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RailTicketR1 RailTicketR2 15 marks
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1 Purpose of this assignment
This assignment is concerned with:
• use of context machines machine and SEES;
• consolidation of the understanding of invariant;
• consolidation of the understanding of guard;
• expansion of general knowledge of and experience with Event-B;
• specifying events;
• experience with refinement, including data refinement.
• using proof obligations to find problems in developments.
• using the animator to check the understanding and capture of requirements;
TicketMachine: A Simple Rail Ticket dispensing machine
EventB Assignment 2
Ken Robinson 30th March 2012
1st April 2012 3rd April 2012
This assignment is concerned with the modelling of a simple rail ticket dispensing machine. The modelling is to be done in three stages:
atomic the first stage in which the purchase of tickets is an indivisible event.
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refinement the second stage in which the purchase of tickets is distributed across a number of events with actions that are typical of what is commonly seen on a real ticket machine. In this refinement payment is made using coins.
InitPrice ChangePrice AddTickets
station, price station, price station, count
station, count, payment
set initial price of a ticket to station
change the price of a ticket to station
provide for restocking of count tickets to destination station
buy count tickets to station. The payment must be the exact cost of the tickets. This machine does not give change.
3 TicketMachineR1: Refinement of TicketMachine
The objective of the refinement is to distribute the single atomic event BuyTicket across a sequence of the following events events that might represent the buttons you have to press on a ticket machine to get a number of tickets.
Choose Pay
GiveChange Cancel
station,number coin
a customer chooses a station and the number of tickets required
pay with a single coin towards the cost of the tickets. This event can be run a number of times until the customer has paid at least the cost of the tickets. give change if the customer has given more than the cost of the tickets
the transaction is cancelled by either the customer or the machine. The requested tickets are not delivered and the amount of money inserted is returned. “Re- turning money” should be an adjustment of the state of the machine; there is no mechanism for “delivering” money.
finally, the refinement of BuyTickets —now with no explicit parameters— delivers the tickets when they have been completely paid for.
While payment is by coin, the moneybox and change are still expressed as numeric values. The moneybox may not necessarily record the current state of the transaction, but should be correct at least by the end of each transaction.
4 TicketMachineR2: Data Refinement of TicketMachineR1
The objective of this refinement is to replace the moneybox, which only records values, to coinbox that should be a box of (bag) of coins. This introduces a complication for giving change, as that now involves the choice of a bag of coins whose value is the required change, compared with simply subtracting the value of the change.
4.1 Initiating RailTicket2B
Follow the following process for RailTicket2B
1. Using the Event-B Explorer to create a refinement of RailTicket2A named RailTicket2B.
2. Add the context CoinBag.
3. Delete moneybox from the variables and invariant.
4. Add the variable coinbox.
5. Add an invariant for coinbox.
6. Add an invariant relating coinbox to moneybox. This is known as the refinement relation; it
describes how coinbox models moneybox.
Essentially, the rest of TicketMachine2B consists of replacing occurences of moneybox in Ticket-
Machine2A with coinbox. Of course, it’s not as direct or simple as that might sound. Importantly the only references to moneybox should occur in the invariants.
4.2 Contexts and Machines provided
The archive provides:
RailTicket a context defining a STATION, an opaque set of stations, that could be replaced by an enumerated set of stations.
Coin a context defining COIN, a finite set of coins, and CoinValue, a total injective function that maps coins to their value. The set COIN is presented as an opaque set, but could be enumerated. COIN could be replaced by an enumerated set of coins.
TicketMachine a skeletal machine that SEES RailTicket.
CoinBag a context defining the concept of a bag of coins and the functions required to manipulate
such a bag.
4.3 Importing Just the CoinBag context
If you have already developed the RailTicket machine then you won’t want to overwrite that with TicketMachine from the archive. The following instructions explain how you can selectively import from an archive, in this case just the CoinBag component of the archive.
On the import menu choose:
General Archive Next
From the archive file: choose the archive then select the options as follows:
Now choose Deselect all
and then select the components of the CoinBag context:
Next select the RailTicket project folder
followed by Finish.
This should install only the CoinBag components into your RailTicket project.
4.4 Costs and Coins
TicketMachine: payment is by value, not coin;
TicketMachineR1: payment is by coin, but change and total payment is by value.
TicketMachineR2: a refinement of TicketMachineR1 that uses coins to model the contents of the coinbox, payment and change.
Discharge of Proof Obligations
As usual your invariants and guards should be strong enough to ensure no exceptional behaviour.
The proof obligations should give a reasonably good indication of the correctness of your model. You should be able to get your POs automatically discharged.
The following table gives the PO statistics for a solution that satisfies the above.
5.1 Other requirements
The machine should not dispense tickets that do no have a known price. The implication of that is the machine should not contain tickets for sale that do not have real price.
Payment is represented by a value; you do not model coins.
5.2 What you have to do
1. Import the provided archive. To do that:
Open Rodin on an existing or new workspace.
Select Import on the file menu;
Select General and then “Existing Projects into Workspace”
Select Next
Check Copy projects into workspace. Very important: ensures the project is in this workspace, not shared with some other workspace.
Choose Select archive file and browse to where you have placed the archive. This should list the projects in the archive, in this case RailTicket
Select choose project and Finish.
