1: Microsoft Window?
In this task, you will implement a display server that only accepts a connection from a single client process.
To create our display server, we need to begin with a socket server program. We will also need a client application to test our server with. The server program should create a new socket and name it with a Unix domain name (pathname), such that the client program will know which socket to connect to for communication. The server will then listen to the incoming connection request from the client program.
The client program, on the other hand, should attempt to connect to the known socket setup by the server program. Once successfully connected, the client should allow the user to type input into the TTY terminal, and send the user’s terminal input to the server through that socket, to be displayed on the screen by the server.
You may adapt your socketserver.c and socketclient.c code from Practical #5 for this.
Note: For Task 1, please name your main server source le as task1server123456789.c, and the source le for the client program as client123456789.c, where 123456789 is your student ID number. (The same client program will be used for all three tasks of this assign- ment.)
3.1.1 Requirements
You should modify your completed socket client and server code from the practical in order to satisfy the following requirements:
1. The socket le should be created as /tmp/a2-123456789.socket where 123456789 is your student ID.2 You should also modify your client to connect to the socket at this location.
2. When the client connects to the server, it should rst send its name to the server followed by a newline. After this, it should take all the user’s input entered into the terminal and send this to the server process.
The /tmp/ directory is a useful place to store temporary les, since it is automatically cleaned out each time the system is rebooted.
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
程序代写 CS代考 加QQ: 749389476
Task 1: Microsoft Window? 10
Modify the server program to use ioL so that instead of printing plain TTY output, it prints characters received from the client into a
Figure 1: Sample server output when the user runs a client named socketclient (which connects to the server) and the user enters text into the client process. The `window’ was created using a box with width=100,{%} in order to ll the screen horizontally. Note: you do not need to display the output in exactly this way as long as you visually dierentiate between the title and the window contents in some way. Also note that you are not required to print each line of client input on a separate line on the server. In Task 3, we will allow the user to create multiple windows.
3.1.2 Running your server as a stand-alone desktop environment
There is a bash script provided in Appendix A near the end of this assignment paper. This script will run your display server in the 8th virtual terminal slot (VT 8), as explained earlier in the background information.
You should modify the script to use the command needed to run your socket server program, and try running your display server as a separate desktop environment. You will need to switch back to VT 7 (your regular desktop) in order to run your client and enter input into your client. (Pressing Ctrl+C in the TTY window you ran the script from should be able to terminate your desktop environment for now. You will implement a better solution for this in Task 2.)
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3.2 Task 2: Add a single quit button 11
You should try running your desktop environment in this way for each of the tasks in order to see what a real user’s experience of your desktop environment would be like.
3.2 Task 2: Add a single quit button
It would be good to provide a way for the user to shut down their desktop environment once they are done.
In this task, you are required to extend your display server from Task 1 by adding a single button to the screen for the user to click when they wish to shut down your display server.
Note: For your improved Task 2 server, please name your main server source le as task2server123456789.c where 123456789 is your student ID number.
You can use the following code to create the button, or implement it in your own way:
3.3 Task 3: Multiple clients at a time 12
least one input source is ready, and allows you to know which input source is ready now before you attempt to read from it. See Appendix B for an overview of how this function works.
3.3 Task 3: Multiple clients at a time
Now extend your display server further to allow the user to run up to 5 client instances at a time. Your display server should create a new
Once again, the select() function is useful for dealing with inputs coming from multiple sources. See Appendix B for further details.
You are not required to clean up your windows (boxes) from clients that have terminated, but you should ensure that the display server rejects4 any further connections after the 5th client process.
Note: For your improved Task 3 server, please name your main server source le as task3server123456789.c where 123456789 is your student ID number.
3.3.1 Limitations of your desktop environment
Your desktop environment only displays output but does not allow the user to interact with a client window or pass information back to the client program.
Think about how you might extend your program to allow the client programs to receive input from the user’s interaction via your display server. Can you think of any other limitations of your display server? Discuss briey (1-2 paragraphs) in your program documentation.
3You will need to create each
The aim here is to make your implementation simpler by only allowing a xed maximum number of client windows. Unix sockets don’t provide a `standard’ way to `reject’ a connection, but accepting and then immediately closing any unwanted connections is one common approach. Ignoring any new connections once the server is `full’ by no longer checking the socket in the select() call once ve clients have connected is another possible approach. You can handle unwanted extra client connections whichever way you choose; any approach that does not result in undened behaviour is ne for the purposes of this assignment.
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3.3 Task 3: Multiple clients at a time 13
Figure 2: Sample server output for Task 3. (Also showing a quit/shutdown button which was added in Task 2.) Here, the user might be running three instances of the client program (in three dierent terminal windows), and has typed dierent stu into each client. The `windows’ are boxes with width=100,{%} and a newline between each box on the screen, for a vertical- tiled appearance (you may experiment with laying out your windows in dierent ways if you wish to do so). Each box was created with a dierent name (label) to make it possible to push characters into the correct box depending on which client sent them.
