FIT1073 – Game design
This unit provides a foundation in the theoretical and practical principles of game design and game narrative structures in the games development process. Utilising the principles taught in this unit, students will be given the opportunity to design innovative game applications and implement the consequences of their decisions as working paper based game prototypes.
The combination of theory and practice in this unit is geared to equip students with the skills to not only design innovative games, but also to critique existing games and importantly new game ideas. The studio environment will facilitate considerable peer interaction, in particular in the design, communication, and critique of new game ideas. The unit provides knowledge and skills, which students can apply within game development projects across subsequent units within the Games and Immersive Media major.
Faculty of Information Technology
Study level:
Owning organisational unit:
Faculty of Information Technology
Credit points:
Location: Clayton
Teaching period: First semester Attendance mode: On-campus
Requisites Prohibition
FIT2073 6 CP Game design studio 1
Open to exchange or study abroad students?
Chief Examiner(s) Mr Josh Olsen
Email: Offering(s):
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:
1. Construct a game narrative that expresses effective structure and mapping of plotlines and characters;
2. Design environments with clearly indicated game mechanics, level design and balancing;
3. Formulate a theoretical game design to a specific brief, implementing effective game narrative, mechanics, level design and balancing;
4. Constructively critique game designs based on understanding of good design principles;
5. Work collaboratively in a team environment.
Teaching approach Active learning
Applies to all offerings
Assessment Building a Game World
Individual task Value %: 15
Detailing a Game Environment
Individual task Value %: 15
Major Game Design
Group task Value %: 40
Reflection and Review
Individual task Value %: 30
Scheduled teaching activities Seminars
Total hours: 12 hours Offerings:
Applies to all offerings
Studio activities
Total hours: 36 hours Offerings:
Applies to all offerings
Programming Help
Learning resources Recommended resources
There are no recommended texts for this unit, though links to online publications and PDFs and books relating to weekly material will be provided in the lecture and tutorial notes.
Technology resources
This unit does not have any technology requirements for the class sessions. All work within class is done without the use of electronic devices. You will be expected to have a web-connected device (i.e., laptop or tablet) for completion of assessment tasks outside of class time.
Workload requirements Workload
Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled online and face to face learning activities and independent study. Independent study may include associated reading and preparation for scheduled teaching activities.
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