CS 6340 Lab 0 Introduction to LLVM

Lab 0: Introduction to LLVM
Spring Semester 2020

Due: 20 January, at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time

This lab involves running and extending LLVM, a popular compiler framework for a large class
of programming languages, that will be used to implement all the labs in this course. You will
setup the LLVM framework in the provided course VM and implement an LLVM pass that will
perform simple analytics on an input program. Specifically, your pass will compute the number
of functions and instructions in the input C program.

● Tools used in the course:
– http://cmake.org/cmake-tutorial/

– http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Simple-Makefile.h

– http://releases.llvm.org/8.0.0/tools/clang/docs/UsersManual.html

– http://releases.llvm.org/8.0.0/docs/CommandGuide/index.html

● LLVM Programming:

– http://releases.llvm.org/8.0.0/docs/index.html

– http://releases.llvm.org/8.0.0/docs/WritingAnLLVMPass.html

– http://releases.llvm.org/8.0.0/docs/ProgrammersManual.html#basic-in


The LLVM framework is pre-installed on the course VM and the skeleton code for Lab 0 is
located under ​/home/cs6340/lab0/​. We will refer to this top-level directory for Lab 0 simply as
lab0​ when describing file locations for the lab.

Throughout the labs, we will use ​CMake​, a modern tool for managing the build process. If you are
unfamiliar with ​CMake​, you are strongly advised to read the ​CMake tutorial first (please pay
attention to Step 1 and Step 2.) Running ​cmake produces a Makefile that you might be more
familiar with. If not, read the ​Makefile tutorial before proceeding further. Once a Makefile is
generated, you need only call ​make​ to rebuild your project after editing the source files.

The following commands set up the lab:


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$ cd ~/lab0

$ mkdir build

$ cd build

$ cmake ..

Among the files generated, you should now see ​PrereqPass.so in the current directory.
PrereqPass.so​ is built from ​lab0/src/PrereqPass.cpp​ which you will modify shortly.

clang is a C language compiler that uses LLVM and serves as a drop-in replacement for the ​gcc
compiler. If you know how to use ​gcc​, you should be fine with ​clang​. Otherwise, ​you should
scan the user manual​ to familiarize yourself with some of the ​clang​ command line options.

While we typically think of building static and dynamic analysis tools for C programs, our actual
LLVM passes must run on LLVM IR — think of it as LLVM assembly language. If we want to
run our PrereqPass on some C program, we first compile that C program down to LLVM IR:

$ cd ~/lab0/test

$ clang -emit-llvm -S -fno-discard-value-names -c simple0.c

Some of these options may be unfamiliar to you: ​-S instructs clang to perform preprocessing and
compilation steps only, ​-emit-llvm instructs the compiler to generate LLVM IR (which will be
saved to ​simple0.ll)​, and ​-fno-discard-value-names prevents clang from discarding names
in the generated LLVM.

opt is a tool from LLVM that performs analyses and optimizations on LLVM IR. We will use
opt​ to run our custom LLVM pass on the compiled C code:

$ opt -load lab0/build/PrereqPass.so -Prereqs -disable-output


Note that ​-load loads our LLVM pass library, but ​-Prereqs actually instructs opt to run the pass
on ​simple0.ll​. (Libraries can and often do contain multiple LLVM compiler passes.) You
should consult the ​documentation for opt and understand the potential ways to use the tool; it
may help you build and debug your solutions.


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You should see the sample output from the above command as follows:

Analytics of Module lab0/test/simple0.ll

# Functions : 0

# Instructions : 0

Lab Instructions

LLVM passes are subprocesses of the LLVM framework. They usually perform transformations,
optimizations, or analyses on programs. We have templated a pass for you to modify; in
particular, you will need to edit the ​runOnModule function in the pass file (​lab0/src/
Prereqs.cpp​) so that it correctly prints the number of functions and instructions for an input C

You will have to learn how to utilize many classes in the LLVM API. Some of the more general
ones that you will use and reuse throughout the labs in this course are ​Module​, ​Function​,
BasicBlock​, and ​Instruction​. You should get in the habit of scanning some of the LLVM class
documentation, as each contains many useful methods that you might find helpful in
implementing some of the labs. We also follow the ​LLVM coding standards for code (variables,
types, classes etc.). At the very least, you should consult ​the relevant section​, but the standard
serves as a good programming guideline.

Now, returning to the task at hand, think of the ​runOnModule function as the main entry point to
your compiler pass. Inside a ​Module​, you can find all program ​Functions​. In LLVM, a function
consists of one or more ​BasicBlocks that contain ​Instructions​. ​Traversing over these program
elements is common when working with LLVM and you should expect to get familiar with
various traversal techniques.

In short, you should break down the lab into the following tasks:

1. Find all functions in a ​Module​.
2. For each ​Function​, count its instructions using one of the traversal techniques in the

3. Update ​NumOfFunctions​ and ​NumOfInstructions​ accordingly.

LLVM Pass Structure. ​At the end of ​Prereqs.cpp​ you will notice some additional utility code:

char Prereqs::ID = 1;

static RegisterPass X(“Prereqs”, “Prereqs”, false, false);


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The code hooks our ​Prereqs class into the LLVM framework so we can use it via the ​opt
command. We register our ​Prereqs pass via ​RegisterPass​, and instruct LLVM to
identify it on the command line as “Prereqs” with the arguments to ​X​. It will help if you
familiarize yourself with some of the ​basic code​ required to setup a new LLVM pass end-to-end.

Example Input and Output

Your pass should run on any C program that compiles to LLVM IR. As we demonstrated in the
Setup section, we will compile some C programs to LLVM IR and then run your pass on them
using ​opt​:

$ opt -load lab0/build/PrereqPass.so -Prereqs -disable-output


If completed correctly, you should see the sample output as follows:

Analytics of Module lab0/test/simple0.ll

# Functions : 1

# Instructions : 22

Items to Submit

We expect your submission to conform to the standards specified below. To ensure that your
submission is correct, you should run the provided file validator. You should not expect
submissions that have an improper folder structure, incorrect file names, or in other ways do not
conform to the specification to score full credit. The file validator will check folder structure and
names match what is expected for this lab, but won’t (and isn’t intended to) catch everything.

The command to run the tool is: ​python3 zip_validator.py lab0 lab0.zip

Submit the following files in a single compressed file (​.zip​ format) named ​lab0.zip​. For full
credit, there must not be any subfolders or extra files contained within your zip file.

● Submit your modified version of the file ​Prereqs.cpp

Upload your zip file to Canvas. Make sure the spelling of the filenames and the extensions are
exactly as indicated above. Misspellings in filenames may result in a deduction to your grade.


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