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3.4 Important Notes 14
3.4 Important Notes
Commenting your code is essential as part of the assessment criteria (refer to Section 3.5). You should also include comments at the beginning of your program le, which specify your name, your Student ID, the start date and the last modied date of the program, as well as with a high-level description of the program. In-line comments within the program are also part of the required documentation.
3.5 Marking Criteria
The assessment of this assignment will be based on the following marking criteria. The same marking criteria will be applied on each of the implementation tasks (Task 1 to Task 3):
50% for working program (for all three tasks);
20% for code architecture (algorithms, data structures, use of procedures and libraries,
etc. in your implementations of the three tasks);
10% for coding style (clarity in variable names, function names, blocks of code clearly indented, etc.);
20% for documentation (both program comments and user documentation).
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
4 Submission 15
4 Submission
There will be NO hard copy submission required for this assignment. You are required to submit your assignment as a .tar.gz le named with your Student ID. For example, if your Student ID is 12345678, you would submit a zipped le named 12345678_A2.tar.gz. Note that marks will be deducted if this requirement is not strictly complied with.
Your submission is via the assignment submission link on the FIT2100 Moodle site by the deadline specied in Section 1, i.e. 7th October 2018 (Sunday) by 5:00pm.
4.1 Deliverables
Your submission should contain the following documents:
A completed assignment submission statement for online submission via the FIT2100 Moodle site.
An user documentation (not more than 3 pages) in plain text (.txt) format with clear and complete instructions on how to run your programs, as well as any references you have used, and any limitations of your implementation as appropriate.
Electronic copies of ALL your les that are needed to run your programs.
Marks will deducted for any of these requirements that are not strictly complied with.
Note that your programs must at least run on the Linux VM environment provided for this unit. Any submission that does not compile or run accordingly will receive no marks.
4.2 Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism means to take and use another person’s ideas and or manner of expressing them and to pass them o as your own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement. This includes materials sourced from the Internet, sta, other students, and from published and unpublished works.
Collusion means unauthorised collaboration on assessable work (written, oral, or practical) with other people. This occurs when you present group work as your own or as the work of
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4.2 Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and Collusion 16
another person. Collusion may be with another Monash student or with people or students external to the University. This applies to work assessed by Monash or another university.
It is your responsibility to make yourself familiar with the University’s policies and procedures in the event of suspected breaches of academic integrity. (Note: Students will be asked to attend an interview should such a situation is detected.)
The University’s policies are available at: policies/academic-integrity
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5 Appendix A: bash script for standalone running 17
5 Appendix A: bash script for standalone running
The following bash script enables you to run an ioL program (such as your display server) as a standalone desktop environment. You are not expected to understand the code in this script, and should only modify a single line as mentioned below in order to suit the command needed to run your program. A copy of this script is available from the FIT2100 Moodle site.
Since this script requires root privileges in order to set up a new virtual terminal, you
will need to run via the sudo command. Example: sudo ./
You will need to set execute permission in order to execute the script.
You must modify the value of COMMAND=”…” on line 28 to specify the command used to run your display server.
It is safe to ignore any messages about unexpected signals when running this script.
Use the keyboard combinations discussed in Section 2.3 to switch back to your regular desktop environment.
#please run as root user
if [[ $EUID −ne 0 ]]; then
echo “This script must be run using sudo”
killall −u root hiped 2> /dev/null; rm /run/hipe.socket 2> /dev/null; xinit /usr/local/sbin/hiped −−css /etc/hipe−files/hipe.css −−fill \
−− :1 vt8 &
until ls /run/hipe . socket 2> /dev/null > /dev/null ; do echo “Waiting for back−end to come up…”
chmod 766 /run/hipe . socket sleep 0.5
echo “*** PLEASE USE [ host key]+F7/F8 TO SWITCH BETWEEN CONSOLES ***”
# Please modify the following value to assign the command needed to run
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
6 Appendix B: Waiting for multiple input sources with select() 18
# your socket server program :
COMMAND=”iol −− ./put−the−name−of−your−program−here”
sudo −u student bash −c “\
export HIPE_KEYFILE=/run/hipe . hostkey ;\ export HIPE_SOCKET=/run/hipe . socket ;\
echo “SHUTTING DOWN. . . ” kill −2 $BGPID
Appendix B: Waiting for multiple input sources with select()
Many resources in Linux that can be read from or written to are allocated a unique le descriptor an integer value used to reference that resource within your program. The standard input (e.g. input from console) is automatically allocated le descriptor 0 when your program starts. The socket you create in Task 1 (used to listen for new connection requests) is allocated another le descriptor value, and there is an additional descriptor allocated for each new client connection.
