# Week 0 aka Sorry
We want to maximise the amount of time you get to spend on your project so we’re starting this week early with some material and labs you can do in your own time to familiarise yourself with AWS and their offerings.
* Make sure you’re enrolled in the course via myUNSW. Everyone should be whitelisted and able to enrol now. If you come across problems please email me.
* Please fill in the [Week 0 Survey](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=pM_2PxXn20i44Qhnufn7o25_8BR_GoBAqZkK4mZy6fNUN1BKR0xCTVhST0E2NkxDTllQR0o5QzdDWS4u). This will help us in assigning you to a team, and give you access to the Discord server where we will be running this course.
* If you haven’t already, please familiarise yourself with the course outline, [here](https://github.com/secedu/comp9447-20t3)
* Go through the learning material and labs below.
## Learning Material
* Introduction to AWS:
* [AWS Foundations: Getting Started with the AWS Cloud Essentials](https://www.aws.training/Details/Video?id=49639)
* [AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials (Second Edition)](https://www.aws.training/Details/Curriculum?id=27076)
* Well-Architected Framework:
* [AWS Well-Architected](https://www.aws.training/Details/Curriculum?id=42037)
* Services:
* [Introduction to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)](https://www.aws.training/Details/Video?id=16382)
* [Introduction to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)](https://www.aws.training/Details/Video?id=15884)
* [AWS Storage Offerings](https://www.aws.training/Details/eLearning?id=39246)
* [Getting Started with AWS Security, Identity, and Compliance](https://www.aws.training/Details/eLearning?id=49720)
* [AWS Security Fundamentals (Second Edition)](https://www.aws.training/Details/eLearning?id=34259)
* [Architecting Serverless Solutions](https://www.aws.training/Details/eLearning?id=42594)
* [Level 100: Basic Identity and Access Management User, Group, Role](https://wellarchitectedlabs.com/security/100_labs/100_basic_identity_and_access_management_user_group_role/)
* [Level 200: Automated Deployment of VPC](https://wellarchitectedlabs.com/security/200_labs/200_automated_deployment_of_vpc/)
* [Level 200: Automated Deployment of EC2 Web Application](https://wellarchitectedlabs.com/security/200_labs/200_automated_deployment_of_ec2_web_application/)
These labs are all part of AWS Well-Architected Labs: [https://wellarchitectedlabs.com/](https://wellarchitectedlabs.com/)\
Feel free to do more if you want to learn more 🙂