The archive should be installed and you can view the project using the Event-B Explorer
Important: the archive is offered as a skeleton and apart from adding to that skeleton it may be necessary to make changes.
2. TicketMachineR
You will notice that the archive does not contain TicketMachineR. This is because the easiest and best way to obtain this machine is to generate it from within the Event-B Explorer by right-clicking on TicketMachine and choosing Refine. This will produce a refinement that is automatically consistent with your version of RailTicket, so is best done when you have filled out that machine.
3. You should monitor the proof obligations very carefully. Attempt to discharge them if possible, but at the very least check them for indications that there is something inconsistent in your model.
4. Remember that the objective is not to reduce the number of POs; the stronger the invariant the more POs you can expect, in general. POs are very useful.
5. Animate your model using AnimB.
6. When you are finished, archive your project and submit as shown at the top of this specifi- cation.
STATION Finite set of stations AXIOMS
axm1: finite(STATION) END
stations Stations known to this machine ticketprice Price of tickets
Number of available tickets
amount of all money paid (value not coins)
EVENTS Initialisation
Event InitPrice =b
Set initial price for tickets to station
Event ChangePrice =b
Change price for tickets to station
Event AddTickets =b
Add count tickets to station
Event BuyTickets =b
Request and pay for count tickets to station
station count payment
axm1 : finite(COIN)
axm2 : CoinValue ∈ COIN N1
Code Help
axm1 : COINBAG = COIN → N
axm3 : bagvalue ∈ COINBAG → N
axm4: ∀b,c·b∈COINBAG∧c∈dom(b)
⇒ bagvalue(b) = b(c) ∗ CoinValue(c) + bagvalue(b ▹− {c 7→ 0})
axm5: ∀b·b∈COINBAG∧(b̸=∅⇒ran(b)={0}) ⇒ bagvalue(b) = 0
axm6 : emptybag = COIN × {0 }
axm7 : bagvalue(emptybag) = 0
axm8 : bagunion ∈ COINBAG × COINBAG → COINBAG
axm9: ∀b1,b2·b1 ∈COINBAG∧b2 ∈COINBAG
⇒bagunion(b1 7→b2)={c·c∈COIN|c7→b1(c)+b2(c)}
axm10 : ∀b1 , b2 ·b1 ∈ COINBAG ∧ b2 ∈ COINBAG
⇒ bagunion (b1 7→ b2 ) = bagunion (b2 7→ b1 )
axm11 : ∀b·b ∈ COINBAG
⇒ bagunion(emptybag 7→ b) = b
axm12 : ∀b·b ∈ COINBAG ⇒ bagvalue(emptybag ▹− b) = bagvalue(b)
axm13 : subbag ∈ COINBAG × COINBAG → BOOL
axm14 : ∀b1 , b2 ·b1 ∈ COINBAG ∧ b2 ∈ COINBAG
∧ ((∀c·c ∈ COIN ∧ b1(c) ≤ b2(c)) ⇔ subbag(b1 7→ b2) = TRUE)
axm15 : ∀b·b ∈ COINBAG ⇒ subbag(emptybag 7→ b) = TRUE
axm16 : bagdiff ∈ COINBAG × COINBAG →7 COINBAG
axm17 : ∀b1 , b2 ·b1 ∈ COINBAG ∧ b2 ∈ COINBAG
⇒ (b1 7→ b2 ∈ dom(bagdiff ) ⇔ subbag(b2 7→ b1) = TRUE)
axm18: ∀b1,b2·b1 ∈COINBAG∧b2 ∈COINBAG∧subbag(b2 7→b1)=TRUE ⇒bagdiff(b1 7→b2)={c·c∈COIN|c7→b1(c)−b2(c)}
axm19: ∀b1,b2·b1 ∈COINBAG∧b2 ∈COINBAG∧subbag(b2 7→b1)=TRUE ⇒ bagvalue (bagdiff (b1 7→ b2 )) = bagvalue (b1 ) − bagvalue (b2 )
axm20: ∀b1,b2·b1 ∈COINBAG∧b2 ∈COINBAG∧subbag(b1 7→b2)=TRUE ⇒ bagvalue (b1 ) ≤ bagvalue (b2 )
axm21 : ∀b1 , b2 ·b1 ∈ COINBAG ∧ b2 ∈ COINBAG
⇒ bagvalue (bagunion (b1 7→ b2 )) = bagvalue (b1 ) + bagvalue (b2 )
axm22 : addcoin ∈ COIN × COINBAG → COINBAG axm23: ∀c,b·c∈COIN∧b∈COINBAG
⇒ addcoin(c 7→ b) = b ▹− {c 7→ b(c) + 1}
axm24 : removecoin ∈ (COIN × COINBAG) →7 COINBAG
axm25: ∀c,b·c∈COIN∧b∈COINBAG∧b(c)̸=0 ⇒ c 7→ b ∈ dom(removecoin)
axm26: ∀c,b·c∈COIN∧b∈COINBAG∧b(c)̸=0
⇒ removecoin(c 7→ b) = b ▹− {c 7→ b(c) − 1}
axm27 : ∀b·b ∈ COINBAG
⇒ b = {c·⊤|c 7→ b(c)}
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