Many read operations (including scanf()) in Linux are blocking operations: if there is no input available yet, the OS puts your program to sleep until the input arrives. This can be problematic if you don’t know where the next input will come from. For example, if your program is blocked on an instruction waiting for a new client connection that might never come, you cannot receive console input or do anything else in the meantime.
One common solution is to implement multi-threading each thread can monitor a dierent input source. However, a simpler solution which avoids multi-threading is the select() function.
The select() function monitors a set of dierent le descriptors you provide, and blocks your program’s execution until one or more of the resources changes state. You can then check exactly which resource contains data ready for immediate reading, and safely read from it without your program blocking (since data is already available so there is no need to wait).
The special fd_set data type is used to represent a set of le descriptors to be monitored by select(). The associated macros FD_ZERO(), FD_SET() and FD_ISSET() are used to manipulate variables of this type. Any le descriptors still in the set after select() returns
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
6 Appendix B: Waiting for multiple input sources with select() 19
are generally the ones that have data ready for reading.
Pseudocode for the structure of a socket server using the select function to take input from multiple sources is shown in an NS diagram in Figure 3. You may also need to consult documented usage information for this function, and should cite any useful resources in your program documentation.
Here is a code sample showing usage of the select() function in a situation where you have two dierent le descriptors that you are waiting for input from at the same time:
//Preconditions :
// * my_file_descriptor is an int variable for a resource that we have // opened earlier .
// * the required C library headers have been included according
// to the man page for select.
FD_ZERO(&set_of_resources); //need to clear the set every time before use.
FD_SET( my_file_descriptor , &set_of_resources ) ;
//add the file descriptor we opened earlier (not shown − see above comment)
set_of_resources ;
FD_SET(0, &set_of_resources);
//also add the file descriptor for standard input to the set of resources //we wish to monitor .
//(If we had more file descriptors we wanted to check for input from, //we would add them here .)
int num_ready = 0;
while(num_ready == 0) { //Not strictly needed for this use case.
//(What kind of scenario would cause select() to return 0 though?)
num_ready = select ( my_file_descriptor+1, &set_of_resources , NULL, //I ‘m not interested in write resources
NULL, //I ‘m not interested in resource exceptions
NULL //I ‘m not interested in giving up after a time expires
if(num_ready < 0) exit(1); //some kind of error
//at this point, select_result must be the number of resources that //are ready to be read ...
while (num_ready > 0) { //number of resources with input waiting
if (FD_ISSET(0, &set_of_resources) { //descriptor 0 is stdin …
//(Read characters from standard input here .)
} else if (FD_ISSET(my_file_descriptor , &set_of_resources)) {
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Computer Science Tutoring
6 Appendix B: Waiting for multiple input sources with select() 20
//our other open resource is ready for reading. //(Read characters from it here .)
} num_ready−−;
The man page for select is another useful resource and provides an example of simple usage.5
Note: The select() function is quite versatile and takes in a number of arguments that are not necessarily useful for this assignment. For all but not the rst two arguments, you can pass a NULL pointer if you do not require them.
Note that the man page talks about `synchronous multiplexing’. In this context, synchronous simply means one input source will be read at a time, and multiplexing means we are reading from dierent le descriptors in an interleaved way (reading characters from dierent input sources as new input become available).
© 2016-2018, Faculty of IT, Monash University
6 Appendix B: Waiting for multiple input sources with select() 21
Firstly, set up the socket for new connections.
Next, declare a variable of type fd_set. This is used to store the set of input sources to wait for.
while the user doesn’t want to quit…
Initialise the set to be empty (use FD_ZERO() on the variable of type fd_set).
Build up the set of file descriptors to get input from (use FD_SET() to add each descriptor you require input for). Add file descriptor 0 if you need console input.
Now, call select() on our set of file descriptors to be monitored for reading.
/* program blocks (sleeps) until at least one source is ready for reading. select() will then return, and will modify our set to contain only the file descriptors for input sources that have input ready for reading. */
Check the set of file descriptors to see which one has input waiting to be read (may be more than one ready). Use FD_ISSET() to check which file descriptor is ready.
if a ready file descriptor…
…else if …else if …is 0 (standard input) it’s the socket itself it matches a connected client
/* Standard input is available from console */
Handle the user’s input, and perform any appropriate actions.
/* New client wishes to connect */
Accept the new connection, store the new client’s file descriptor in a variable or array, perform any appropriate actions.
/* Input from a client is available */
Read the available input from the client, make use of the input as requied.
Shut down and clean up the socket file.
End of program
Figure 3: Rough overview of program structure for a socket server that makes use of the select() function to wait for input from multiple sources. After select() returns, the program can make a decision on what to do depending on which le descriptor has input available.
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